Post prep
rate prep
Get water barrels, they are still cheap and a full 55 gallon one will last a person over a month
thinking bout them beans
I have just bought a new Sari gas mask and a set of filters. Get mask, get protection, take what you need.
enjoy your mosquitoes
Buy/Collect as much water/water purification equipment as possible. Never forget the rule of 2 "2 weeks without food, 2 days without water." Also, some canned goods might be a good idea for not only easy transport/high intake but also for trade currency if some other event goes down. Oh, and get some ammo too
Anyone have tips, a link to a guide, or something? I live in a flyover state so I think there's still time.
Lmao good job emptying your sterile bags of food into jars filled with mold and oxygen you absolute fucking dipshit jesus fucking christ why would you open non perishable food in a sterile container what the fuck is wrong with you
this one is for the garden, I'm picking up a couple more for potable water
>emptying your sterile bags of food
retard this is all from bulk bins at winco
my hermetic sealing jars are cleaner than any factory bags
enjoy your gout
2/10 that's like a week of food
5/10 that'll keep you going for a while
Best of luck prepbros.
Not pictured : 135 toilet rolls, 70l water. 8l bleach and medical shiz
I have abs and a 2.9 cholesterol/hdl ratio, umad?
the pol equivalent of a dick rate thread, you faggots are pathetic and will be the first ones to go
Want to see our battle station or game collections instead?
far cry 5 was fun
post dick
>inb4 faggot
That is good for luxury, tasty items. But, I would highly recommend the following addition in case of actual long term hardship:
>30 lbs rice
>20-30 lbs dried beans
>3 months worth of multivitamins
>2 gallons peanut oil
>2-3 gallons peanut butter
>5 boxes of sealed crackers with at least 6 months shelf life
>water purifier/purification bottle
30 lbs each of rice and beans will last longer than all the food you have on those shelves.
why don't you guys just straight up name your subreddit /BG/ Boomer General?
Why don't you go back to wuhan, chang?
>putting all your infected prep items on a floor which was walked on by infected footware
lawl fag
i dont see food in here 0/10
>Tamarind Jarritos
Id rather just die
Not pictured:
80 lbs rice
50 lbs salt
50 lbs sugar
Bulk coffee
Bulk oatmeal
Bulk pancake mix
Bulk snacks
Med/first aid shit
/k/ shit
op pic has:
25 lb white flour
25 lb pinto beans in sack
25 lb pinto beans in jars
25 lb oatmeal in sack
5 lb oatmeal in jar
25 lb white rice in sack
15 lb white rice in sack
10 lb white rice in jars
15 lb sugar
4 lb lard
10 lb pasta
5 lb iodized salt
a bunch of jerky and hardtack, making more as we speak
Only good post so far.
>no beans
not gonna make it
>look at me mom I called a Canadian chang again I'm so funny
>look at me please
>no gold or silver
Enjoy poverty
Here is something I don't understand. We're supposed to freeze the rice to make sure we kill any bug eggs. But if we freeze it won't that just wet the rice when it'd taken out to thaw? How do you keep it dry when it's been frozen?
r8 pls
why did you glue your cans sideways to the top of your cabinet, idiot
I have no clue about my cholesterol/hdl ratio. But I live constantly between 10- 12% body fat and have nice abs. You're still going to get gout.
freeze it in airtight containers
Got more mac n cheese and frozen pizzas. Think I will cook some biscuits in the morning.
All of the canned goods I have are loaded with beans already/are high in protein and I have enough protein powder for four to five months in the event I run low on those and have to supplement.
imagine the smell
There’s 4 packs of crackers in there. I have a several water purification tabs. (Like 50-100 I think)
There’s about 20 Instant microwaveable rices there and 1kg of basmati somewhere. I like those rices as they don’t need water to prepare. I use them (and most of this) for work lunches. I’ll grab some more packaged rice tomorrow.
Dunno if they sell peanut butter in gallons here. I don’t like it personally. But it’s high calorie and long life so I have it with the stuff like honey and Nutella. If it came to it it’s a spoon full a day with the other stuff.
>look at me mom I came into a thread that I don't like and shitposted
>look at me please
>I have nothing to contribute and just want to talk shit
chinamen are insufferable.
>I live constantly between 10- 12% body fat and have nice abs
prove it
is that a famas
I don't freeze my rice and it is always just fine. quit being a pussy and eat the damn bugs, free protein.
oh and forgot to mention, 5 lb of powdered nonfat milk
shut up faggots go suck each other's cocks somewhere else
>is that a famas
fuck off retarded dickhead who the fuck told you general are welcome on Yas Forums??? you fucking attention whore make subreddit on Yas Forums to feel home in your little circle jerk of douchbag with 60IQ
fucking somalian
you fuck off retard with your boomer posting
I guess the extra food would be nice but what do preppers think about the idea that china was able to maintain basic services?
