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Other urls found in this thread:

Stinky chinese eat bat soup. Now air bad


I hope it wipes out at least 15% of the world's population

Too late, your incompetence made you be late to grab the window for survival opportunity. Time to die.

20% get serious symptoms, including 6% who become critical, develop ARDS and are at extreme risk of death without intensive medical care, ie. ventilator
How coronavirus kills:

If you have chronic conditions like hearth disease, asthma, other respiratory conditions, diabetes etc.. you also at significant risk of death, even more so if you tick multiple boxes


In conclusion eat your vitamin Cs and Ds and try to get full nights rest each and every night

it is yet another happening that never happens senpai

Ah rats, I have been defeated by this 5 month old guardian article. Curse you

it's more deadly than influenza, but it's not as bad as the doomers say it is. it may or may not become endemic.

Nothing will happen. Schizos will spam the board for a few months after it dies off in a couple weeks.

Does it kinda seem like it targets certain political ideologies a little bit or nah?

>tfw it only kills commies and muslims

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Bioweapon controlled by england

too many useless poor chinks in China so their government is killing them off

>durrr hurrr Chinas going to attack their only edge over the US
Show me the part where Sun Tzu tells to catapult dead cows into your own cities

Attached: Trebuchet_cow.jpg (500x629, 58.51K)

ZOG bioweapon

>Source: Some anonymous faggot on Yas Forums.
It's like you kids have never seen a media flu scare before.

Unless you're a chink boomer it's a nothingburger akin to ww3 vs Iran or the Seattle false flag meme

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the source is in the link man, the man that runs that channel is an actual doctor in an american hospital

Sun Tzu wouldn't give advice like that. He would instead analyse the battle and then if dead cows needed catapulting for part of the strategy, achieve it.

its the Freemasons actually blame the Queen of England.

It's nothing but a marketing scheme for the new Disney movie.

Attached: flulan.jpg (500x707, 116.46K)

Manufactured panic to cover the flu-like health problems from the 5G rollout.

Attached: 5glogo.jpg (220x141, 8.27K)

>these slightly different kind of waves that need less energy to transmit the same amount of information are suddenly going to murder you

Novel Coronavirus is not the same thing as Covid-19. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause everything from the common cold to SARS. Novel Coronavirus is the new virus that recently cropped up in China. However, Covid-19 is the lung disease that results from infection with novel coronavirus. The relationship is similar to that of HIV versus AIDs. HIV is the little beastie.... AIDs is one or more of the diseases that one might get if one is exposed to HIV. Ruboella is a beastie. Measles is the result. That's All.

>needs more energy to transmit anything

Attached: MzE0NDA2Nw.jpg (1240x746, 735.14K)

what are you trying to say?

not exactly... SARS is the equivalent term to AIDS
sudden acute respiratory syndrome
Covid-19 is a specific strain of Coronavirus.

>broadcasting 60GHz requires a lot of energy
>most energy gets absorbed by O2
>people have trouble breathing all the sudden

Attached: 5g-60ghz-water.png (405x316, 17.19K)

that chart of yours basically says the signal is __NOT__ going to penetrate your innards, you are mostly water.

>dies off in a couple weeks.
Even in a best case scenario, we will be dealing with this for the rest of the year, minimum, and tens of thousands will die. It hasn't even begun in the states yet, we're just getting to the early spread before it takes off

You know why laser protective goggles work? because the goggles ABSORB it all

Why are tinfoilers so crazy, mommy?

It's not going to happen, faggot. Take your fucking meds.

