Has Climate Change made White People obsolete?

White People have many recessive genes that disappear and get diluted when they breed with darker-skinned people.

Whites evolved in cold climates with little sunshine; something that is becoming rare on Earth due to climate change and thinning of the ozone layer.

Face the facts. Whites are destined to go the way of the dodo. They were very fit to survive 200 years ago but not anymore. It is time for a more resilient subspecies of mankind to take over. Europe and North America are forfeit.

To quote Winston Churchill

> "I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, though he may have lain there for a very long time I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race or at any rate a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. I do not admit it. I do not think the Red Indians had any right to say the American continent belongs to us and we are not going to have any of these European settlers coming in."

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You are jewish.

What a retarded thread. How long do you think whites exists?


No; higher intelligence and physical strength are more important than ever

Civilization has rendered non-whites obsolete.

You evil sonovabtich

Short Answer: No
Long answer: even if we fall you Niggers will destroy yourselves without us

Peeling that shit is so god damn satisfying.

Spain has little sunshine right? You fucking stupid nigger.

Blacks would've gone extinct if not for whites. And once they're gone, there will be no one left to give you handouts.

climates change every couple of months
we have spring, summer, fall, and winter
literally nothing new

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You're the only retard here. Did you know that the blue eye mutation originated in the black sea on the territory of modern Bulgaria and was caused by diet not by climate

>wypeepo gon go away cuz dem crackas get sun burns
75 iq take bro

Das rite nigga wypipo b obsoletions n shit

white ppl are only learning how to deal with the sun now. originaly, they came from caves. Egyptian queens taught white ppl how to bathe themselves, and how to farm food.

Climate change won't change the latitude you live in on the Earth you fucking moron. Also the ozone hole is closing up over Antarctica and is basically a non issue now. Niggers in Sweden need to take vitamin D pills due to the low sunlight, especially the gravid muslim females as they have trouble colonizing the land without enough vitamin D to bring new nigglets to term.

Lol okay
Without the White race all of the lesser-thans can enjoy living in scorching misery for two centuries and then ceasing to exist because they can't stop the climate change ball from rolling

>the world getting hotter due to greenhouse gases means that the sun will magically start shining brighter
Niggers really are retarded

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It was warmer during the Roman and Medieval warming than it is today don’t be dumb.

Climate change has nothing to do with sun exposure you fucking monkey

>t. subhuman who can't adapt to his environment

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>Whites evolved in cold climates with little sunshine; something that is becoming rare on Earth due to climate change

Climate change doesn't affect how much sunlight earth receives you fucking muppet!
How dumb are you??

Hey LARP nigger, with the coming mini ice age, you'll soon find that long-term planning that's inherent in white genes but lacking in nigger genes is what made us superior in the first place.

Idiots like you that think eating something will change your eye color need to be whipped until they admit their name is Toby.

>thinning of the ozone layer
It isn't thinning you lying nigger.


The ozone layer is recovering.

Who do you think has did our farming and outdoor work since the beggining of time you stupid fucking useless ugly retarded shitskin?

Winston Churchill is a fat fucking bastard who ruined the entirety of Europe and destroyed his own nation. He should be considered a traitor.

White people have existed and thrived in Europe, the Mediterranean, North and South Africa, the Middle East, Asia Minor, China, the Pacific.
We have been practically all over the world throughout history and we have thrived and built great civilisations and the wonders of the world.
What the hell are you on about?
No matter the conditions, White people endure and we prosper greatly.
Non-whites can only dream of being as great as us.

White people have been obsolote a long time brother
They dont have much time left on earth

They have served their purpose (which is to be money machines for white girls), while the superior BBC breeds her black babies

Whitebois are just useless

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sorry bout them daughtas, whyboi.

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i dunno, but John Deere surely made niggers obsolete

There are many asians in the far north and their eyes are still not blue, imbecile. Just follow your leader pls

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Africans existed for thousands of years before White people. How would they go extinct?

Black people’s skin is literally made of shit.


We have a super natural ability which can and will beat you niggers. It's called tanning. We can adopt to everything and survive everything, unlike you NIGGER


If global warming happens white people can just survive in Russia.

>How would they go extinct?
That happens when you are aids subhuman, which can't invent things and dont know how to get food.

>White People have many recessive genes that disappear and get diluted when they breed with darker-skinned people.

Everything gets diluted by mixing

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2 out of 3 Australians get skin cancer before they are old enough to retire. Whites don't belong in the sun without protection.

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why is there still a thread after first post?

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I havnt had a sun burn in years nigger

They lived before withes came to Africa.

that was before the jews enslaved them

And blacks get vitamin d deficit. They don't belong in white countries of the northern hemisphere and should only live below equator.

Austrailian's aren't sane. Why would any anglo want to live in an arid shithole where you have to be as dark as an abbo to live comfortably and that's excluding the fact that everything is poisonous there.
Better yet, how the fuck do abbos even survive with all the dangerous wildlife and IQs of 75?

but bros muh melanin...

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The grand solar minimum is making the climate cooler

I think he means that they would have a mass starvation among other things. The african population is artifically sustained by handouts. If the world would abandon it, mass death would occur by starvation and violence.

Also take into account the cultural changes that have occured in africa since colonization.

A great example is dependency on Bush Meat (also responsible for HIV). Before the french cut logging paths into the african jungles, no one really went into them except for Pygmies (Which are basically a sub-race, I mean come on their specialized forest dwelling humans). Now the door into the jungles has been open, they'd probably decimate the environment and alter it enough that sustainable ways of life would become impossible.

fpbp /thread

I ain't your brotha you poser.

It never made sense to me how a Black man could curse White people and call them inferior devils one second and desire to sleep and mate with White women the next second. If White people are below cockroaches than why would you want to have sex with them? Unless you also want to fuck animals too.

Haha jokes on you, history has shown and proved more ice age events compared to heat related ones. Tropical people would be the first to go

Sure whatever u say, wh*teboi
Keep wishin

Ur country & all of europe are getting BLACKED
the AFRICAN empire will rise & own europe & usa ENTIRELY

We will paint the world BLACK
No one can resist BBC

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I am as white as one can be, and I have been living in this hellhole tropical non-country all of my life, just don’t get in the sun, and use sunblock/long sleeves

Cuz we dont even have to fight them if we just breed them out of existence
The more mixed babies we get the more we are ruininig white ppls identity and white pride

Rose Gold

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>Whites are destined to go the way of the dodo

...when your peole are able to build up a propper economy, my peole leave the sunsystem, to get away from all teh gimmi dats of this shit rock!

...so fuck of, why dont you stay away when we are so awfull. why do millions of assholes come her an tell us how the shit should run.