Video shows People in San Francisco Now Eating Their Own Poop
>Omg this is heart breaking! This is a human being! Wtf is wrong with @SpeakerPelosi @GavinNewsom ? Why don’t they care!!! Put up port/potties & more shelters or something!!! They have no heart sitting in their mansions! You’re their leaders – help them
Send them to labor camps.
Just steal
what's the point of even living when you're that low
Jesus Christ...
Seething Berniefag is salty as fuck
Fucking California needs to sink into the sea
Are you literally listening to John Stadtmiller on RBN right now? I just heard him discuss this, and the first place I thought to post it was Yas Forums. Small world.
>You’re their leaders – help them
Is she supposed to take the shot out of his ass and feed it to him? There's no helping some people man, best you can do is to just point and laugh (and keep your distance)
Yeah so what? There are mentally ill people everywhere. Blaming California for this helps nobody in this situation. Trying to score political points on the back of a clearly suffering individual is very low and you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this thread.
real conservative news
>GCN, Infowars, Natural News (now, sadly), Fox, Breitbart, OANN, Rush Limbarrrrrrr
pure ZioKike garbage filth
oh except Kelso and Moore on RBN. They're fucking kikes too.
Oh he looks like he's into it in the video, didn't save it though
White people is NAAASTY
Its the cure for corona
How's TruNews?
I only know it by reputation
Imagine the third time he passes it and takes a bite. That's how you chip a tooth.
pretty based surprisingly
dunno, i had never heard of them until their Jew Coup video
from what i saw they seemed bretty based
they've been kicked off platforms and paypal and stuff i think
even their family members who had nothing to do with trunews
one day, electronically unperson'd, no warning or explanation at all
uh oh stinky
Americans are no longer allowed to make fun of Indians
Yeah, can't stand him either. He's also a former scientology SEA borg drone. Tells you all you need to know about why he's like he is, really.
Nancy Pelosi approves
God, corona virus did this to san franciso already, and it isn't even a local epidemic yet.
Are you sure this is not the indian neighborhood?
now, that's American!
Those are actually Indians
>Send them to death camps.
Why not just humanely euthenise them?
they adapted hindu methods to survive in shit environment
He just needs to be killed.
good lord wtf am i watching righ here, this is really the state of america? i tought san francisco poop problem was a meme founded on some isolated episode, but this is on another level of degrade, i will honestly pefer living in fucking congo i kid you not
didn't know that, but that explains a lot
i wonder how many people tune out for the hour between stadtmiller and targeted massachussets
id love to see some stats
A leftist city for you! How tolerant! This is exactly what you deserve and I hope the C virus HITS YOU MOTHER FUCKERS HARD!
america is basically congo + honduras + israel rolled into one at this point
Its no meme Luigi.
Par the course for california honestly. Best outcome is hoping an earthquake happens and they break off and sink into the sea.
These are the mentally ill people that vote for Democrats.
Based as fuck
This is what happens when you stray from God.
You flyover retards don’t have this?
My dog does that and I hear her every time I catch her doing it
Lmao this
The homeless drug addled mentally ill vagrants are dying by the droves in the streets in Los Angeles I see it every day.
Where the fuck are the bleeding heart liberals? Why aren’t they forcing them into treatment? How is doing nothing and allowing them to die on the streets the right decision in their minds?
Liberalism is truly a mental disorder
but speaking of the indian neighborhood...
Salty faggot. No refunds!
San Francisco making the pajeets feel at home.
When I have really bad farts, I like to cuff it into my hand and sniff every single one
How is this any different?
>dont try and score easy and free political points against us
>tries to score political points always and everywhere including terrorist attacks, natural disasters and global pandemics
Democrats built this, they need to pay for it
>what's the point of even living when you're that low
to gross out the normies, duh
I don't want to live in the streets covered in my own diarrhea but I can understand why someone else might find some entertainment and humor in being absolutely disgusting right next to some of the most concentrated wealth on the planet
Right, that poop isn't his, he needs to share it with everyone
Get out commie. Meme flag faggot. Show your real flag shill.
Burgers to Poos: POO IN LOO
Poos to Burgers: DONT EAT POO
Imagine the smell.
Our democrats want the whole country to look like that, except their gated communities of course.
It's fine, Indians are doing in for ages!
Democrats literally eating their own shit.
dios mio
la creatura...
To be 100% honest and sincere, eating your own excrement is the ultimate and final redpill
what the fuck do you honestly do with someone like this? Seriously, what is the American solution to a deranged, mentally ill person eating their own feces on the streets? How do you fix this kind of person, how can they ever possibly be a normal productive member of society again? What is the solution?