Declaration of Secession

We the people of the Confederate States of America have found the Union's, otherwise know as the United States of America, actions to be against the interests of it's people. Due to this we have found it necessary for us to separate and govern ourselves away from the federal government. The Union has proven to be a puppet state for Israel, and only serves the interests of them. Due to religious and political reasons we have found it unsavory to be under indirect rule of Israel, and we have found that they are trying to replace the population with a people that would be used to eventually create a more subservient population to better serve the interests of Israel.

We do not wish for war, and will not attack under any circumstances unless we are attacked. All our military actions shall purely be defensive and we do not wish to harm anyone. All we ask is to be left alone and exist peacefully. We shall remain neutral towards all other nations and will not get involved in any foreign affairs unless it is a threat to not only our country, but the world.

It is in our hopes that our people can pursue happiness and purpose on their own accord, and that power shall be restored to the people as the founding fathers of the original United States of America intended. We hope that you let us exist peacefully, and that we can avoid war with your once great Nation.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Based and dixiepilled, Please dont show up at my door for posting in this thread glowbois

They shouldn't, unless if they find evidence that you're connected with me in any way they won't. If they feel that you could them information about me they would, but I've likely never seen you in my entire life, let alone spoken with you.


Bump make this a general and keep going on user. I want this to never die.

unbased cringe

You guys should try it really.
It would be fun to see a bunch of inbread rednecks with ar15’s get their shit pushed in and their trailer parks bombed by the army

Each time I make a general it consists primarily of me bumping it and faggots calling me a glownigger. It doesn't really work, probably because I'm a single man with no one else and I don't have jannies on my side.

Now why would any army bomb a trailer park? Why in the flying fuck would you bomb your own soil? I'm not talking grenades or anything like that, I'm talking artillery and bomber planes. Why the fuck would you use that? I bet you're that faggot who keeps posting the threads about drone strikes.

If you think artillery and drones will take us down, you got another thing coming pal. I'd hate break it to you, but we don't live in trailer parks either.



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It's perfectly legal to secede in the United States. It's happened before.

i have never been nor will i ever be violent other than in self defense


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In the constitution written by the founding fathers, yes it's absolutely legal. These false laws written by the Union mean nothing, they're just laws to force the people into submission. Sic semper tyrannis, their time is going to come.

A path many call being scared of conflict or being a wuss, but I call it being human.

The imperium won't do that, that's why separation is the only way through with the least amount of bloodshed possible.

>And although he may be poor he shall never be a slave
>Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom

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The idea that we are the traitors implies we are the ones without the principles of the founding fathers, when in fact it is the Union who has lost the values this country was founded upon.

So long fuckers

Just pay your taxes goyim and we'll let you live.

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Death is a preferable alternative

>it is the Union who has lost the values this country was founded upon.
Indeed but we had not then. No one had violated the idea of states rights when you all seceded. Now, we all have. Every state because we are all part of the Union.
So, you all were traitors. You pledged allegiance to the United States and then tried to leave when no wrong had been committed

The USA will die in it's sleep like an old feeble man choking on regret.

Eventually, Uncle Sam has been abused so long that he can no longer stand. It's up to his nephew to take care of him and carry on his legacy.

The right for a State to decide their fate was infringed upon, a forced union is a false union.

Have getting your retarded inbred ass killed faggot. We need to keep people like you from pissing in the gene pool.

>The right for a State to decide their fate was infringed upon
show me where it is stated you are allowed to secede after joining the union as a state

Last I checked there are no specifications on secession in the constitution, and join you say? I didn't know being forced into a union is willingly joining.

>being forced
southern colonies revolted against Britain too (despite loyalists being much more prominent there).
You chose to leave Britain and join the United States. There was no forcing. People your ancestors elected to the Continental Congress oked it.
Then you tried to leave the Union despite no trace of powers granted to the states being violated yet, hence traitors

Whatever you say

BASED. So, how can we import more nigger slaves since I am too lazy to pick my own cotton, and too cheap to pay a fair wage to hire people to do it?

>it's always about niggers

This describes America pretty well

Sic Semper Tyrannus


>this thread again

>I hate this thread
>I'll post in this thread that I hate

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>it's not about niggers
>enshrines slavery in their constitution
>sends hundreds of thousands of white boys to die in a war defending it
>after losing the war, shoots the guy who wants to send the former slaves back to Africa
Whatever you have to tell yourself.

>I believe everything my government tells me like a good goy

How original

Sounds like your too poor for some studly mandingo slaves

>complaining about originality

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The union is a savage beast that must be put down.

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Why fruits though? Out of all the pictures you could have picked.

Why would I want a slave? Especially a mandingo, why would I want one?

Washington and Oregon would gladly join. Just kick the tranny faggot commies along the western parts back to Berkeley and the Bay Area.

Because the south was agricultural. t. also part Scots-Irish.

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You don't have to. Anyone else can it and see that specific picture in your OP was used to post a declaration of secession thread 15 times since March 1st.
Sorry about torching your ass like I was marching through Georgia.

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How's Ohio? Heard the coloureds are raping your women.

Not sure how that would work, plus the cultures conflict.
Ah. Florida is known for Oranges.

Torching? I'd hardly call posting a song that everyone else does torching.

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user, I'm taking over your Confederation AS WE SPEAK.

Now shoo, shoo. Thank you for your service, bye.


There's the Greening Scourge afflicting Californian and Floridan stocks. Apparently though Australian Limes and Hybrids are resistant to this menace.

Did I not make myself clear? Your time is up. Shoo.

You're missing the point because you're too new to know what 4plebs is.
This is a good song, too:

While this is cringe, there actually is a CSA like Interstate Compact to protect 2a amendment rights.

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Just kidding. It's a prank, bro.



Since when was this happening? I haven't heard anything about it.