>Historic, energized, grassroots, multi-racial coalition of revolutionaries
>1 Sleepy Joe Biden
Explain to me how they lost in one sentence.
>Historic, energized, grassroots, multi-racial coalition of revolutionaries
>1 Sleepy Joe Biden
Explain to me how they lost in one sentence.
nobody wants to be told by uppity little faggots they know whats best for them.
the whole thing is rigged. there is no such thing as democracy/repooblic, there is only oligarchy and the lies they tell to placate the people
niggers, but unironically
Because Democrats get all their news and opinions from CNN/MSNBC, Twitter and reddit. Thats it. They are morons and easily manipulated. They would vote for forced suicide to save Dodo birds if Anderson Pooper told them to.
this right here especially fucking communist trannies demanding that working people pay their art degrees
Biden is the Deep State's choice.
return to normalcy
>we need a candidate who can bring the country together and defeat donald trump
>we need a candidate who can bring the country together and defeat donald trump
>we need a candidate who can bring the country together and defeat donald trump
I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Super Tuesday. Does not having the lead at Super Tuesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie is still playing right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's playing one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of SC boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this sub again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Black plantation. If Bernie wants to win its balls to the wall time
Niggers voted for Obama's boi
They were too stoned to vote.
Its fun voting for Bernie until he could actually win.
Easy: there isn't as much actual Bernie support in real life as there is on the internet, due to the fact that internet politics (encompassing everything from twitter to reddit to here, etc.) represents a tiny minority of what people actually think and believe.
Or to put it another way: Bernie lead voters aged 18-29 by a massive margin when you asked who politically engaged 20-somethings were planning to vote for - but 18-29 year olds delivered an absolutely piss-poor performance in the primary elections so far, meaning the 20-somethings you see talking about Bernie all the time are the far outliers of their generation while most of them simply don't care on way or another.
So when the real primaries come along and all the old people come out, you get Sleepy Joe.
Nigger jew cunt fuck faggot hole shit wank AIDS feminism.
Listen fat, here’s the deal: Bernie’s pie in the sky shit appeals to baristas with college debt but they don’t vote anyway, whereas Joe actually stands a fighting chance against Trump.
and then what? What are biden's policies on anything
Op said 1 sentence brainlet. Also true.
Niggers and AIPAC
Most Bernie supporters are online and aren’t even American.
When two people fight the third one always gets the profit.
fippybippy so hot I'm suprised our illustrious janitors don't delete it lmao
>Explain to me how they lost in one sentence.
An alliance between blacks and conservative (for Dems) white male Dems.
literally just look at the exit polling.
The Democratic party has spent their entire time saying "we gawta get dawnald trump outta da wyte howse" instead of "here's why I'm the best candidate"
Based Negroes saved the White man.
>our polls show Biden as the clear front runner
>all you other candidates can drop out now
>no you vote for someone else cause Joe already won, our self published polls say so
Why are our elections controlled by the media? Isn't it enough that our votes literally don't matter?
I wish politics was all about policy, but it isn't. In fact, Biden being light on the details thus far is probably an advantage for him.
Every sane person knows a corrupt, senile, child sniffing retard like Biden would more securely hold the reins of a nation than an unhinged socialist jew like Bernie.
Doesn’t matter. Typical neoliberal talking points. But he represents a return to normalcy where the controversial actions of the president aren’t shoved down your throat 24 hours a day. Hillary was a deeply unpopular public figure years before her 2016 run, and she is a woman obviously. Joe is generally seen as “decent”. That alone could be enough to beat Trump.
Seriously, name a US president in recent memory that youd describe using the very gay term "policy wonk"?
Its not
>Bill Clinton
H dubyah, maybe?
Except they haven't lost yet, and if anything, Super Tuesday has just made all the following primaries with big delegate numbers more precious. Biden got crushed in Commiefornia. And the debate platform will have less people on it the next time, meaning Bernie will have full reign to make Biden look like a fucking idiot on national television.
Bro, Michigan is looking bad for Bernie and he has no hope in Florida, Georgia or New York. Face the facts.
The only people that gives a shit about socialism, are the people getting screwed by leftist policies in major metropolitan cities.
Settle for an image?
>bends the knee to Hillary
>allows himself to get inturpted during debates
>talks like a retard during live debates
>his own people will pull the mic from him to spread their own maniacal message
spineless leader.
You let trump tell you what to do cuck boi
There were so many candidates out there this year? Why? They were all establishment and we're just looting the people only to consolidate behind their already designated choice.
I got ya covered
things like this lost dozens of votes singlehandedly
which he supported
>hurr durr vote for the literal Jew or you're getting used by Jews
>the country went hard right for Trumps politics
>this must mean harder left is the answer
also some are openly racist
no refunds
while others know they'll be banned from their own safe spaces for saying what they mean
>stupid niggers
Bernie is a coward, Bernie is weak, Bernie is dishonest. The only ones that would respect that are jews and the weak. And there just aren't enough cuckholds that are willing to put up with that. Biden will get the nomination, and Bernie will endorse him and get a fourth house and a book deal.
>identify key battleground states and issues important to them
>Bernie wants to ban fracking (kill PA jobs), praises Castro (pisses off FL), and probably wants to illegalize cow farts by killing them all (WI dairy)
The only thing Bernie understands less than the economy is how to get people to like him.
Too much malarkey.
Turns out people reject taxing the middle class and handouts for illegals. Fuck bros I hope Biden rips Bernie apart on his this.
the rules are made up and the votes dont matter
Sanders didn't show up for super Thursday
>only down 60 delegates
>Drunk the kool-aid
If you're on stage doing a show and the audience hates a bit, do you
>a. Change or not do that bit anymore
>b. Do that bit only, because GOD DAMMIT IT WORKS (they're just too stupid)
Literally only lost because cummie cucks went too far with their larp-ass pseudo-molotov (((revolution))) that basically only benefit nigs
HMMMM, how to win a country? Hmm, maybe if you supported the ACTUAL WORKERS and GENIUSES instead of useless baristas and their acting degrees, you would win
pic is very related