She's right, you know

She's right, you know

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It's called being nappy

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Really because those weaves smell like a dog's foot. You know, like old stale corn chips

Who the fuck makes shit-scented soap

How will the rest of the boards deal with their internalized racism?

It`s not fucking soap is like urine.

Black women tend to smell like a mix of chemicals and shit.

Literally no way to prove or disprove the colour of posters on this site

Could /jp/ be any more based?

The only difference between niggers and dog shit is, atleast when dog shit gets old it turns white. And quits stinking!

...why would someone use chimpanzee BO scented soap?

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>African soap

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they do have a weird smell

I know a black girl that smells like mold.

so do asian tbqh

reply with this and educate normals on the black problem

niggers need to be dealt with

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i got a whiff of a nigger earlier. YUCk!

Black people have this very unfortunate BO. It's like smoked curdled milk. It has this burnt aftertaste.

Yes it is moldy.

you could ask for a self reported poll

Niggers can't unironically believe this?

They smell bad even when they're "clean". Must suck to be a stinky nigger

The overwhelming majority of black people I've ever met reek of weed and some god-awful cologne or maybe Axe body spray.

They reek like a fucking monkey. Ever been to a zoo? Same smell

You already posted that shit 2 hours ago. Attention whore.

It even smells weird when they are drying their clothes desu roody poo

why i finland high

Cocoa butter isn't soap.

>White people on Yas Forums

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soap doesn't smell like skunky dogshit lmao

lol no I can literally smell your inferior genes

Its sweat, unwashed hair and cocoa butter.

Uhhhhh no its musky wusky from no bathy wathies.


Faggot slide thread.

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According to the DNA results posted here, everyone on Yas Forums is part sand nigger and part Mongol.

>Cocoa butter isn't soap.

Yeah, the cocoa butter smell is so hard to get away from when they're around. Is it their hair (that they can't wash) or does their skin have oils that we as human beings just find weird?

>BO+Coconut Oil
I avoid public transportation in summer because of that

Black&Milds and coco butter

Yeah, bullshit. "You stink like shit" was all it took to bait the niggletts in elementary, gave me all the excuse I needed to punch their pugnosed faces. They know EXACTLY how they smell and even they don't like it much.

It's not fucking soap, it's baby/talcum powder. They poof that shit all over themselves if they don't know how to properly clean themselves. Ever notice when you meet a black person and they smell normal, they also tend to be better off and capable of holding a normal conversation? It's a retard thing. I've met white trash who plaster their creases and shit with powder too. It's to hide the smell of degeneracy.

i went to a 60% black high school. Definitely not soap unless they are using stale, wet dorito scented soap.

ok this is epic, so i'm not the only one who thinks the smell is like stale old chips

I forgot to add, it doesn't work very well. It barely just changes the scent of the crap that collects in the folds of their body. So it'll be a different smell for some people. Also, if it's earlier in the day, it'll smell like talcum and slightly soapy. Gets worse over the day.

I once worked with a nigger straight off the boat from Africa and he smelled like dead bodies and cat piss. People couldn't breath around him without gagging and we had to get his boss to tell him to shower. Nice guy, but he smelled fucking disgusting.

You sure ? Whenever a nigger walks by me IRL, they always smell like a weird mixture of sweat, weed and whatnot

Niggers dont wash their ass. It's a known fact in niggerworld

That's very interesting. Perhaps it's a learned socio-biological behavior from when they were (primitive?) niggers living out in African bush. I could imagine no other race than niggers rubbing dust all over them. lol no brained nigger monkeys ook ook

Probably also the fact that White civilization hasn't yet unlocked the Lotion tech.

i actually spend a retarded amount of money on shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and facial care products. niggers thinking spending $120 a week on food is a lot...

wrong bucko. spf moisturizer every day. age moisturizer over rentinol at night. bottle of body lotion at my desk to keep my hands lubed.

that's literally objectively in the most concrete and physical possible sense wrong though

for me it's cold water and irish spring soap every day and shampoo/conditioner once a week

black women usually smell good tho. at least the ones at work. never really around them much otherwise.

I mean, there's probably a lot of stale chips tangled in there

It smells like ammonia and shit.

same thing with h1b pajeets if you ever had the pleasure. literally almost unbearably bad

You spelt color with a u, that paired with your union jack confirms your white Bruce. Or white enough to pass for some sort of civilized being.

White peoples age like a rotting pumpkin in a time lapse video

do you guys consider that a bad smell? maybe it is because i'm not around it much, but smells decent enough. sure is a lot better than old women with crotch rot.

if you think dollar store perfume smells good I guess, nigger lover


Nogs smell like a zoo.

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expecting the mutts of this board not to lie


>its soap
>has dreads

No, it's fucking coco butter. They got all kinds of lotions and shit or they get ashy. It isn't soap.

Abos smell really bad. I've seen a Korean exchange student go ape shit swearing after an Abo got on the train and sat next to her.

Quick, amend the racist memes! We're being destroyed out there!

>body odor and skunk weed soap

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Why do niggers use soap that smells like piss and shit?

pretty sure those numbers include suicide

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You are a beautiful retard.

>do you guys consider that a bad smell? maybe it is because i'm not around it much, but smells decent enough. sure is a lot better than old women with crotch rot.

I don't know man. If I was walking around with a huge thatch of greasy wool on my head, I wouldn't want to do anything to make myself smell MORE like oil.

I don't know what black people smell like, but brown people often smell literally of shit.

No, it’s sweat and urine, I have met many blacks

i mean, look at greta coomberg. she isn't even 20 and has a shit load of wrinkles. white people do age like shit.