Amerifat education

>Amerifat education

I’m convinced that conservative politics has degraded to “whatever the other side likes, fuck that”

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have you ever seen a street get ruined because of bike lanes? Because I have faggot and I would vote for this man on this principle alone.


Yes, and it is top urbanism

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>'top' urbanism

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I kid you not, I have thought about running for office with NO MORE BIKE LANES as my #1 issue. I KID YOU NOT.

I live in the seattle area, and bike lanes fucked everything up. Here's what happened:
Cyclists complained that motorists were too rude, and that a lane for cyclists was needed.
Despite traffic in the Seattle area already being among the worst in the nation, whatever space could've possibly been used to add another lane for cars was instead used for bike lanes.
After getting these bike lanes, you know what the cyclists did? They said FUCK YOU I want to ride in the same lane as the cars.
So now we have worse traffic than ever, and we still have to deal with these cyclists.

I honestly think that there is enough un-represented anti-cyclist anger among voters that I could win a race.


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Why don't cyclists just use the sidewalk?

Maybe I just live in a tiny city, but the sidewalks are mostly empty anyway, nobody ever cares about a guy biking down the sidewalk, it's when people decide to bike in the fucking road that people get upset.

nobody likes cyclists. they are entitled goobers. they look fucking ridiculous literally larping as lance armstrong in full gear going a whopping 5 mph in the middle of the street

We should be sending cyclists to the death camps.

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Jesus, what a bunch of crybabies. Go move out to the country.

A cyclist has made your commute 30 seconds longer.

Do you:
>Bash his head in.
>Yell out "faggot" and tell him to get off the road.
>Run him off the road.
>Run him over a few times.

Retards painted bike lanes in the city with the most chaotic traffic here. The cars have to squeeze to make room for them, very few people live near enough their jobs to justify using bikes so it was extremely stupid. Other morons applauded the decision.

Just use an outdoor trail like normal people, you stupid pinko fuck.


City I just moved out of put this garbage up on roads it makes absolutely no sense to cycle on.

Over a year, and they're still utterly vacant. Before I got out they were pushing for more. It was never a dense enough city, where parking was ever a concern for cycles to matter.

THAT at least looks like it was a good idea on principle. It's packed with commuters, and at least that part of town looks dense enough that finding parking would be enough of a chore that at least the locals would get better use out of a bike than a car.

>move out to the country
That's what I'm saving up for. Planning on moving to Knoxville.
I already have enough for a down payment on a triplex, but I don't have a "career" that I can continue, so I'm trying to save up to buy 2 triplexes with a $50k cushion so I can fuck around and do whatever for money.
I dream of moving there

Cities should ban all non-commercial vehicles. Segregate buses and train cars by race. Park and rides all on the outside of the city. City dwellers will be much happier with that than the currently long commutes to get to downtown areas from rural and suburban retard areas.

>it is illegal to exercise in america

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Cyclists get the bush. Fucking smug cunts think they own the fucking roads. They belong on the sidewalk I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

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So why don't you bike to work on those supposedly empty bike lanes instead of bitching about the traffic that you're part of?

It takes me 30 minutes to ride 13k through shithouse abominable traffic that would take over an hour to drive through.

You fat diabetic circumcised boomers are just fucking salty that you get winded lifting your slovenly ass out of your recliner.

Fucking dilate faggots.

I just don't understand these people who wear like spandex and those stupid helmets all the time.
When I need to bike around I just wear my normal street clothes and strap my backpack to the cargo rack.
I also have a normal mountain bike and not those faggy race bikes people worship.

>why don't YOU become a cyclist?
Because I'm not a cyclist and I don't enjoy cycling and it causes more problems than ot solves and I'd rather not be the bad guy.
Why are you encouraging me to be the bad guy? Ask yourself that


Fucking Americans.
I bet you physically could not bike to work

Bikers should be genocided. 90% of them are white hipsters or sandniggers doing food deliveries. The latter group is the fucking worst cause they obviously don’t know how to ride a bike properly and they go slow as hell while looking at their phone the whole time. Anyone who lives in Toronto or a similar city knows I’m right.

