/nsg/ + /sig/ - National Socialism General

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Thread for discussion of
Race Realism
the Aryan Ideal
National Pride
Racial Identity Movements

Improve yourself - Comrades, community, and folk!
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))


> What is National Socialism?
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based in the unbounding love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities which are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.


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Other urls found in this thread:

gettyimages.com/photos/heinrich-hoffmann?mediatype=photography&phrase=heinrich hoffmann&sort=mostpopular

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death to whitey

Attached: Economics_1.png (2000x2000, 355.58K)

>NatSoc German Economic Policy
>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)
>The Coining of “Privatization” and Germany’s National Socialist Party (Germa Bel)
>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Arthur Pillans Laurie - The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Social Welfare in Germany:
>German Economic Policy:
>German Labour Service:
>Paul Einzig - Economic Foundations Of Fascism

Attached: nseconomics01.png (1024x1024, 518.79K)

Just hit 225 on bench bros. Feels good.


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Attached: wehrmacht-in-training.png (1024x1024, 721.25K)

Keep going. 2 plates isn't too shabby, that's for sure. You're getting beyond pleb territory, hit 3 plates and you're stronger than almost anyone you will encounter in life.

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225 bench is easy but grats. really depends on your height and current bodyweight. what is your squat?

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What do you do for a living OP?


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What do you do?
I farm.

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Sieg Heiling as hard as I can.


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Cant speak for OP but i am in college right now.
Work at a hotdog stand on weekends.

Long/Short Term strategy for the creation of a National Socialist movement in North America
National Socialist Food Banks
The Rust belt is dotted with herione filled shit holes where millions of our people live in little better then well maintained slums, the decaying concrete carcasses of factories crumbling around them.
These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
>When we deliver food to white families?
Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
Swastika on the wall.
>When they sit down for a meal?
A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
In this we can turn the midwest and a great deal of the american south rural north east national socialist.
And from this we begin a legitimate Nat Soc movement in this country, shapping both elections and demographics in the process.

Attached: Ifearnomanmeme (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg (1280x1266, 136.05K)


ooo goody, been planning on one anyway

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>embrace having an authoritarian power tell you what to think, having the ability to force into wars and get you killed, limit your sex life, and take your money
No, fuck you.

Fascism is a reactionary response to post-War questioning of bourgeouis values (patriotism, conservatism, sentimentalism etc.). The ideas that led people to idiotically support the War. Prissy people shat their pants at the deromanticising of things, re-articulated the shitty values and guess what... we got a second world war. Stop acting like there isn't an issue here.

Here are two things which have really improved my SIG efforts recently.

The first is having "dashboards" where I record how I am doing on vices. I did this before but the important part is having them in a place readily available where you fall from grace into vice. By my bed I have a notepad where I write when I sleep and wake up. I have a friend who now keeps a notepad in his truck right on the dash to record when he buys packs of cigarettes. He says this has helped him save money and ration his cigarettes. Its a first step towards quitting.

The other thing is any vice or bad habit I want to lose I actually need to have a different positive habit that will replace it. At least to start. For example if I catch myself falling hard from grace surfing porn or just being lazy on my PC I have a little sketch pad with a ruler and pencil where as soon as i catch myself stuck in a dopamine vice loop I grab the pad and start doing simple perspective drawings with the Ruler. Cubes and cylinders cones etc. This puts me into a flowstate with a shorter release of dopamine and I can get right back on track with about 10 minutes of drawing in this pad.

I study math and CS so it feels good to have an activity that is creative and the other side of the brain that is also still rooted in geometry.

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OP, can I do a photo drop if recaptcha doesn't kill me on the process?

I bet OP is probably asleep given it's 2am in Estonia, so go for it. As a previous /nsg/ poster, you have my permission.

Attached: 1576919244635.jpg (450x570, 60.56K)

Damn, I wish we were speaking german now

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You're essentially speaking a German dialect.

Muh aesthetics

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gettyimages.com/photos/heinrich-hoffmann?mediatype=photography&phrase=heinrich hoffmann&sort=mostpopular

If you want to see more 3rd reich photos

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Here's some in color ones: nationalists.org/library/hitler-jaeger/

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>limit your sex life
>take your money
>fascism is the same as national socialism

not sure if you're drunk or mentally defective

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My favorite

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This is so damn beautiful and it makes me proud being a German, being part of this history.

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If you want more, I have more.

As it should, user, as it should.

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keep 'em coming. You can take solace in that at least I am looking at them all

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National Socialism is a form of fascism. It's just fascism adapted to the climate of Germany in which ethnicity was seen as higher than civic patriotism. The concerns were the same as fascism though- reacting against democratic 'degeneration', socialism, internationalism, etc

I'm pretty sure that if all the American soldiers from back then could see their country now, and the world as a whole, they would have sided with us. Same goes for the English.

When you look at these photos I just think was the war really necessary? Why couldn't they be content with what they had?
Of course I think the British should have allied with him but w/e, its in the past now


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British were worst n in some cases still are so fuck off waspjew

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>When you look at these photos I just think was the war really necessary? Why couldn't they be content with what they had?
I d e o l o g y

Attached: A young German soldier, 1944.jpg (800x1217, 135.12K)

Google is trying really hard to stifle me

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so glad that thanks to fascism this man ended up dead or witnessing horrors he will never forget


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>Slavs not considered subhuman
Fascists planned to starve them to death and use their land as Lebensruam, to solve the problem of 'overpopulation'

propaganda debunked!!1