Any minimum-wage wagies on here? How are you planning on getting out of your predicament?

Any minimum-wage wagies on here? How are you planning on getting out of your predicament?

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Just get a better job >> Thread

Minimum wage isn't that bad if you're not retarded. Just stop wasting money and invest. Also acquire assets like a car, ect.

Do anything you can to save. Move in with a friend, or live in your car.

Tried for years. Eventually gave up and just stopped working at all. Now I get free healthcare, free groceries, live on a couch and play vidya all day. My only other choice is working for an amount that only gets me to the point where I'm paying for healthcare and groceries, and am broke again. If I'm broke no matter what, the smart choice is to be lazy and broke, instead of busy and broke.

Just coasting. I moved into my car to cut costs. I don't really like people that work in higher-paying jobs. I worked in finance for five years and felt like shit. Walked-out on the job. You need to budget and get bigger dreams in life if you are depressed.

if you absolutely don't give a shit about getting hired in the near future due to having a criminal record id say start selling drugs. start off with weed and when you start getting connected with other "suppliers", start moving pills and other hard drugs.

its fun, you get to meet new people. if you're socially autistic you wont be like that anymore after awhile of selling drugs to people

>Just stop wasting money and invest. Also acquire assets like a car, ect.
>Minimum wage
pick one.

You will never get out of it if you are surrounded by poor fucks. You need to get the hell out of town and out of the poverty mindset.

i swear if more people had your mentality the entire system would collapse over night and i hope it does too. most people are working jobs just to cover the bare minimums and have no left over money to use. they keep telling themselves that eventually things are going to turn around and get better but it never does meanwhile they just spent decades being " busy and broke "

Nah, just kidding. I don't own poison. Will be doing it the old fashioned way with a shotgun.

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Used to be minimum wage

Constantly worked got promoted no longer poor

eventually finding a better job but I gotta finish college and then look for other skills

Saving up to go to trade school and just finished getting a car, It's good if it's only temporary while you get yourself set up. Otherwise you might as well kill yourself, you can't live off that alone.

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Gonna join the Coast Guard.

>Toastie coastie poastie

Haha fuck you wagies

You don't lol

Security guard on shift right now. It's nice working all different venues and seeing shows for free and whatnot. But dealing with the constant problems gets to you. I'm going to become a mesne landlord and see where that takes me

Yeah. If I didn't have any kids I'd straight deal drugs.

Minimal wage here is 300$ a month... rent and taxes are atleast $200 i cant imagine living on it

teach me
ive worked full for the past 16years
im tired
currently working seven days a week 10 hours a day
its all so tiresome

The busy and broke statement defines me to a T.

It was very hard, the local economy was terrible because of some reasons I won't get into. I did the typical boomer shit, like actively look for employment everywhere, had a decent resume, unique and articulate applications, I very subtly let everyone know I was looking for work, like all my mates and everyone at the pub, I worked for free, I developed a few skills, but nothing came of it, absolutely nothing for 3 years, always looking clean shaven and presentable 24/7 just incase I would run into someone who could give me a job, but in the end I got a labouring job through nepotism finally, but they paid me less than minimum wage and I was exposed to some very dangerous things, my hand is fucked from a vibration injury. Ended up quitting that after a few years and got a mid tier workshop job. The whole ordeal was fucking depressing as fuck

Rent a room, take public transit, eat ramen/rising crust pizza, drink hard liquor, find a job with UPS or FedEx etc who will pay for your tuition. I put myself through university using that formula. Now I earn 50$/hr as an entry level civil engineer.

Started working for the government. Currently making $17.35 and have health insurance that is really fucking good, $300 deductible. Still taking classes, hopefully I can get a college degree and make a middle class living. I'm taken care of and believe me, being white and working for the federal government is no walk in the park. I'm literally a minority and have to work with that. Still better than skewering chickens for Schlomo for $8.00 an hour.

Was working at pizza hut and ended up doing this when I realized I could buy extra weed and sell it. Started out small while still working then took it fulltime. That was in 2016.

