What the fuck was the point of his campaign?

What the fuck was the point of his campaign?

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to get it done

To gain favor with American Somoa. He will retire there and form his own island nation.

Helping Trump stay in office. He dropped out after Super Tuesday because that job was done, Trump is reelected.

He's the man most likely to beat Donald Trump.

I like Mike!

To stop Bernie of course

My favorite meme of the year

yeah in hindsight hes a moron

its not over yet. he has delegates and money and no one is getting to 1991

powertrip, he forgot that money is helpful but if you have the charisma of a turnip, its doomed

Maybe to leech as many delegates as possible and pledge to Biden?

To annoy you with his constant ads.


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Steal votes from Bernard Sanders

Probably just bored

Failed investment.

He saved BILLIONS by making sure Bernie and Warren lost.

He’s based desu, to him the 500mil is like 50 bucks to the rest of us plebs. He’s a Chad.


I don’t think anyone actually knew any of his policies

To split the jew vote.

To show that our elections are just a measly game to rich kikes.

He thought he was like trump.
Dipshit didn't realize he wasn't a tv personality, average american had no fucking idea who he was.

He needed a tax writeoff after a good year of making billions.

Trump copycat gone wrong

This. I’d do the same thing if I was that rich. Pay my way onto the debate stage and just shitpost kek

he thought he'd last longer but they bullied him out and he's a pussy that won't fight back.

Trump baited him to run and waste a bunch of money by bruising his ego with the Mini Mike thing

To get enough delegates that he could either pledge them to Biden and have him win outright, or at least ensure a brokered convention so that the super delegates can ratfuck Bernie out of the nomination.

Basically to get a little bit amount of delegates to be able to give them to who ever wins in exchange for concessions on policy.
This is the high IQ reply.
He was a horrible shitposter though.
Really low energy. Sad!

based and redpilled

to spend money

Boredom and megalomaniac

To make joe Biden look decent

Cucking Bernie.

the super rich fear Bernie that much

Stop Bernie from putting a wealth tax on him

divide the voter base

But nobody who was going to vote for Bernie would switch to Bloomberg. The one cucking Bernie is Warren. Bloomberg actually helped Bernie by taking votes from Biden.


>Not wanting a harem of Samoan BBW

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Bernie did that already.

Plus Pete and Ko dropping out and endorsing Biden, Warren helping to take from Bernie. Biden has done nothing to earn any of those votes, he’s just the perfect Manchurian candidate at this point. The DNC need to be firebombed along with the RNC for being corrupt corporations hijacking our country. The rich/elite don’t feel fear anymore, Im sure these people would think twice If they wokeup one morning to a leftist holding a knife to their childrens throat. I just don’t see how “patriots” let these rich fucks, their children, and their friends generation after generation revolving from media to industry to politics stick it in their asses so hard. We live in one of the most bountiful countries in the world, genetic disease shouldn’t bankrupt a person into hell, the rich shouldn’t be 100,000x richer than the average person. How are all these concepts so contested? Because they pour their money into the culture chute that controls how we think, and its easy when the average American is overworked and has a sugared out grain brain

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Tax cuts

Probably some kind of money laundering scheme. Like money spent on who knows what isn't taxable or something.


get around the law that campaigns are only allowed to accept so much in donations. He's basically a hybrid between a super pac and a candidate. Fairly innovative, but ultimately a DNC operation to slow Trump.

>What the fuck was the point of his campaign?
Gematria ritual
mini mike=47

Bernie is a career politician, a jew, and is lying to you like obama did to libs, or trump did to cons.

The thing that was most interesting was that "debate Bloomberg" had little in common with "PR bloomberg". Like whenever he was speaking for himself off cue instead of listening to some soiboi fashion designer giving him tips on how to woo niggers, millennials, zoomies and other trash he was basically like "FUCK YOU I OWN THIS PARTY GIVE ME THE NOMINATION".

He literally increased his net worth despite spending 500mil, that's how literally it meant to him. 500mil is only like 1% of his cash. Imagine having 10k dollars and you spend 100 on new videogames. That's what it was to him. Literally nothing.

I suspect his spending can be used to reduce his taxable income. He probably made more in schemes than he spent on advertising.


most likely this

I spent hur durr 500m hur durrr that how important remove DRUMPF.


