Why are white people so up in arms about this...

Why are white people so up in arms about this? For an eternity white teachers thought it's OK to completely misspronounce POC names. The tables have turned and suddenly it's a big deal? Wtf


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I can’t wait for Coronavirus to strike each and every college campus

Nigger names are difficult to pronounce for English natives. This is because nogs have no grasp on the mechanics of the English language. Spic professor is just trying to "own da wites". When she goes home she probably worships white cock. Sad.

>super volcano
>pole shift
>super massive coronal ejection
>large methane pocket eruption in siberia


This is the kind of stuff that makes niggers feel good about themselves?

Fuckin hell.

I was about to get mad at her but then I saw she supports Bernie and now she's cool.

every time a teacher mispronounced my last name in school i corrected them, after a few weeks they got tired and learn how to do it you just have to push them

They arent dificult to pronounce unless they are apefrican names.

if you send your child to a school with nigger employees you've already failed as a parent and destroyed their future

God, I so hate niggers and spics.
I would give up half the white population just to see them all die.

when I retire im going to audit classes at the local university with the sole intention of being a pain in the ass.

Did you have a fucked up name?
Like a nigger’s name?

fake news
the twitter isn't real
you just got mad for no reason
imagine stepping in this pile of shit
when you can stride over it

Because at first it was spics hopping the border into the U.S. and we pronounce their gay ass names wrong, now its soics who know they are pronouncing white names they've grown up with wrong to get back at us. The next get back will be these students children beheading that professors children.
Such is the human condition...

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my name is common in the anglosphere, but some people here have issues remembering it, the benefit is much greater nonetheless

college student blacks all support bernie because they think he's gonna wipe out their huge debts

t. pic related

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rhymes with eureka

instead of blaming white people for your name blame your fucking parents

>Air Wrecka
Imagine the smell.

They're mocking us...

they don't use our names but our last names here to address us, my name is common but my last name is german so some people have problems pronouncing it even though is an easy one (Schneider)


What debt

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> Schneider

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Niggers and their double standards. Calling every niglet "Tyrone" and "Shaniqua" is on the menu now.
No reason to be upset, just shit on them back. Let them open the door and walk right through it. No reason to be upset.
Shit like this is great, man.
Redpill those fucking leftoids, muh nigga. You fucking LOVE to see it.

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>College blacks

If they're in debt from college it's certainly not from tuition.

it's an old last name from the time that people will use professions as names Schneider is basically a tailor and i know for a sure that no jew will do any manual or honest work
but my granpas came after ww2 so is either jews or nazis

Yawn these are tiresome slides

blacks getting free college is a meme. they have a bunch more scholarships available to them, but those scholarships usually require you to keep a certain GPA which they don't. Plus their parent(s) never have savings so they have to borrow every penny that scholarships don't cover.

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Fuck niggers

What if I'm white with a really foreign name?

niggers bitch names
>lets own the honkeys by mispronouncing Amy because i'm a good ENGLISH teacher
>lives in Anglo country has issues with Anglo names

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-05 babu frik stan account on Twitter YaaAsantewaaBa As a Latina HS teacher, Im guilty of this w students[...].png (598x267, 28.89K)

Gee sure sounds like something even a modicum if fiscal responsibility and ambition could solve.

Blacks would bankrupt entire institutions if they ever actually APPLIED to scholarships instead of just having white women with savior-complexes drop them into their lap.

Additionally, the amount of effort to get hired as a black software engineer is laughable. Literally ctrl-c + ctrl+v “helloworld.js” onto a free GitHub page and recruiters will slurp you up. Blacks can’t even do THAT little.

There are no excuses. Black people have the caring nurturing hands of literally every institution in the western world begging to help. Literally all you have to do is apply to a Fortune 500 company while black and not be *currently* visibly addicted to crack and you will get hired because the cost of your $135,000 annual salary for you to lay around and get mad about micro-aggressions from people who do actual work for a living is far cheaper than the cost of the 10,000 lawsuits you’ll get when Jewish lawyers crawl up your ass for not being diverse enough.