Had to move out of my nice white town to niggerville. Cops are too busy to worry about me. I only sell to friends and good referrals. I just sit at home all day with my dog and make great money. No criminal record either and I dont have tinted windows so the cops can tell im a respectable civilian. No worries

You are the reason why marijuana should be legal to grow.

Well, see I had this plan that eventually when I saved up enough I would buy some kind of cord, firearm or inhalant mask and kill myself

Thank you. I would like to grow it. If it was ever legal, my connect and I have talked about how it would be cheaper to rent a house and get equipment than it is to keep buying supply. Even though my state is decriminalized, the risk just isnt worth that step just yet



If you are literally stuck in minimum wage jobs, you are low IQ and don't deserve the benefits.

The only solution is to start your own business. Good luck though, all the rules are written to keep you from doing just that. They want you to stay in your cubicle making a hair over minimum or at your cash register offering fries with that. They don't want you to control your own income. They don't want you to compete with them. They have all the power and all the money and if they can't get their way they will break laws to keep you beaten down.

But you can do it. Many have succeeded and taken control of their own destiny. You can as well.

I was one and holy shit. Working at mcdonalds or whatever sucks. Seeing the kind of people that work min wage was depressing.

Many of them had 0 hope of ever getting a better job. Many refused to go to college or even finish their GED. They just wanted some cash to buy drugs or to afford the bare minimum and that was good enough.

Telling them shit like how I was just working there part time to have some extra money during my college years was like an insult to them. Some of them looked at me like if I was filthy rich for some reason, even though I'm not.

Idk how some people do it. I will never be ok with the shit I have, I'll always work to become even 1% better than what I was yesterday. But some people just do not care about having a better life. Having a good life to them is like some sort of distant dream, and that's horrible.

so many normie jobs have great pay. Target, Lowes, Home depot pay pretty decently. Dont even need any skills

I wouldn't be ok with it if I was brazilian either lol

Don't actually do it user, wageslaving is bad but hell is worse. We all die anyway, might as well stick it through and go out swinging

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Selling weed isn't a job. You should make money selling something else instead. I said that you are the reason that growing should be legal because if it was the price would drop like a rock and you would have to get a job. The police don't stop it though, so anyone with balls can grow without consequence but most people don't have balls. You do. Use that fire to do something productive with your life that doesn't harm your friends and community. Sooner or later legalization of sales is going to put you out of business anyway.

I hate competing with drug dealers. Life is a game and you are cheating.

people have jobs right? i dunno i'm smart so i just work at home when i feel like it online and make crazy money then just fuck off for a few months and go travel and party or stay at home and do fun shit.


selling drugs is an awesome job, super fun too. you get to set your own hours and everyone wants to be your friend.
only problem is if you dealing shit like cocaine or heroine you gonna have real shitty clients. if you sell just stuff like weed / MDMA / mushrooms you will literally be the life of the party. there is also getting raped in prison so try not to get caught ( unless you like prison rape )


I deliver pizza because I'm an excon killer (was an accident). My best night averaged 43/h for about 8 hours. I've pursued a trade, but even after certification and outperforming all of the other candidates by far, nobody wants to hire an excon. The second that info gets out, their eyes glaze over and they say something generic about calling me back, but it's always a lie.

I accept my fate and I'm very grateful for it. It's far better than prison.

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Exactly. I dont want a job. If I made money selling something else then I would have to pay taxes. This obviously isnt long term but I was going to move out of state anyways. This kept me around. Once its legal, im taking my cash and leaving. How are you competing with dealers? Work smarter, not harder

Pick a good rate that can keep you employed if you get out, and that can score you some bonus money. Lots of chumps screw it up.

Use to work at Mcd where they would only give me about 30 hours a week. Literally only made 12,000 a year after taxes. Now I take 2 graduate classes a semester and make 21,000 after tuition tax free with Federal Student Loans. Beats the fuck out of working.

ya that shit gets you involved with feigns who want to show up at all hours of the night and buy in small increments.