Low carb prep
>fuck off retarded dickhead who the fuck told you general are welcome on Yas Forums??? you fucking attention whore make subreddit on Yas Forums to feel home in your little circle jerk of douchbag with 60IQ
>fucking somalian
for two people
A hard working man needs 600 pounds of food every 6 months.
Very few have that much food. We are looking at mass starvation if the farm to grocery store chain collapsed.
>candy and energy drinks
The absolute state of you
My motherfucking neighbour.
>you fuck off
lol no
Make sure to buy seeds and gardening supplies too. I have my seedlings started indoors and lettuce and carrots already going outside. Plus gardening is a comfy hobby
You aren't a native english speaker. You just played your hand you nonwhite piece of shit. Let us examine your grammar:
> you fucking attention whore make subreddit on Yas Forums
In english this would be "You are a fucking attention whore making a subreddit on Yas Forums"
>to feel home in your little circle jerk of douchbag with 60IQ fucking somalian
In english "To feel at home in your little circlejerk of 60IQ douchebags, you fucking somalian"
Go back to china chang. We see through you.
>a single day of food
Look in the mirror. You know that's not enough food.
You'll starve.
>yet "somehow," you'll starve fulfilled.
Heh - it never ends, this shit.
>Buys Dehydrated Foods.
>Government Shuts off the Water.
fuck off back to jewbook
>You aren't a native english speaker.
No fucking shit sherlock no fucking shit.
>In english this would be "You are a fucking attention whore making a subreddit on Yas Forums"
You mean in a petulant and reddit tier english?
That's ok retard you can goes back at least you gonna receive upvote for your stupid diatribe idiot.
If at least you were half as clever as you think you are you would have understood I'm french but no. You're here showing you're a fat meat head full of himself. An average American.
75lbs rice
50lbs beans
bunch of cans of spam, tuna, chicken
canned soup
corn flour
flavored oats
evaporate milk and chicken stock
>wasn't able to buy respirator week 1 because broke
>have money now but they're all sold out
it's not fair bros
>no water
Go be brown or yellow somewhere else you subhuman filth. I can't wait for this virus to kill your people off to get us some more lebensraum.
Oh my fucking christ, the state of your intellect. If you bought rice in an air sealed bag how is the rice going to absorb any more water if you haven't opened the bag?
>lol is from faceberg
Based protein-bro
> excuse me, waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
> I'm so sorry, dear patron, allow me to get you another bowl.
> i ordered vegetable soup, don't you take my meat bitch
my water is in 55 gallon barrels
How long will 30 gallons of water and 100 pounds of rice last me?
less than a month
if that's all you eat, you will die of other things than corona-chan
post 'em.
Because of 3 tiny pieces of sausage and a glass of wine?
>Go be brown or yellow somewhere else
Ya if you can decide I'm not white I can decide you're a fat mystery meat with the IQ of a retarded child
no but using lol all the times like you do show that you're an insecure faggot and a retard and you should stay on jewbook for that
I was going to post this. word for word what my thoughts were.
I also bought 24 cans of boyardee, a bag of almonds and some vitamins and 40 sardines. Why does this shit have to be so expensive?
Kek, why does that read like Goldilocks had an orgy?
Get a water purifier, you will run out of water way faster than rice. Get 100lbs of beans to go with that rice and you can make it about 4-6 months on that supply. Half a pound of rice and half a pound of dried beans per day is enough to make 3 decent portions. A multivitamin every other day will also keep you going if you are really in it for the long haul.
>mfw he's still replying in his broken 14 year old mud people english
>using lol all the times like you do show that you're an insecure faggot and a retard
I know this to be false because I am very smart
this thread is the male equivalent of women collecting handbags
Unsurvivable cheap shit is cheap - no profit margin.
If that's all then rip op when shtf.
Malnutrition doesn't care if you're eating, it cares what you eat.
you're still a retard and general destroy the board fuck off retard it's not even politically incorrect why don't you go do your boomer somewhere else why Yas Forums? Just because you want to say nigger between your stupid "rate my stash bro posts"?
fuck off disgusting normie
Ya sure that's why you're hiding your flag and participate in a shitty thread.
Wow. The pic is deceptive. I stand corrected.
Personally I leaned towards canned foods with my stash, but it's a work in progress. This corona thing came up right after I started, so I haven't gotten to the dry goods yet.
>t. 15 lbs wheat pasta, 15 lbs rice and 8 lbs beans tho
Honestly I think all this prepping shit is unnecessary but at least they can eat the food after they realize that society isn't actually going to collapse