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Well most students with German or English last names don't even know how to pronounce them properly.
There was this kid that wanted us to call him "Braunchueg" but his last name was Braunschweig.

such disrespect to they ancestors
fortunately a side of my family knows german so i know how to pronounce it, i wish i had learn more german from them when i had the chance

it demonstrates the false equality they want. instead of making things fair, they just want to swing it the other way. Which is fine, because all these liberal faggot whites and wymyn, deserve what's coming to them. Don't feel bad.

you mean in Germany? because twitter isn’t real life faggot

They're still the most easily triggered.


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Oh boy I cant wait for the suspension for this one.

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Imagine walking around believing everything is an intentional slight against your personal self-esteem.

You didn't include my personal favorite:
>Pronounced Leedasha " 'cos the dash don't be silent"

No it isn't, a lot of schools will give minorities a full ride if they have decent grades.

they don't even have a real majority yet but they don't even hide their contempt for us

america is going to be south Africa on steroids. at least negros in South Africa are still somewhat spooked by the white man.

here they will all eat for us breakfast. plan accordingly.

Who the fuck is named Mattisen? Lemme Google that, and...okay, it's Scottish. Yeah, they have some weird names.

if your nigger "name" is spelled ocean, don't expect me to pronounce it as o-ce-on you dumb fucking apes. Learn the English language before you name your kids random shit.

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Hmm maybe WASP names are common and easy to pronounce for WASPs in a historically white Anglo-Saxon Protestant country.
There’s Scandinavians, Slavs, and Greeks with names these niggers and spics are too low IQ to pronounce right. Greece and Rome had the most fucking kino names, while sandniggers had the most fucking retarded names ever. And American niggers just make shit up influenced by French and random English words.

>my name is common in the anglosphere, but some people here have issues remembering it, the benefit is much greater nonetheless

Is it an advantage to have an English name in taco land?

Why are there shitskins?

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We're in the early stages of a pandemic. Just wait, much of the garbage will be incinerated.

Hispanics of all persuasians can't get my name (cody) right. They all call me cory despite having been corrected dozens of times.

Every hateful person on earth believes that their hate is righteous.

56%er here, really? (((Cody))) from Step by Step on (((TGIF))) was pretty popular for the millennial crowd. Maybe it's the accent which is, if that was your joke, hilarious.

yeah, especially since that nog would be getting necklaced if she weren't in the US.

White people called Meadhbh are up in arms.

I have a very uncommon French last name, the only teacher to ever pronounce it correctly was a Vietnamese summer school teacher.
Besides, you can do as my dad and I do, and that's just mispronounce anything foreign. Beaners hate it when you get their food names wrong since that's the only thing they seem to be proud of.
>yeah I'll have the chicken QWEEZADILLUH

Please... just let it be Mad Max times already.

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haha, ordering from Taco Bell? SAD!

Its english speaking country if spic cant pronounce english names she must go back to desert hole.

Human do not deserve sentience, I just realized. Why did God stop flooding the Earth after Noah.

What kind of passive aggressive shit is this?

Imagine getting so triggered about someone mispronoucing your name that you purposely do it to your students.

No jokes. Though I should clarify that when I said hispanics I only meant those born in another country. Panamanians and Mexicans both call me Cory. My puertorican gaming pal says it right, but he's a white-a-boo.

And 4they say I'm fragile lmao

Just an example, sperg.

I love how brown people have to strain so hard in order to give is a jab. They almost can't do it at all

>Why are white people so...
Because you fucking TWONK....
For years - decades - all we heard was whinging, pissing and moaning about how niggers, spics, etc, all wanted EQUAL TREATMENT.
But that was bullshit.
They never wanted EQUAL treatment - they wanted PREFERENTIAL treatment.
And now that they're getting into positions of authority - thanks to WHITES GIVING THEM THE POSITION - they're mistreating us.
Then we get twonks like YOU saying shit like "Well, it's just payback for years of blahbity blah blah fuckin blah white people oppressors, blah rayycissms, blah, bigots, blah, KKK... blah..."
Which means they were fucking lying the whole time.
And so were Marxist shitbags like you.
That's okay fuckface.
The pendulum swings back - always - and it sometimes swings back farther the other way when it does...
You best remember that, cock nostril...

If it's true the "stats professor" should be shitcanned for unprofessional conduct.

This. Odds are OP's screencap and yours are lies for "lol, fuckin' whitey" likes. My grandmother gave her kids names that could be both anglicized or spoken in Spanish.

ah, kk.

lol, hey breh, I eat Taco Bell, too.