Reddit r/Politics is in meltdown

Reddit is getting real fucking spicy, I don't think I've had this much craic since 2016

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There's no way Bernie's campaign actually suffered significantly because of its cringe online usebase acting like smug holier-than-thou savior pricks, but I like pretending it did anyways. I want to see those cucks lose sleep over it.

>Berniebros become racists after being BTFO
2020 is already amazing

I can't read that shit.

These ""POC"" couldn't even tell the policy their candidates are running on. They deserve to be treated like plantation workers. Fuck niggers.

Got u sexy bb

"I don't really get your point honestly. Sanders was going for the youth black vote. Youths didn't come out in any color though. He won the Hispanic vote thus far (about 19% of the country and a growing voter base) and older black voters were always gonna go for Biden and we all know why."

"Excuse me? Why am I voting for Biden? Please enlighten me, my wise Reddit superior.

>Sanders was going for the youth black vote.

How exactly? By screaming "Bernie marched with MLK and Biden supports segregation!"? Yeah bro, that's just insulting.

I'll tell you one thing black voters of all age know: Bernie's state has one of the highest black incarceration rates in America, a hell of a lot higher than anywhere in the south. His career had 40 years to acknowledge that instead of running on "getting tough on crime", but no, he just posted pictures of himself with black people a few days before South Carolina.

You know what the difference between Bernie and Bloomberg is to a black voter? Bloomberg acknowledges that he did some fucked up things and explained how he intended to make good on that while Bernie just screams that he's a billionaire.

And then there's Biden. We're not sure if he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal at this point, but he's a fuck lot better than our other options."

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Berntards about to go NatSoc.

Imagine thinking niggers are going to vote for free college for white kids

Good. NOw fuck off

Oh, please, please do

Attached: FireShot Capture 085 - DBJ on Twitter_ _@psychdr100 Maybe Texas will become a Russian satell_ - (1490x203, 52.49K)

Dumb nigger. He never actually gives a reason why he is, in fact, voting for Biden. The closest he comes to it is that he doesn't like Bernie supporters.

Most niggers cant even comprehend the incarceration rate in their own state, this nigger is so full of shit.


Fucking dumb animals

Why is it that once a black lands an IQ above a hot summer day they start talking like they are handing stone tablets down from mount olympus? It annoys the fuck out of me. They all do this. It's 'um, no sweetie' from start to finish.

Just state your point nigger.

If this happens, I'm moving back to Texas

How fast after biden is ordained as the nominee will it take for r/politics to fall in line with he dnc.

Blacks hate Jews
Many of them are Muslim now too
They hate Spics too btw, and Bernie is open borders free healthcare for illegals
They know what they’re doing

i love seeing niggers vote for their white democrat master and defending him

>Implying that's not a jew larping

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This, it sounds like a jew pretending to be black. If it was a real nigger, a young nigger voting it would sound more like a shitty twitter post. This could be scary russia shit posting for all we know. People are fucking gullible.

You're the retard here. Its a reddit post. There's 0% chance the guy is black or elderly. Its some LARPing zoomer

this is why. there is no deeper reasoning here. the average convo went like this "oh shit biden that's obamas boy" Shiieeeeeeet biden all day nigga

You could say the same thing about people who post with the watermelon flag here.

They usually just downvote and collectively shit on any news story that's even slightly interesting. Infighting at least sounds entertaining.

some seem to be doing so already

i love how i hear "not voting in their interests" over 6 million times and leftists STILL don't understand how fucking racist that sentiment is.
i'm going to fucking drown in the irony of them calling the right nazis while parroting that blacks don't have the right to think

stopped reading there

>and actually tried to understand what the roots of the democratic party is made of
yes please, let's go back to the roots of the democratic party: niggers not being allowed to vote.

I had an account that I spent almost a year posting dogshit comments to build up points so I wouldn't get put on a 15 minute timer when I eventually started posting what I actually thought and I only recently got banned

I miss trolling that place, it was too funny

>"Why don't conservative rural and suburban Drumpftards vote for their own economic self interests? What a bunch of fucking retards we know what's best for them even if they don't"

>"w-why didn't Bernie do well with the black voters? I don't understand somebody please help?"

