Reminder: We live in a far right society

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The left cant meme


donald trump is a borderline communist. thye have no idea how far right the right can be

stop teasing me

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If you're thinking of the government rounding up undesirable citizens and putting them in camps while expanding the military to create employment, pretty sure that's left-wing

Trump is pretty much a Leftie. Pro-gay, pro-immigration and a Jew lover

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Why are lefties so god-damn stupid?

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>Jeb Bush is far right

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if we lived in a far right society 30% of my income wouldnt go to nigger welfare and drones and the 56% would be the 90%

When you realize Donald Trump is a MMTer. Runs up huge deficits, then gets Fed to inject more liquidity by taking on more debt. Doesn’t pay for anything.

>far right

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Its okay to kill communist jackasses.

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Actually there is no "left" and "right". This is just brain washing, opinions are not on a scale, the best solutions are often out of the box, i.e. not on the stupid bar

>far right
>letting white people go extinct

Any Eurofriends want to enlighten me as to what type of platform you consider "far left"?

Please explain how sucking off Israel is "far right".

who is dat guy to the right from drumpf

Stephen Miller aka Goebbels to leftwing retards

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you need to lurk more if thats you're far right. wtf

Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, star trek

pretty much

This! so much this!
Stalin was a center-left.

Dunning-Kruger, cognitive dissonance.

>far right

lel. i wish

They don't actually realize what they are saying. "The Left can't meme" isn't founded on nothing.

Stop taking your meds.

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Fpbp. Checked

>far right society
>no western absolute monarchs

Reality is literally the opposite of what these leftards think. Trump should just be slightly right of centre

Single payer full coverage health system which bans double coverage - not even our literal communist party is dumb enough to propose that one

Mass nationalizations - considered way too radical, very little support < 5%

Minimum wage hikes and union rights hikes - only our commie party proposes that one, very little support

Open borders - one party proposes that, support is < 1%

Abolishing voter ID - no party has ever even so much as hinted as this, I've never me someone who doesn't regard this as pure lunacy

they're demons, right?

we already dont have voter ID

Airplanes titled to the left side

I tried explaining that once to my friends, they couldn't understand the concept of someone voting without an ID.

>if we lived in a far right society 30% of my income wouldnt go to nigger welfare
Yes it would, because the only way you are keeping people from rebelling against your far right society is straight up bribery.
Capitalism depends on welfare to survive.

America has moved so far left that Reagan and Trump are considered right wing. wew

>tfw both parties have accepted a liberal consesus for 100 years
Amerimutt political disagreements have dramatic flair today but really only amount to internal liberal squabbles. Any notion of people, faith, or nation is completely foreign to our political class.

Trump isn't even right wing.

>not advocating abolishing capitalism and shooting the bourgeoisie
Thats like, the primary requirement to be ANY kind of left wing.

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>We live in a far right society
I wish. Most of what the Far-Right stands for is considered too controversial to even discuss publicly, let alone advocate for.

Anything that proposes working within the current system is right wing, because capitalism is right wing.
There is no such thing as left wing capitalism, so you must first abolish private ownership of property to even be considered left wing of any kind.

It is hard to characterise current political trends mainly due to populism which has been the case for every presidential candidate, their interests change over time very often.

Actually quite the opposite. Anyone who isn't sincerely retarded has seen the overton window go waaaay left over the past 2 decades. Trump is center-left.

2 dimensional political charts are misleading. On social issues, much of the democratics party has jumped the shark to the left, but arent as far left economicaly woke capital. That graph is still being generous to Bernie.


How do I apply for a job posting degenerate shit online all day?

left and right are by definition relative to the political center of whatever country you're speaking

it's true that 99% of the west is to the right of the jacobins who sat on the left wing of the french revolutionary government but that isn't useful nor relevant

>Trump is center-left.
Trump is center-apathetic with Obama being slightly to the left of him.

Primarily because everyone knows that no far-left society can sustain itself for very long.

Good thing you'll never get to see abolishment of private property, faggot, you couldn't handle what comes with that sort of faggotry.

WOW what a backwards load of bullshit OP's pic related is! lol What a fucking joke

>your views
>considered even remotely academically valid
Marx wasn't even a real academic lmao
>working within the system is right wing
>being a decent human being is right wing
>there's no such thing as being a decent left wing believing human being
I'll agree with you for once.
>right wing

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woah now stop talking about actual history bro we're not here to talk to communists like human beings, they're fundamentally not human.
Straight up I'll take your equivalent of niggers any day of the week if you'll take our commies and jews. I'll also triple whatever foreign aid we give you to sweeten the deal.
No takebacks!

7.5/10 accuracy.
10/10 memetic flavor, you are not Kevin.


>far left can’t sustain itself
>what is Jewish usury trickery
Do you even globohomo west bruh?

The fact that simply saying "I don't support non white immigration" puts you at the very edge of the scale when it's possibly the most reasonable position a white man could have verifies this as bullshit.



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god I wish

>muh decent human bean
shut up liberal, your very existence is murder

Closer, but please don't group Jeb or any of the moderate democrats with Bernie

Those are just different kinds of liberals. It just means the right wing status quo is coming to an impasse over how to continue neoliberlaism. Which makes perfect sense as neoliberlaism is failing.
They will become more desperate and more energetic in their pushing for their more extreme ideas to keep it from collapsing.

Nigga, you gay.