>completely ignores O2 linked to 5G
>completely forgets we're talking about breathing complications
>freaks out and argues like a kike

go to bed

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because they work for the CIA, take the "chemtrails" for example, the difference between real bioweapon deployment and the "popularized" conspiracy is that you literally cannot see the real weapon

completel inversion of the "conspiracy", I don't think its by accident

I see the CIA isn't sending their brightest

Attached: steve buscemi how do you do fellow kids FBI.jpg (1400x1050, 220.43K)

Don't bother,
is just a dumb nigger trying to cope with his inability to read anything or do basic research

>CIA is shilling against 5G

Attached: b2bomber.jpg (1200x674, 20.38K)

We're dealing with something at least as contagious and deadly as the flu. I think every sane person can acknowledge that much. And the flu killed 80k people last year, so what makes you think this will be less severe than that? Especially when it grabs hold and becomes uncontainable, which is where we are now.

come on, everyone sees you're just trying to diver attention away from the fact that the virus was released just before suleimani got droned which happened itself just after the saudi oil refineries got cruise missiled along with those oil tankers


Bioweapon made by USA and Israel to BTFO China and Iran.

South Korea and Italy are "unfortunate" casualties.

>>Pic related.

Attached: bioWeapon.png (1045x559, 117.59K)

manufacture panics can do two things

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>divert attention away from two things

eerything you need to know is here just translate it

"Because severely ill patients often have elevated IL-6 levels, which can easily lead to bloating, opioids should be avoided; 2019-nCoV can still inhibit sinus node function and cause sinus bradycardia, so it should be used with caution on the heart. Inhibitory sedatives"

also they are using mega dosing intravenous vitamin c to keep lungs from falling apart to prevent the main morality cause, the western countries may not do that

it's akin to a cold and flu virus that no one has immunity too. Unless you're old or in the third world you'll be fine

The virus causes this super low heart rate which makes you dizzy and pass out in the streets,

Because it's not uncontainable and it's only killing compromised people who were sitting around waiting to die from some other infection. Flu will still kill more than corona this year.

"Its not even as bad as the flu" cope? So are going even further in the delusion as your reality of "it's the flu bro" fell apart? Is this what one would call... Doubling down on dumb?

I've read so much here and on regular news I have no idea what to believe anymore

It's hard to breath, and I'm feeling kind of tired.

I suggest you follow main stream media, they love you, dont forget dont buy masks the doctors need them

Well the federal government just passed a bill to give big pharma $3 billion on (((vaccine research))). But you really should not concern yourself with that and get back to panic buying.

imagine seeing a trailer for a movie and being excited to see a movie, but dying before you can?

my point is we live in a time where 'truth' does not exist

the real 'truth' could be said here or on mainstream media, but there is no way we can actually know it's true at this point

at least that is my perspective as I do not trust the media at all and I certainly don't trust you fucks because I've been here long enough to know what you all are capable of


If they are telling you this cow right here isn't a bioweapon they're lying to you

Attached: unnamed.jpg (407x512, 39.92K)

Where's COVID 1-18?

Attached: H'WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.jpg (819x1000, 264.39K)

so you think people cant breath cuz of this and the people around them can not suffer at the same time?

It stands for 2019 and virus itself is actually named SARS-CoV-2

The flu hits old people worse and actually kills under under 10s which corona doesn't.
>pic related washington state 2016-17 flu season

Attached: WA-DOH-2016-17-Flu.png (586x286, 51.73K)

Medical resources aren't even saturated yet and it kills 40 times more people than the flu

....Where's SARS-COV-1?

Attached: dang ol reaction.jpg (286x402, 57.57K)

How come Japan's numbers are still down? Weren't they the second country to get infected?

Google SARS epidemic

No, it's called reality. Happeningfags are living in a fantasy. You aren't going to watch everyone around you get sick and die while you and your mentally ill NEET friends inherit the earth. This shit will come and go and you'll will move on to the next dumbass thing that's going to kill us all for real this time I swear.

>it kills 40 times more people than the flu
mortality rates are pretty much the same m8

>How come Japan's numbers are still down?

So this is just a mutated SARS virus then?
That's all this is?

Attached: 1443266075068.png (462x299, 53.66K)

3.8% global fatality rate according to the news, orders of magnitude more dangerous than flu

It has mutation making it 100 to 1000 times easier to catch, real nasty fucker

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>It has mutation making it 100 to 1000 times easier to catch, real nasty fucker
Meh. I don't get sick anyway. Haven't had a cold in 10 years, and I've survived several flu minefields.

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