Biden was imploding when Bloomberg first came. Bloomberg made Biden look way better when Dems started realizing the details about Bloomberg and saw the debates.

He was testing the waters to see if he could actually buy the presidency, yeah he's that much of a megalomaniac

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I was able about to call you out for insulting bern man but you pointed out both sides of the spectrum are crooked. Gj leaf

Trips of truth.

>Bernie did that already.
He's the only one with genuine support and offering real change. What the fuck are you talking about?

> What the fuck was the point of his campaign?

To become a world famous influencer

Lmao no Sanders supporter would support Bloomberg. Polar opposites.

Whats gonna happen to his "meme team"?

He legitimately said today you're either with us or against us.
This entire primary has been the neoliberal vs socialist wings of the party. It is organic, BECAUSE Bernie has the genuine support and real change. I disagree with his policies, but it's true.

>Hurr durr I spent 500m to boost my ego hurr durr

you underestimate simps who vote Democrat, user

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Undecided suburban voters are largely uncritical retards that vote based on name recognition alone. If Bloomberg had even an ounce of charisma, he wouldn't have to drop out so soon.


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silly leafs can't into wealth
to cock block Bernie, of course. the half-a-bill was cheaper than suffering Bernie's agenda if he won. it's what i'd do.

>black people
>old people
You know that those were Biden's strongest demographics, right? Bernard's supporters were young liberal white males.

>endorsed shillary in 2016
I don't know faggot, you tell me.

So the democrat should go with Bernie instead of creepy dementia joe... Biden is unsalable even for the best propagandist in jewlywood. This shit look staged to give Trump an easy win.

Okay but forget the votes, even if he didn't steal a single vote he 'stole' air time, debate time and basically any exposure Bernard would have gotten if he, Steyer and the rest of the lackeys never ran in the first place.

He's still in it. Voted delegates mean fuck all at this point because, in all probability, nobody is going to get a first ballot win... which means anybody can be nominated by the DNC. At this point, he gets to work quietly behind the scenes while Biden and Bernie have several months to show the world just how fucking unelectable they both are.

Bloomberg can use this time to wine and dine superdelegates, many of whom he already close with while not looking like a retard daily on the evening news. If it goes to a contested ballot... there's a good chance he's the DNC guy. Laugh all you want, but he didn't get to be a multi-billionaire by being fucking stupid. He didn't just piss away half a billion dollars. It was an investment.

I think you're underestimating simps who support Bernie. They'd rather Creepy Joe or Pocahontas be president than Rich Guy McMayor.

The delegate merchant strategy makes a lot of sense.

in a perfect world he would be using it as a publicity stunt for when he runs as a 3rd party

imagine the butthurt

Simple. He's a cocksucking gun grabbing FUCK who thinks because he has money, he can impose his will on everyone else. Rat fuck piece of shit.

>So the democrat should go with Bernie instead
Yea if they were actually principled. If the right was as unprincipled as the left, Jeb! would've got the nominee.
I think it's the best explanation.

bloomberg never expected to do well

he was injected in the campaign to derail Sander from surging. the media attention shifted from Bernie and onto the tragic comedy of bloomberg. biden is now winning and micro penis mike succeeded

He didn’t think Biden would hold up, and he wanted to stop Bernie.
It’s that simple.

Jew flexing in the open. He's going to finance Michelle and Biden ticket now.


>Jeb! would've got the nominee
Dunno about that the kusher mafia behind Trump is pretty solid.

You understood my point fucker.

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We know he believes Biden will not win against the President. He tried becoming an alternative, however, he found out most people find him smug and unlikable and as such unalectable. .

They wanted him to steal Trump votes, but he he took a shut on the debate stage

Doesn't this prove that trump was actually a genius? Clearly money cant solely buy the presidency or else Bloomberg would've made it further. Bloomstein had party backing right from the start but Trump was independent for a long while before accepting the Republicans desperate cries. Bloomerfeld participated in what, a couple debates? The mini mike meme completely emasculated him and he folded. While Trump went through some heavy smearing from Clinton and the dnc.

Really impressive desu, congrats on your president mutts.

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