Worldwide open borders will nearly triple the world's GDP
We need open borders
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Source for any of those claims?
So how does it affect the everyday lives of 3rd worlders, and the lives of everyday 1st worlders?
The problem is that they aren't taking said jobs. They're living on gibsmedats
>nearly triple
oh wow, the outsourcing boom that took those jobs from here to there where those poor fuckers are trying to move here not nearly but ten fold the global gdp
Hows that GDP growth working out for the EU countries. Let the refugees in they said. It'll boost your economy they said. Well now Germany is heading to recession.
>a fucking leaf
No more shitskin street shitters.
Bryan Caplan works at my university and I allegedly caught him watching cuckold pornography on company time.
>Money growing on trees was too difficult, not only to draw, but to imagine that I'd be willing to pick it so now the money is as common as dirt.
>This is a representation of a utopia where money is literally as common as dirt.
>t. leftist cartoonist for your valuable ideas and insight
Globalist supremacists will get shot in the mouth
It's from Michael Clemens summary of the literature on migration economics.
GDP will only triple because the top 1% don't pay taxes.
I really don't know a single economist who thinks business cycles are related to immigration.
>if anyone can take any job anywhere, you won't have to compete with african niggers willing to work for a penny
"money is everything". that's your brain on pesticides and judaism
>The global elite needs to send you where your work is valued the lowest so they can maximize profits
Fuck off, muh GDP is a jewish argument that doent get how people live.
You know Bryan Caplan is a libertarian right?
They'll be on gibs
No it wouldn't.
>imagine being able to take a job anywhere in the world
>every nigger in the world moves to america and destroys it with heaps and heaps of trash
Nobody ever said immigration causes poverty. Immigrants who are impoverished and choose to remain so on the public tax dollar without contributing to society absolutely 100% raises poverty statistics, though. Immigration makes it harder for the folks who are already here. "Oh boo-hoo, so you have to work harder for less." EXACTLY! Fuck everyone else, including other Americans who want to make me work harder for less. Job loss should be opinion-based. When an immigrant takes a job from an American because he'll do it for a fourth of the cost, that American should firmly believe in immigration before losing his livelihood for someone who refused to make his where he was born.
This makes no sense. I can't get a job in Russia because I don't speak Russian. I can't get a job in China because I'm not fucking eating dog. What this actually does is ruin the job market for the poor and keeps them poor. It also destroys the family and cultural ties. It's great for major corporations and that is why it's pushed so much. If they could import people from anywhere they will. There is no need for any money to be reinvested into the culture and only the leaders of major corporations benefit. Money goes to where it is convenient for your employer and not specifically for you or your neighborhood.
Libertarianism is the same leftism, just a communism where you are allowed to own stocks
It will, it effectively means liquidating the wellbeing and genetic capital of decent countries
lolbergs are even better shabbos goyim than leftists.
They might be econimically right but socially they are left lacking.
GDP does not consider the distribution of that wealth. Global GDP per capita is something like 17k. That's a lot lower than the 60k in America. They're basically saying the world is richer if everyone made on average 25k a year. Fuck that.
>half again as much gdp
>all goes into the stock portfolio of the 1% jews
yeah, that's exactly what I want.
>world GDP
Why the fuck would I care about GDP outside of my nation?
muh GDP i dont give a fuck about GDP, kike
i hope every economist catches the corona virus (after being fired from their sinecures and replaced with a low cost chinese counterpart)
Open Border For Israel!
in the model 2/3 of the planet moves immediately to the US and Europe
Then why do we usually get a lot of immigrants on long term welfare?
Yeah I'm sure population growth from immigration is the exact same as from native births, no culture clashes and infighting, nope
Just dollar bills and infinite growth and rainbows
Macro level indicators of economic prosperity are not proxy measures for individual and group health/happiness.
Those who view the world in purely economic terms are as sad as they are misguided.
