Women across America are getting fed up of White male privilege

White men have had it too easy for too long. After this election season women are absolutely done with it. How can you expect a small proportion of the population to wield this much power. How does it feel Yas Forums that the women in your workplaces, in your families and in the country at large hate you and are sick of the sight of you?

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Is dinner ready yet?

Wow a cantankerous elderly communist isnt extremely popular with a broad voter base, who knew? Maybe she wasn't shrill enough to really entice people

>try to be like white man
>get mad when white man better than you

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Who built the lift?

elizabeth warren just wasn't good enough. a hard pill to swallow

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>women are done with it
If women quit voting that is a blessing

She speaks to everyone like they are children. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a school teacher before she got this gig.

Yeah. If only we gave absolute power to her, she would fix everything.

So Edmund Hillary took a lift to the top of Everest? Damn they should have never put his picture on the NZ currency

Why do I feel pink glasses wearing women called Xeni may not represent ALL woman?

We have twenty lbs of muscle and bone and 3 IQ points plus the sexual dimorphism effects of hypergamy but yeah I’m sure we’ll just lie down and waste it.

she was a tech blogger

Shut the fuck up, british faggot. Every single day you spam this garbage. America isn't a queen having shithole like the UK you fucking loser.

Black transwoman, obviously.

Bawwww. Bitch is a gun grabbing commie, fuck that shit.

to be fair, the average person is fucking stupid

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>a white man there already who took the lift
>who climbed the mountain, built the lift, went back down, and came back up to bring you a flower bouquet to finally accomplish what has been accomplished already.

He's talking about Warren nigger

The white man scaled the mountain, set up foundations, and built that lift.


Maybe you can just marry that man and he will share his prize with you while you do nothing and raise kids?

Sorry bitches but we don't need you. You for damn sure need us. Men do all the dirty, difficult, and dangerous work. We make the world run. You own us a great big thank you.

White men take a lift while women slow climb and wonder why they get beat. (pun intended?)

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Really? What I saw was a woman picking a man to imitate and backstab on her way up the corporate ladder.

>man takes the lift because big brain
>the woman would've saw it but was too busy complaining about meaningless shit

I don't think Elizabeth Warren would have a campaign if she weren't a she. Just imagine how that whole false accusation thing with Bernie would've gone over if she were a man and held to male standards of accountability. It'd be over.

This is a real interesting thing to see at the presidential level though; female in-group bias may doom the Sanders campaign this year. What's funny is that every one of these women will pretend that Warren's problem is sexist men who just won't vote for women, but the reality is that they would've abandoned the male version of Warren already. The only reason they're staying loyal is because she's female. THe men are right to abandon her, but the women are unwilling to vote for a man when they could have a woman, even if she's worse, while men are quite open to voting for women, as we've shown in Congressional elections all across America. They just have to be women who are worth a shit.

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You mean like the men that actually climbed and conquered mountains? I very much doubt Everest has a special lift for them, sweaty.

FAKE otherwise she would’ve spelled women like womyn or womxn or whatever tf they do.

We didn't take the lift, we built the lift.

You talk like a candy ass faggot. Sage.

what trajectory? she never took off in the first place

As if she cooks or would fall prey to the patriarchal system that has her with a man

>How does it feel Yas Forums that the women in your workplaces, in your families and in the country at large hate you and are sick of the sight of you?

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>tiddies don't get me credit for my IT job, fuck white man who actually study for their profession
seems about right

who takes this super cunt seriously? she is literally less than worthless and i can tell that from just this picture alone

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Who built the lift?

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also lol this bitch is mentally ill holy shit

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Why are these cunts exhausted? They never built buildings, built societies or armies?

If they were doing their proper job of cooking, cleaning, errands and child rearing, their exhaustion might have some reward.

yeah fuck white males. biden and trump are both white males. all feminists should abstain from voting as a protest. that will show them.

>Male 'privilege'
>When so many males try and become female to get female privilege

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It's there because women spill blood and discharge everywhere and clog the toilet attempting to flush their sanitary products so the key is a deterrent since the the receptionist will know who did it. I'm sure there are lots of rapes happening in a fucking doctor office god women are the worst thing in the world.

Why don't you use the lift dumb-bitch

In other news the lift has decided to identify as a tram system, there were no survivors.


Best post in the entire thread.

doctors just can't stop raping women in the bathroom

Yeah thats a Jew. White women feel the same as white men. We hate niggers, spics, and sand niggers and we want faggots and Jews gone.

none of them do that the only people who do that are people on Yas Forums

Most white women voted for Trump. It’s just POWERFULL BLAX WIMIN and trannies desperately trying to keep getting free shit

user that bitch looks like she would fuck up boiling water

bernie sanders that bad white man.

Oh really? THEY are the ones fed up with MALE privilege?

Based tbqh, fuck the queen.

with how much the govt panders to women it's amazing they haven't said fuck it already by putting a women in the white house

all women are FAGGOTS

When society collapses from cornoachan they will be looking for chads to protect them.

She's not wrong

>there'll be a white man there already who took the lift
Yeah, the lift by other white men who climbed that mountain centuries ago and build it.

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well, they suck penises, and that's obviously pretty gay

>took the lift
As in, "did the smart thing"
The fuck are you doing CLIMBING the fucking mountain, if there's a lift that takes you right to the top, you dumb bitch?

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Imma clue you in on something: the government in power is not the government with power. Spend a few days in DC and you’ll see what I mean d e s u ~

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Gee I wonder

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>There'll be a...man there...who took the lift, and gets the prize
I'm surprised she can apply makeup cause she clearly has never seen a mirror.
Dude-larping as woman having ass name.

It's ok, there will be plenty of simps to support you. Next time run a candidate that can act human.

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>take the lift to the top of every mountain and they'll be a white man there already (who built the lift for you) to hand you a prize

I believe you and I would like that, some day hopefully.


Women may be really stupid, but they can be very perceptive. They can sense that a massive cultural shift has occurred, their free ride is coming to an end and they're about to be demoted back to property/live stock status, pre-19th amendment style living for them.

They know they've been behaving really bad and the due punishment is coming. There are two types of women, those that realize this is inevitable and take it with class and then there is cunts like this that scream and flail their arms like petulant children. It's game over for women and they know it, it's why they're flipping out and acting like such nasty harpy bitches.

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sauce boss
gib sauce now

I want everyone to look at this and see it's more moaning by an entitled over privileged developed world cookie cut fem outraged idiot.
Now that's fucking tiresome.