Agreed Ausbro. Cageys get ragey when this is discussed

>drives massive lifted truck
>the kind of guy that says "I will win on the road if anyone fucks with me."
>tiny little bicycle is nearby

You canucks are notoriously nice to one another — we run each other of the road here in the States

fatass detected

Have you ever seen streets ruined by fatass faggots driving oversized vehicles? I have. If your concern is the integrity of your roads then you ought to start cycling. I hate motorists like you.

nice digits

Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even live in a a city? FUCK bikefaggots.

cyclists get the rope

I just imagined you doing that while wearing your cute little helmet like a child and had a good chuckle

Cedar Park is way out in the bum fuck northwest of Austin, this is not the middle of town. Anyone riding a bike is doing so just to ride it, not to get somewhere. Fuck them, use an inter-park bike path trail or something.
t.used to live near there

>They said FUCK YOU I want to ride in the same lane as the cars.
Bullshit, I try to avoid biking near cars as much as possible because they can't see you and do crazy shit.
Checked. Because I'm faster than cars in the city. I'm can reach >35 mph, it's above the speed limit for cars here.


Holy shit that fucker got rekt

This is braindead. Using a bike isnt a partisan issue to anyone but facebook tier glownigger boomers that hate any avenue that diminishes their perceived control. Faggots in tights are not the only people that ride bikes, shart

So fucking based

I can almost hear your wheezing.

Fuck spandex wearing cycle monkeys. They ride ON the line because they are to scared to fuck up their $5000 Giant bike. I purposely beep and swerve to scare them. Fucking shit cunts the lot of them.

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>I’m convinced that conservative politics has degraded to “whatever the other side likes, fuck that”
Not even gonna lie, this is why I vote. Leftists are evil people and I want them to be miserable.

>I don't do it so nobody does it
Bikefags are fucking cancer.

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It’s hilarious how “bike lanes” are like the first universal symptom of Jewry in any metropolitan area of 100,000 or greater. Once you get bike lines it’s over

>>think they own the fucking roads
>guy in webm riding on the edge

Trying to add them to an area that wasnt desgined to have bike lanes seems like a bad idea

but adding them to a street at the begging of an areas construction is a good idea

This is also in Texas, where summer weather is almost as hot as Straya. No sane person is going to commute multiple miles from the far corner of town on a bicycle in 95F/35C heat.

long term city planning is usually atrocious

Bikers are assholes

Actually, THAT seems like the leftist approach.
You litterally have Democrats calling Trump a "racists" and "Nazi" for proposing border controls that aren't even as stringent as what Obama or Clinton were for.

Proeject more faggot.

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Are Americans even physically able to walk a few hundred meters? Yet alone to cycle? doubt.jpg

Because they become a risk to pedestrians. I almost got smoked three times last summer on the sidewalk. Those fuckers refuse to even use a bell. Cyclists are entitled shitheads.

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Keep this faggotry contained so it can be bred out.

This is a meme. We say sorry like it's a reflex, so the words have no meaning anymore. There's even a law here that you cannot be legally culpable for saying sorry after injuring someone because it's a nervous tic over here.

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Downtown Austin has plenty of bike lanes and it works out. But try adding that shit in the suburbs and no one will use them aside from some hardcore cyclist.

And the Texas heat is awful, no sane person would wanna bike that fucking frequently unless they like torturing themselves

Because they NEED to go 50kmh and refuse to slow down or stop for anyone or anything

>Exercise is leftist lunacy in america
kys fat "people"

Kek. I couldn't imagine being so petty. You must have a pretty lousy life.


cyclists are the biggest pricks on the planet, the other day some cyclist was biking on the right side of a divided road, when he randomly crosses right in front of me to the left side of the 2 lane portion of the road so he can take a left. Completely ignoring the fact that I was in the left lane, and that I had to hit the breaks because he cut me off. I swear to god I should've sped up and flattened that prick.

Drivers in most of northern mexico are also not used to bicycles - something that riders already know, and a big reason why they stick to designated paths (or mountain biking, where they fuck with hikers, but that's a different story).

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unironically this, fuck those faggots.

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Cycling kills the car and oil industry. Therefore people who use bicycles must be discriminated against. Think about it.

>people like this actually exist
Umm hello based department? Fuck Melbourne

>They might crash on the sidewalk and scrape some knees
>Better ride in the street where we can cause car accidents and scrap my brains all over the pavement


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Yeah, other drivers never cut me off and are always polite and patient.

What a fucking lardass

>be fatass 50% Mexican that drives a 50k truck across the wasteland of Texas
>Mad there are people that want to bike

Stay mad fatasses

Out of touch retarded leaf.