Start out small and take all orders from 10 bags to QPs. Then slowly cut away from the small buyers and establish good clientele who spend good money. You literally only need like 30 solid customers and you are set.


I don't even give a shit about things anymore I never really valued things and now I don't care about them at all I am just trying to figure out why not to KMS besides making my family and friends sad

gonna finish school and hopefully use my education to get a better job. I'm also trying to make extra income off of graphic design work and stuff

T b h senpai I would've snapped a loooong time ago if I were you


Based. Best dealers are white jewish boys. Best clients are date rape chads ( just don't sell chad anything that is a narcotic )

Wait you were actually in? Please give some advice. I want to get sent to a SBS because of the schedule rotation and I think the MLBs are cool. I also want to go to a smaller station without barracks so I can get BAH and an apartment instead. Is my line of thinking retarded? Why didn't you stay in?

I compete with dealers for housing and women. If you couldn't sell drugs then you would have to compete with me fairly. If people weren't using all the garages in town to grow weed then I could set up a woodshop in that garage and make something useful.

I make 120k a year. I have children and a stay at home wife who's raising the kids. I have a mortgage, a car payment, and some ongoing loans I was forced to take during an emergency.
There is, practically speaking, not much difference between me and a minimum wage person. This time last year I had $16k in my bank account. Despite being fully employed at a good wage, I was just sent a message by my bank that my account has slowly whittled down to $45.
Mortgage, car payment, health insurance (I'm forced to buy it for my wife and kids at $920 per month right now) and various other expenses destroy my income. I spend nothing on myself. A few bucks a day for maybe a lunch once a week, and a 6 pack of beer every two nights or so. My truck is a piece of shit ford ranger from 2007 and 150k miles. My wife drives our wonderful nissan that I bought new before we bought a house. Then her car broke down so I gave the nissan to her and bought the shitty truck.
I love my house. I love our land. I love it all, but holy shit, $10,000 per month turns out to not be enough. I buy almost nothing for myself at all.

What is minimum wage now? I don't think even minimum wage people make minimum wage. You literally would not be able to live on it.

a car doesn't put money in ur pocket, and wont appreciate in value - a car is not asset. Buy land or stocks

You realize this is what young black men do right? Just add in selling drugs on the side for extra tax free income and you just became a part of the struggle nigga

>acquire assets like a car
I just got a car, driving is fun you guys
although having to pay for insurance is gay

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My clientele is about 70% women. I dont fuck them because I like taking half their paycheck more. I have a nice wife already. Build your own garage.

Buddy where the hell do you live?

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I think Federal is 7.25
But most states are higher

I also make exactly this much, and I do fine because I own my cars, our insurance is around $400, and our house is around $3k/month

However, the thing that really pisses me off is that I lose $3000/month to bullshit. Pure bullshit. Taxes, social security, and whatever other commie crap is on my paycheck. So I only get $7k/month in my pocket

After bills, I can only save/invest about 2-3k each month

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Drove me fucking insane. I couldn't stand it and watching my youth slip away working in a fucking fast food joint on a shitty 0 hour contract while still being forced to work 40+ hours was numbing. The alternative? Going to university? Being lumbered with a student debt I'd never be able to pay off wasn't an option and even if I did it, I knew I wasn't smart enough to actually get a "worthwhile" degree.

So I joined the RAF instead and it's been top bants, good work and great pay. Also made some top mates and memories and every new country I go to, I've made it a goal to sleep with at least one of the natives. Went on an exercise last year for example to Iceland and fucked some fit college girl bareback up the arse. Wouldn't have been able to do that in McCuckles.

