When did you realize you were brainwashed to not care about race?
I always sort of had an inclination toward my own people but was constantly told growing up that I shouldn't see race. I eventually came to the conclusion that race is a central issue to our struggle. That is, we must preserve blue eyes, blonde hair, and all the truly European genetics and phenotype.
I now get a deep sense of satisfaction and hope from seeing blonde, blue eyed European babies and youngsters.
One wonders if the parents were aware of the importance of race or if they are liberal faggots who simply didn't race mix by chance.
Let's discuss. And roll for your future aryan qt if you please.
Farmer/Redhead Master race
Is that so? Red hair is a mixture of blonde and brown. I can appreciate farmers if it is on a small scale but the mass commercial farming that absolutely destroys huge areas of land is terrible. Small time farmers seem to be admirable people though.
Hope you like animals.
too bad white girls fuck dogs and are the biggest race traitors
inb4 muh shield maidens
What is your opinion on European women doing athletic activities?
I married 90 irl but wish that I had 40.
not brainwashed like you OP.
im married
stop it with this shit
get the fuck off the compyour life is looking at a fucking screen
Perfect, but i also feel sad now
Rolling nigga
All I have is fantasy of a wife at this point? Great. Thanks
Winter get
I'll take the redhead for 5000 Alex
what, i posted a wojak hanging himself not a coomer
Imagine being this easily fooled by a pretty face.
Mandatory roll!
When I was 6 and my family was killed by a pack of roaming feral niggers
This OP makes me depressed.
Rolling anyways.
"white girls"
Shalom, Moshe.
Are your children gingers (if you have any)? And yes, 40 is close to my ideal phenotype and personality.
Ok. Did you read the whole post or...you're just a faggot?
Good for you. Have many kids if your are European.
>says this as he posts on pol
Big laff.
Why, Joao?
come at me faggot mods
I always knew I preferred whites. My thoughts were suppressed until I had the courage to face it and be honest with myself.
roll for my wife
hell yeah!
later virgins
>Farm girl
Best option desu.
Lord let me be this blessed in life
>all blond hair blue eyes
You know women can have brown hair and brown eyes and be beautiful, right Nazi OP FUCK?
Rich blonde big city roastie
redhead waifu for me
gib redhead pls
ummmm, no?
trying for med almost nun-like
Oh baby
I enjoy these roll charts. Gives me a few moments of peaceful thoughts and hope.
Elf princess..... I guess
Theres only 1 type of european here though
Ah fuck it roll anyway
kek please be good to me
Not quite. I'm blond so they're both "strawberry blond" where they almost seem like gingers in the right light but usually look blond
>by chance
doubt that, people tend to have sexual preferences and most people don't race mix, seemingly often out of a cultural impetus (different traditions and ways of thinking outside of one's race because of the underlying heritage can be uncomfortable to live around)
these same people who wouldn't want to live around blacks/mexicans will also swear up and down that they're not racist
someone like her is way out of my league, also finding a blue eyed girl here in brasil who is not a whore is near impossible
im just here to roll
Hell yeah!!
why would I roll I don't want to be depressed today
>mutt’s law.jpg
>no meds
>no slavs
your wife selector a shit
Married to a redhead 5 years. When can the regular sex bit Start?
Rollin for trollin
Well, I have light brown hair. I had bright blue eyes in childhood, but they went almost grey over time.
And fuck yeah I'm more attracted to white european girls. Always had, even when I was a teenager leaning slightly left it never occurred to me that I might have non-white wife in future.
I admit, I find latinas somewhat hot because of body shapes, but not beautiful aesthetically.
Oh hell yeah, 90I can die in peace now
R.olling for tip top tier.
user..... Thanks dude. I did not know anything about this artist. Googled, now a fan.
Thanks very much for adding to my list of favorite art.
"Finnish beauty...will make delicious pasties..."
Oh, and also: elves are racemixing, OP.
health is wealth
None of those looks remotely interesting
Please no dogfucker or redhead
E*f lady scares me
I'll put my mutt dick in all of them
Also the elf to create dark
I want top right but the unedited version of the photo.
>not THE perfect 10
i already got the redhead but rolling anyway