Webms that make you think

Post webms that make you think

Attached: 1582037120305.webm (640x360, 2.41M)

she is built for BBC.

That was a demon. 100%.

Attached: 1517753998629.gif (240x228, 857.88K)

Dirty kikes do not want fluoride and circumcision to be banned

No user, thats no demon. Its a jew

some people are fucked in the head. nothing new.

>implying there is a difference
oh sweaty

Attached: 1581507001642.jpg (600x800, 415.23K)

Who's got the pic of the mong gun nut done shit herself?

>some people
leftists (all of them)

Attached: 1583263431844.webm (1600x1200, 2.97M)


what's with the bags under her eyes
does she not sleep?

Attached: chargehandle.webm (740x416, 2.9M)

Attached: dog_mauls_kid.webm (720x404, 2M)

I want to have a three way with them.

That is not the same species as me.


Post 3 faggot.

haha its the retard AOC

Attached: hillary hole.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

Attached: forward assist.webm (740x416, 2.9M)

It is AOC.

Attached: 1583072132965.webm (640x368, 2.96M)

Whats the point if this one? That this fuck needs to lube his BCG?

I get that it's a meme at this point, but it doesn't make it any less degenerate.

Attached: Mutt's Law.png (750x751, 83.04K)

Attached: 1583104630220.webm (270x480, 2.86M)

imagine all those faggot betas that think she is hot and cant resist here, they would have mixed alien kids like this, THOSE TEETH!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-04 (3) pol - Webms that make you think - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.jpg (1798x1215, 299.77K)

hahahah what is this


Well, there goes the thread.

Attached: 1572098379366.webm (540x960, 2.93M)

was expecting a nigbull but cool webm

Just China being China.

Attached: 1582995867161.webm (512x640, 2.91M)

The left: "demons don't exist dude lol god isn't real"

Also the left:

This is a monkey.

Really makes you think if hitler was wrong

are jews higher iq than average people? it just seems fucking amazing

Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with her teeth holy shit

Attached: 1581552734706.jpg (693x663, 60.21K)

I think it's a training video for quarantining covid19 Chinese people.

Attached: 1581722796900.webm (368x640, 886.05K)

you sound like a britcuck that hasn't heard of braces

Coronavirus checkpoint

Attached: monday night raw.webm (202x360, 2.95M)

Forward assists are the most idiotic thing invented on a gun. If the bullet won't chamber, why fucking force it?

would rape then impale for the glory of R O M E

she's ugly af let it go

>A tiny net! It's a net and it's tiny

y tho?

awwww it's so cute!!!!

I wish I was a kid again.

Attached: 24270-30722-14591.jpg (680x578, 69.65K)

a-are they clearing the air after what happened?

Those teeth are way out of proportion retard, that one front incisor is not even the same size as the other one, I had braces, but she would need head gear and I think she must have fake veneers now, fuck off inexperienced low life

jesus christ

Okay Vlad.

Attached: 1568492020685.webm (340x500, 2.38M)

The same people who make these posts also made this image:
So many of you have fallen for it.

Did it die?

normal african observed

Hmmm yes
a tiny net is a death sentence

let’s see them breed...


AIDS brain.

is this how sausage is made

thats a fricken demon

hey that's that gun faggot who shit her pants lmao

Why is she wearing a yarmulke? I thought that was for men? Either way I want her to grab my cock with the same dead stare and agresiveness as she grabs that mic.

Attached: bump stocks for guns.webm (960x540, 2.47M)

Engineering is about making shit that works, first and foremost. The forward assist made shit work when it wouldn't have otherwise. Yes, it's mostly vestigial at this point, but why remove it when it does serve a small purpose and isn't in the way of anything?

Jews are such a fucking ugly rat faced race

How is that house not collapsed but the WTC went down

maybe its a he

>Why fucking force it
You force it into battery to make sure the extractor will work and you can clear the jam. That's why it's "Tap Rack BANG" not "Tap CLICK Grumble Rack CLICK Grumble Rack BANG."



Attached: 1582955211607.webm (368x640, 2.99M)

Attached: hole.webm (740x416, 2.82M)

its usual for neo-homo erectus to mark territory using bodily fluids and feces

Whys she got tits then

It makes me sad seeing this. A perfectly normal little girl brainwashed and used by the elite for their nefarious purposes.

no audio streams really sucks. I miss infinity

Attached: goodboy.webm (480x480, 1.49M)

goddamn that's so cool

is this what an oil well looks like in India

Attached: 1567465485239.webm (450x360, 1M)

Attached: 1574388595325.jpg (642x874, 63.18K)

I guess we'll never know. Certainly looked fatal.

Attached: kino.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: rama.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

I can't see shit dude

Is that the Turkish version of Uncle Sam?

The fuck is this? Did someone throw him?

Attached: 1580319135058.webm (728x676, 2.77M)

>asking this question in 2020

No one wants to see AOC PMSing

Wtf is rama rama? And thanks for giving us the Big Lez Show.