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I guess the point of this post got lost as I was typing it. My quality of life is really no different than before I made good money. I'm not happier, except I have a wife and kids and can provide for them. Yes, that's good, but at the end of the day, it's just one of those progress points that you hit and then take for granted after a while.
When it comes down to it, I'm saving nothing, and actually losing money despite working 40+ hours per week. It's functionally no different than being any other 'wagie'. Except the fall will be much further if I lose my income for even a week. I'm not sure how I got to this point. I don't hate my life. I love it. I'm just financially in a pinch.
Just outside Seattle. My house cost $550k and I pay $2650/mo in mortgage + $400 for car + $600 for a home improvement loan that came from a tree that fell and uprooted my wellhead, forcing me to spend $18k to have my whole water system redone.

What do you do? Is that not illegal? It's a lot of hours so surely you make a lot of and have no free time to spend it so you must be rich?

I think I would actually murder someone for $16k but that's probably because I have a nigger mentality

>security guard at a factory
>make just under $12/hour
>probably going to be up to 17$/hour by the end of the year when the company absorbs the guard positions
>benefits include great healthcare and yearly raises
>all I do is sit in a guard shack and shitpost on Yas Forums and print paperwork
There are definitely better jobs than mine but there is no excuse to be making minimum wage. If you're making minimum wage YOU are the problem and chances are you arent even worth the wage you're making.

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Seattle is a hellhole. My mom just moved out of a single bedroom apart there that was costing her 2200 dollars a month.

The military is an excellent option for anyone in a shitty spot that can take it. Far better than grinding as a wageslave, or college. Just need to pursue a proper trade that can be used when back as a civilian.

How tf you kill someone

Was taking care of a cancerous, mentally ill relative that attacked me one day. A single defensive push resulted in a broken rib that pierced vital organs. I told the police exactly what happened and they considered it a confession.

the fucking canadian struggle is real

Yep, I do the same thing. I'm a lot happier and doing better than a lot of people I know who work really hard. Life is about getting the maximum results for the least amount of effort. The smart people at the top and bottom of society understand this and live off the corporate and social welfare which is produced through the work of the gullible wagie

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A car is the polar opposite of an asset. At best, it's a liability you endure because paying for one opens up income-generating opportunities

3rd shift security, my job is to study, I really just exist in a Camper on their property and do what I was going to do anyways, I may be a wagie but atleast im not a slave

Your job is giving lung cancer to women and friends. I used to kill people with alcohol, finally decided I was hurting people and stopped. A lot of my friends did what you do. It's no good for society and you and I should do something else instead.

Military life always sounded pretty nice to me.
Sometimes I dreamed of getting an easy 8-4 chair force job so I could get provided a guaranteed home, meals, health insurance, free education, and other benefits with plenty of money to spare each month to spend on whatever else I'd want.


Most of the help wanted signs I see in stores say starting pay is $11 or $12 an hour. I've never seen less than that posted.

Tfw have a master's degree but working minimum wage job. Stuck in shitty small town bc I was taking care of my sick mother and it's all I could find. Too comfy and unmotivated to leave. Don't even know how to go about finding a half decent job now. fml

We need to abolish income tax for anyone making less than half a million.

>The military is an excellent option for anyone in a shitty spot that can take it.
It really is. Hence why I took it. Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking of where I'd be if I didn't have the balls to try and it scares the fucking shit out of me.

Driving is dangerous
And it's not even just a written test
You have to SIT in a CAR with a total stranger and let them JUDGE YOUR DRIVING
I can't think of anything more stressful and awkward in the entire world

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>get McD's maintenance for a franchise
>take McMd electrical safety and Taylor equipment courses
>work for 5 years while saving money
>take night classes for HVAC to get EPA certs
>get CFESA certs
>buy van and tools and start your own business
>charge $100/hr + parts and less for your old O/O if you like them
>make bank doing mostly simple shit for every burger shack and popsicle stand

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>easy 8-4 chair force job

I actually did 3 years in the NG as an 11B. Don't to POG shit. What kind of person joins the military so they can have an easy job? Niggers, women, and pacos looking for a green card. If you're young and trying to get out of where you are, I'd go for it but you should take a combat MOS or a brainy MOS if you want it to be tolerable.

Fucking pigs this is why I hate them.