The Amerimutt Intelligence meme is real

>A substantial number of Americans won’t buy the Mexican lager out of fear of the disease.
>The survey, conducted by public relations firm 5WPR, polled 737 adults over 21 on their opinions of Corona beer and found 38% would not buy the beer “under any circumstances” following the coronavirus outbreak. Of those who regularly drink Corona, 14% said they wouldn’t order it at a public venue, while 4% said they’d stop drinking it altogether.

Why are they so retarded? Is it the fluoride in the water?

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this is bullshit and just another example of the lugenpresse. Burn all journalists

Gay. I drank some Coronas with tacos last Friday

>“There is no question that Corona beer is suffering because of the coronavirus,” Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR, said in a statement. (The company represents several beverage brands, including Soda Stream and Santa Margherita wines.)

Cope harder

Mexican beer is probably the worst beer in the world.

Which demographic group drinks corona?

I call bullshit. Besides, even Mexicans don’t drink Corona. It’s shit beer.

people are stupid. More news at 11

Cnn poll faggot.

>Says the country that produces Bud Light

>payed article intensifies

I only drink IPAs anyway

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>being so retarded you fall for clickbait headlines
They just said they didn't want to drink it, not that it'd give them coronavirus.

Corona beer is disgusting

i bought one anyway, just for the name and to eventually do some memes among the ruins when my "country" collapses

You're really surprised that a commercial light beer tastes like shit?
Only poor college freshmen drink that shit.

I don't need some faggot jounalist cocksucker making smartass headlines. Fuck off.

also that's just how advertising works, just in reverse. The beer is associated with the unwanted virus, thus the beer becomes unwanted. Either way, I don't drink much, especially not shit corona beer. I'm not gonna buy a pack just to appease some faggot journalist.

Corona is a summer beer you stupid nigger

It’s 100% Mexicans. The superstitious shit that some of them believe would make someone from the 14th century seem like a progressive.


I've personally been buying it more since corona starting getting spicy in mid January

Sounds like cope
>drinking beer
>muh season
What are you, some pretentious beer sommelier faggot?

>4% of corona drinkers are retarded
Surprisingly low stat

Except that it's the most sold beer in Amerishit

You can get it from eating Chinese food

Bro like every normie ive known drinks that shit. especially older people

Most of it is. I usually go for their tequilas and mezcal but Bohemia Negra is a decent Mexican beer.

funny how that works

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Sounds based

Because its cheap. Bud light is the beer for the person that doesn't like beer. Its flavorless, weak, and completely inoffensive. People that actually like drinking drink good stuff.

I wouldn't drink Corona there anyway, cause elsewhere than the US and Mexico it's presented as a super Supreme ey gringo top quality beer and costs about €1.60 at a supermarket and at least double at a bar.

They're trying to do the same with 'Bud', by the way. Funnily enough, they're aiming at young people with that. You'd think them in particular would have heard about its bad reputation. Oh and they're marketing it in cardboard boxes, like in the movies (this is not a way companies pack beer in the Netherlands) to make it extra cool. Price: 24 × 30 cl bottles at €16.99, but since the official big introduction, it's on sale half the time.

Perfect example of a britbong jew takigg info and twisting it to imply something it doesn't.
They don't wanna drink corona because it is seen as insensitive you dickhead, not because of fears that it transmits the virus.

I guess its different in your part of the country. My part has a lot of local breweries that make some really nice beer. Natty light, bud light, and miller are college freshmen drinks almost exclusively.

>Why are they so retarded? Is it the fluoride in the water?
Burgers are clamped and circumcised at birth.

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Big surprises in for the illegals I have corona and have been wiping my ass on every pack of Corona beer I can find, Americans are actually smart for being stupid.

Not everyone can be a German master race(300 Corona cases, 0 death = German master race)

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Obviously anybody knows it has nothing to do with the virus it’s just the name makes you think of it and that’s a big put off.

It’s like if your beer was named liquid shit. Even if it’s a really good beer you think of diarrhea and you are put off.

Maybe they just think that corona is shit

>German master race
>master race

Is that why you lost 2 world wars?

Hey Nigel, we invented everything and have an average IQ of 100 when including 30+ percent niggers and spics. The white American is the smartest white there is on average because most of us are German + Anglo masterrace. That's why our teeth don't look like a fucking derailed train.

Another auscuck lapdog valiantly defending his swarthy masters. Cringe.

I tried to get coronas last weekend and they were sold out

It is like it is always, TRAITORS.

The thing is, we have tons of beers besides Bud Light. Whereas Mexican beers are few and pretty much smell like piss.

Liberals and spics. If you put fruit in your beer your a fucking bloody wanker.

More like journalists are so stupid they think that's the case when it is people not wanting to drink something with the same name of a bioweapon virus currently ravishing the planet.
>british intelligence

technically Nega Modelo is a Belgian recipe

user... youre making us look bad

What is the light part about it? 0.5% less alcohol, or what is the point. I don't have anything against drinking to get drunk, but something that isn't even 5% alcohol is just a gigantic pain in the ass for someone like me. I'd have to be drinking and pissing like a lunatic to get the alcohol in in a reasonable amount of time.

That's why I drink 14% beer. Absolutely disgusting, but drink one can and you have taken in the amount of alcohol of almost 3 big cans, or about a 6 pack of 'Bud'.

You know Britain "invented" you guys. Be nice to dad eh?

There is NO evidence of this, why you believe conspiracy lie? It coming from food market

The masses are retarded. When will you all wake up to the power that you possess?

It’s seems like bad luck, obviously.

It’s more superstition than ignorance.

>It’s 100% Mexicans.
This. I've actually noticed white people buying more corona lately, probably for the irony or some shit.

>eating foods you touch with your hands and put in your mouth that are prepared by foreigners
You're already dead.

>when it is people not wanting to drink something with the same name of a bioweapon virus
Thanks for proving my point, you Yanks are dumb as fuck.

The light part generally refers to calories. And Jesus H Christ 14% beer? How and why? Fucks sake you might as well be drinking liquor at that point.

No, light beer has slightly more alcohol than regular, but less carbs. It's nasty. And 14% isn't beer but malt liquor. If you drink that you are a nigger.

They're fuck all to do with us Mate.

Shit taste in beer, nigger.

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>What is the light part about it?
Lite beers are considered light due to their calorie content, not their alcohol content.

This image freaks me out unironically. It's so grotesque

>CEO wants people to buy more of his product
Wow I'm so convinced
They ran a "internet survey" and some third worlders clicked a button to get paid, this is news

OP is the low IQ example he seeks to mock.

The survey doesn't say what you are reporting it said, you moronic chav.

A beer with the name liquid shit will get purchased just for the memes. That's hillarious.

I guarantee the same thing is happening for this beer too.

More like why is Corona so retarded for naming their brand over a viral species.
>I'm going to make a THC infused beverage and name it "H.I.V." what could go wrong?

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were NOT that DUMB

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Those numbers are actually from people who just wouldn't bother with it, CNN in all their fake news glory just speculated that it was due to the virus without any research to back their claim up. Top britbong investigative work, I now understand how all those Muslim rape gangs and satanic politicians constantly slip out of your grasp

Pretty sure I saw a report that people were buying MORE corona because of the virus not too long ago. And honestly I'd do the same for the memes.

>I now understand how all those Muslim rape gangs and satanic politicians constantly slip out of your grasp

The rape gangs are let go out of malice and hatred of white female children, and not out of incompetence at all.