I'd laugh so hard if it turns out to be all Russian bots

bernie bro vs. blacks is the best thing to happen for trump, the only thing better would be id spics and niggers went at it

>roots of the Democratic party

Lynching blacks? Is that why they vote for them? I'm confused.

>doesnt care about policy
>just cares about what his other black brothers voted for
>cares about PR and apologies while dismissing bernie sanders pr
>thinks black incarceration was bernies fault
this is so delicious

the dude's point is Bernie was a senator for forty years and did fuck all for black people
why would an entire voting constituency vote for someone that hasn't done shit for them?


1. Blacks are, in fact, niggers
2. Free healthcare? Niggers don't value their own health. They're obese, drink soda and eat fast food, take drugs, endorse risk behavior, etc. Free healthcare means nothing to them.
3. Free college? Niggers don't value education. It's "acting white". You make more money hustlin' anyway.
4. Good jobs and higher minimum wage? Niggers don't value work. They have simple needs (food, sex, status) than can be satisfied with the gibs they already get.

Blacks are dumb


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sounds comfy

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absolutely tru, leftist/bernie supporters are the most racist people i've ever met, and the fact that they pretend to be progressive anti-racist is absolute bullcrap! they are more racist than hitler! smfh desu senpai

Short version: Bernie is running on white, middle class values that might appeal to people in Vermont, but are pretty much the antithesis of nigger values

If that happens I'm flying over

#4 you forgot: actually getting a job and becoming financially independent means no more gibs.


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I've seen Bernie called racist many times. He was our guy, but instead four more years of Trump, you guys should start jogging so when you get drafted in the Iran war you'll b ready.

No one wants to be part of a freak show except other freaks. His supporters definitely turned off a lot of people.

Why would non whites want to move out of texas? Does this person have no clue on texan history?
Yes, I know that was a rhetorical question.

This sounds fucking awesome. Sign me up for “exile” please.

Unironically it was non-Whites that voted for Biden.

So basically Bernie didn't kiss enough nigger ass?

They're the way they are out of some idea of reparations from whitey.

>let's make a state with only white people protected by a giant wall, that'll show those racists!!!

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>"If you are white you don't know what it's like to be poor"
fuck off nigger

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Never would have considered moving to 40% white Texas....but 90% white Texas....hmmmmmm


I’m beginning to wonder if Bloomberg or DNC operatives were responsible for all the Bernie spam the last couple of weeks?
Because that shit made me want to murder them all and swear never to vote for that commie Jew at any cost

>bernies state
>having anything to do with bernie
Man bern outs having to deal with retards is some irony squared

Their irl optics were your local trannys/drunks

well he's right Bernie Sander is a fraud and hypocrite.
In Hampshire he called my hamster a nigger to his face, which my hamster replied.
>No Bernie I can ensure you, I'm a hamster!
I chipped in and confirmed, but he only replied

Then he walked away. it's all show and tokenism he is a monster

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This is a pretty solid redpill.

If blacks actually wanted to vote in an educated way, they wouldn't vote for the party of slavery and the KKK at all.


They vote democrat because they are the largest recipients of gibs in the US.


>"At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month. The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent."

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>stone tablets down from Mt. Olympus

Way to mix metaphors you absolute smooth brain.

>maybe we can defeat our enemies by giving them exactly what they want

that's a cute boi.


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Turns out the empowering message of "DRAG QUEENS 4 BERNIE" may not resonate with black voters as much as white millennials. Who could have guessed?

thats a Queen, user.

People in /r/politics are finally realizing that they're in an echo chamber and that nothing they've been seeing there is real.

The fact that Berniebros are extremely quick to call black people low information stupid niggers for not voting for Bernie is exactly the reason black people didn't vote for Bernie.


fucking cuck posting pragerJEW nobody gives about democrats being the real racist party you stupid boomer retard

If Bernie actually cared about people of color like he claims, he'd listen to them and drop out now. Then he'd throw his full support behind Biden to stop Trump. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho


That is one uppity entitled nigger.

Shut up spic. Take a look at those welfare recipient numbers.