In the next three years, at least one of you reading this now will 'deradicalise', swing to the left and become an anarcho-communist taking on the very people you once considered your ideological allies. Which of you will it be?
In the next three years, at least one of you reading this now will 'deradicalise'...
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably the one that sees the left is the closest to actually establishing a fascist government in the US. Would try and twist that myself Desu
>become ancom
I'm a basedboy centrist. I am already deradicalized
After trumps second term the collapse will come. The collapse will will create immense racial tensions leading to the survival of the fittest. whites with traditional esoteric values will be favored to survive in this climate and rebuild. Gibs me dat, health care leeches, and degenerates. will dissolve and perish in the chaos.
forgot to take off meme flag.
You forgot to take your memeflag off
You mean authoritarian state socialist. Herbed because 1 post by this ID bait thread.
Sure, and your balls are gonna finally drop too.
>become an anarcho-communist
something seems off here.
deradicalise by becoming more radical? you people are stupid
Wrong, faggot.
In the next 3 years, at least 50% of /leftypol/ faggots will finally realize the futility of fighting to hasten their own demise via leftist ideals, they'll be converted through their time here as most are, and end up causing our ranks to swell massively.
'Deradicalise' is what the media calls white nationalists going hard left. It's in quotations for a reason you illiterate mongoloids.
Matumba... I thought I could trust your wisdom about the white devil... you have been playing two sides this whole time you dirty nigger
Doubtful. I already went though my Leftist phase when I was younger.
pic-related is your poofter ideology. No thanks.
Is it just me, or are the shills getting lazier?
one is far more likely to go right wing as he ages than go left wing
left wing is idealism, youthful exuberance and urge to right all wrongs
right wing is adulthood, realizing who exactly is behind the wrongs and then impotent seething when you realize the bad guys won ww2
>at least one of you reading this now will forget that 13=50
roflmao ok bro
Imagine being so dumb that you could go Left after being a Nationalist.
Nobody wants to join your gay LARP
fuck off I was shitposting in a "made for bbc thread"
ok troomer
It happens with surprising frequency.
> anarcho communist
"I believe in no government"
"I also believe in authoritarian government"
Fuck off you dichotomous retard
Probably not me. I went the other way years ago. You can't have nice things and nigger user.
I've got to assume the individuals are just easily influenced and were never true Nationalists to begin with, and merely aped being one because of peer pressure or the dank memes. Literally every problem the West has in the 21st century stems from Leftism infiltrating every area of society and I cannot fathom how anyone who truly understands that could then go and adopt Leftist politics.
>become an anarcho-communist
Pick one.
I grow more radicalized against faggot communists with each growing day.
Not a chance schlomie
Can you explain the exact mechanism that causes someone to forget that they're being demographically replaced by people that don't share the same language, culture, or values with you?
How does one stop noticing that there are no more white people in their neighborhood anymore exactly?
LMAO you chapofags went into a complete emotional breakdown today and were utterly subverted by Yas Forums into lashing out at niggers, and now you've resorted to falling into delusions and fantasies that take you to a world where you've achieved what you set out to do here on this website.
I can't make this shit up. It's fucking comical. Have a bump so other anons can witness this magnificent live-action deconstruction of the commie mind.
there's nothing idealist about dialectical materialism, you are speaking out of your ass and parroting typical boomer shit
>there's nothing idealist about dialectical materialism,
Go back to r/antifastonetoss.
No on wants you here.
>pol is 3 people
Can you guys not just take some and slap your sticker onto it?
In the next 3 years you'll be dead by your own hands
hahaha where the fuck are you OP. This is your thread, why aren't you bumping it anymore?
ok troomer
Whoops sorry, was busy rereading that very funny thread full of suicidal nationalists trying to deal with the Midwest becoming Latino
How is becoming Anarcho-Communist 'deradicalising' at any extent?
that girl can't even imitate with quality, let alone tell a quality joke.
>stale tropes about fat people, southerners who commit incest, and racists in general.
it's like reading a middle schooler's
>give me an A+ teacher
best attempt.
Went through my cringe leftist phase already. So unless I get a lobotomy wont be turning into a leftist in the future
me too tbfh
>if you're interested
I'm not and have another bump. You're the living emblem of the endless defeatism of communists. You've literally resorted to fantasizing about how you managed to subvert Yas Forums like you wanted. Fucking lmao, I still can't believe that you're so straight-forward in being a fucking loser hahahaha.
Imagine not being a Left Nationalist
Studies have shown that it's not uncommon for extremists to switch sides. I think some people seek radical politics to fill a void in their lives, and when one ideology can no longer do it, they find another.
>implying I support demsoc Bernie
Imagine thinking that the government should have control over your breakfast choices.
not me
Fascism literally does that too. We’re both authoritarian.
I also would like to know the answer to this
hahahahaha you're literally betraying yourself just to try and run away from an anonymous brazilian monkey.
Yo /leftypol/ tranny, explain to me why EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST movement in history has been financed by the bankers you supposedly hate.
Hmm, I don't know, all those unsure "hahahahaha"s you're typing out, and you calling yourself a monkey, suggests you may not be so sure of yourself Brazilbro
>surely reminding you that the things you complain about are valid, will convince you that they are actually invalid and cause you to join my side.
Communist intellectuals.
>this dude is my ideological enemy
Feels good.
Private Pottery is a Spook.
You'll be with me soon meu amigo