That's what I'd expect. The rest of the world would be like the wild west.
fuck capitalism
>We need open borders
fuck off kushner
All whites in the USA should quit believing in money.
Can anyone give me a real reason for open borders? I don't want anything humanitarian, because the only reason for the need to get the fuck out of a shithole country is because of government or religion, which can be fixed. The people need to change their own circumstances in the land they live in.
Nuclear disaster areas not included.
>goosing populations of first world countries and printing money for more loans increases gdp
>look at all these potential loans abraham! too bad their value in local currency is only the equivalent of 1000 usd. imagine how much they could consume in europe and thr usa! why, their loans would be directly on the scale of 100,000 usd and they would drive down wages! why it would be like the messiah himself descended and gave us the reigns of all the world's goyim as promised!
If you're currently rich open borders would make you even richer. That's it.
In my experience GDP never translates directly to quality of life for any other than bankers and corporate stooges.
"Trillion dollar bills on the sidewalk" is a good name for it because open borders would cause economic crashes hallmarked by rampant inflation and currency crashes as a chosen portion of the elite are able to suck the actual wealth out of the world and abscond with it all to a tiny little fortress state made for them and enforcing morbidly xenophobic border control.
>capitalists uprooting entire groups of people for profit
>Christianity supports open borders
The New Testament and broader Christian tradition are a natural fit with open borders. Both emphasize our common humanity and preach strong obligations to welcome and support to the needy. Consider, “I was a stranger and you took me in” (Matthew 25:35); “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28); and “When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous” (Luke 14:12–14). Even the Old Testament repeatedly urges just treatment of foreigners: “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt” (Exodus 22:21); and “You must have the same regulations for both the foreigner and the native-born” (Numbers 9:14). An open borders policy is not charity; but even if it were, Christians seem obliged to support it.
>goyim, you gotta work harder to pay more taxes for these migrants, as well as work harder because you have to compete with some of them in the workforce too!
>this is 'economic progress'
I'm down if there is a 150% tax increase
Now factor in gibs.
this, gdp is a meme
>open borders
>drawing of a bunch of jews swimming in money
they're not even trying to hide it, are they?
you mean the 1% will get rich while everyone else will be slaves.
WTF? I want my homeland flooded with 60IQ shitskins now!
That's what I think, too.
The only positive is to those who don't need any more positives.
It's all in his models, that he designed, that he chose what studies to include - science!
i could support open borders if we ended all forms of welfare, including public schools and other services. the 70iq nogs could not compete in 100iq+ nations and would self segregate.
basically we'd have the world map of the 1800's, and thats a GOOD thing!
they wouldnt move here if not for the welfare
without the welfare state spics who dont speak english wouldnt move to white countries because they wont be able to get a job
yea only in the since that the gdp of all the third world shitholes going up from the shitskins sending money back home after leaching it out of our economy by stealing all of the jobs for pennies on the dollar and essentially killing whats left of the the rotting husk thats left of the american lifestyle. theyll all jobs for the absolute lowest wage, leaving you pennieless and living in a van, and they will live 50 people in a studio apartment just so they can send as much of OUR gdp back to their own shit hole.
this is why the holocaust happened.
Who gives a shit about how much billionaires make?
Nope. See: the entire continent of Africa.
A Jew made that comic and only Jews benefit and get more money from shitskin invasion of white countries.
Simple explanation. Whites subsidize niggers. So money what of white hands into niggers. Niggers use money to pay rent to their Jew land lord and buy Jew products. This it’s a transfer of wealth. White to nigger to Jew. It’s only whites that lose. The poorer whites are the more money Jews are parasiting off us. It’s no coincidence that the rich have gotten richer by substantial margins while whites have gotten significantly poorer and immigration has increased where we are almost a minority in our own lands. It’s all correlated. It’s pure evil.
If 3rd worlders migrated to 1st world countries and 1st worlders migrated to 3rd world countries the world GDP would multiply by 10.
And if this were to be repeated every 14 and 88 days, the GDP would multiply by 6 millions