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yea nothing's gonna happen

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I hope so. But nothing is going to happen. He said this years ago.

this because the law does not apply to jews

I’ll wait for nothing to happen as usual. Trump is all bark no bite. Incredible salesman

Drone him, you fucking pussy

If it weren't for double standards Democrats would have no standards at all. Chuckie will get away with it.

Yeah well then DO SOMETHING about it you extraordinary fucking faggot!! We've been waiting for 4 years with positively zero arrests while half your fucking squad is in jail right now.

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or Democrats
or blacks
or gays
or trannys

Absolutely nothing will happen.
Cap this.


Maybe he should talk to the POTUS about it.

>a tweet

Start shooting people or institute martial law or SHUT THE FUCK UP

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He's a literal demon.
Once you start noticing demons you will never not notice them.

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But mostly jews

The Supreme Court is a jewish institution.

Seething berniefags detected.

Why doesn juden and demon sound so related?

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only because whites are massive pussies who can only write sternly written letters

Mongo should be focusing on the imminent disarray of muttland but he doesn't know how to do that so here you go.

Would you rather us go back to enslaving you, and raping your wife, and daughters in front of you every day while you work your ass off for our benefit?
Keep pushing.

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Give some context you fucking down syndrome patient.

yes grow some nuggets little fugget

My Childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety net and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on all of you. My child is half black and you have no idea the terror I live every day

>Jewish claws typed this post.

>hurr trump is the cop, judge, jury, and executioner
neck yourself

Even James Comey be on twitter shaming Shumer.

Jews or democrats.

you're fitting right in fellow Yas Forumsack

Who decided to have a half black child? The world is not kind to mixed race people. I for one should know better than most; I'm half nazi, and half jewish.

An obvious threat--Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, they don't have to be worried about being voted out of office. How else can you take Schumer's threats? What price are they going to pay, exactly?

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>The president should do something! - Trump

you're a demon too

nigga how?

Trump has been so fucking ineffectual with every bit of his presidency.

F for Scalia.

Go to the link and watch the video idiot.

Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, How else can you take Schumer's threats?
Very good angle on that indeed.
If judges could be removed from their position most certainly Ruth would be long gone by now.

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It was an accident you idiot, do you think I had a nigger baby on purpose?

Supreme Court is gay. They're both morons. Dysfunctional USA needs to start nuclear disarmament ASAP.

He ever does a fucking thing. You’re the president faggot, make something happen. Arrest that kike and make a spectacle of him. Nah, he will just tweet about it.

Wake me up when he actually gets punished. I like the wall going up, but he hasn't deported as many as he said he would, and he hasn't been punishing the fuckers responsible yet

How do you "accidently" have a nigger baby? I would like to hear this explanation.

True post.

There is no precedent for that, anywhere. What there is precedent for, is tweets and outrage blowing over in a few weeks. Look to the established standards if you want to know what happens.

Uncanny, isn’t it

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>All these angry Democrat shills out in full force
wew lad

Oh look another retard appears.

Trump is being a bit of a pussy about this. Don't just tweet about it, do something.

nothing ever happens

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>Orange man trying to criminalize free speach because he got triggered by something

Yes, this is the Republican way. They just couldnt stop hating Freedom and the 1st Amendment even if they got a payout. Well, maybe Trump would. There isnt a principle he loves more than money, not even the principle of pissing on the US Constitution.

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and don't you goys forget it

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They can be impeached and removed. High bar though.

Nice trips

The left, it can't meme. Have fun when your golden boy Biden plays senile and looks like a fool to avoid prosecution.

Based and at a great price too! I have a .22 ar for mid range Im going to build a 556 ar that is long range. Goal is to put a long range scope on it and a custom long barrel+ cheekpad support and some other goodies. I have a weapon for every range. I think an AR is a cheap way to get an effective 200+ yard rifle