Crash into pedestrians, retard. I don't give a fuck about the cyclists. I'd rather they get their brains scrapped on the road than them slamming into me and spewing MY brains onto the sidewalk.

>hit by a cyclist while walking
>get scraped knee or a scratch
>hit by car on bike
Bike lanes are a sign of retardation. Just use the fucking sidewalks and slow down, say "excuse me" and carry on with your day.

Something about watching this dude go end over end got me instantly erect

Cyclists in Austin tend to be total cunts, don't blame him at all

Sorry, even if bike lanes existed they still won't use them and almost crash into people on sidewalks
There's a reason why bicyclists are universally hated

Guess guns better be illegal then, we wouldn’t want to risk the safety of others???

Sorry, I didn't realize that most americans literally aren't fit enough to ride a bike to work.

I'll try to be more in touch and understanding.

You can use public transit with very minimal physical activity!

this guy gets it

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Nobody who rides bikes wants to go in the road, the fucking cops force us to. If they see us on the sidewalk they give us a ticket. Blame the cops for the problem, there’s absolutely nobody who rides bikes that would choose to be that close to car traffic on purpose.

>I’m convinced all conservative politics has degraded to “whatever the other side likes, fuck that”
>Whatever the other side doesn't like I'm for
>Someone liking something different means you can't get along

I mean we can go on but it's not "conservative" exclusive, especially if you've seen the hypocrisy of the Bernie bros.

>Russia is polarizing us
>You can't be centrist/independent

>Everyone should vote
>Except anyone I don't agree with

>We should break down society to build it anew
>I can't believe people in society don't conform

I mean they are so retarded.

Who walks on the fucking sidewalk besides shitskins and hobos?

ITT: People who have never shared the road with regular cyclists

They have no regard for the road or driving etiquette. I've seen these fuckers just dive infront of a semi and think it can stop on a time then act like an asshole when they cause a wreck. But its okay they are on a bike so they always the right of way :))))))))))

Bike lanes end up causing more fucking traffic cause most places they can't expand the roads, so they have to use part of the road for a fucking bike lane. Since the majority of people aren't biking to fucking work, especially in fucking texas where it is 90+ degrees a majority of the time, it makes no fucking sense. You would be better off adding more public transit.

The cops are simply enforcing a law passed by the politicians that were voted in by your neighbors.

Checked and they should but apparently they are "vehicles" in a lot of places. I do know in my part of texas, you can ride on the sidewalk legally, so iono.

*ching ching*
Look out, here comes a special little boy!

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t. american

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Guarantee that asshole was doing some faggot shit before that part of the vid, cyclists are all fucking dickheads.

Be a man and buy a fucking car.. What are you? Some fucking 13 year old kid? Grow the fuck up bikes dont belong on busy streets.

Nobody fucking voted on it, it’s just a bullshit excuse to write more tickets to cyclists on the sidewalk, as well as cause more traffic problems so they can write more tickets to drivers. Fifty years ago every kid in America had a bike and rode all over the sidewalks and nobody cared.

Lol yeah there's so much traffic in the outback. You faggots have so little traffic you have goddamn road trains. What's even funnier is I imagine you still have to avoid people that would gladly smash your brains in with their tires if you made even the slightest error.

retarded faggot lmao

How does a lifted truck affect anyone on the road other than it being a little annoyed to see around but not any worse than fucking construction or semi trucks?

target the elderly, they get run over by by those fuckers

For one thing heavy trucks with big tires fuck up the roads faster.

We have bike cops and the funniest thing I’ve ever seen was a cop catch up to a guy stack at a red light and pull him out of his truck and just wreck him while wearing the gayest uniform ever.

How can a thread be this blessed??

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Yeah, problem is sort of like your cities, a lot of these have been around a while and were never built to be expanded. We are lucky they expanded as much as they did, so not as bad as yours, but same issue, no one thought about this shit 100 years ago.

>After getting these bike lanes, you know what the cyclists did? They said FUCK YOU I want to ride in the same lane as the cars. So now we have worse traffic than ever, and we still have to deal with these cyclists.
For what purpose? Just to be dickheads? I mean if you have a lane designated for bikes, why the fuck would you even want to ride in the same lane as a car? You'd be endangering yourself for no apparent reason. I don't understand the logic behind it.