/sg/ Syria General - Safe Europe Edition


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Devs Mar 4
With the fall of Afes, Al Qaeda in Idlib and their Turkish allies have been forced off the M5
Turkshills killing themselves en masse
Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow tomorrow
Clashes between protesters and security forces at Al-Khilani Square
Former Egyptian army officer Hisham Ashmawi has been executed in Egypt after being captured by LNA scouts in Darna. He was wearing an explosive vest while assisting ISIS in Darna.
LNA forces fully liberated the apartment complex in Al-Azizia.
Ma’rib tribes prepared to hand over city to National Salvation Government of Yemen (Houthi Yemen)
Peace deal collapses as Taliban and US return to combat
After the closed session in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, after the statements of Engin Özkoç, there was a fist fight in parliament.


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Let the blitzkrieg begin


Russia forever.

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Germany, Netherlands seem to back Turkey vs. Greece in EU council regarding refugee issue, Syria intervention.


RT reporter Wafa has died in intensive care.

The Israeli raids targeted the headquarters of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, near the Homs refinery

>The Israeli raids targeted the headquarters of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, near the Homs refinery

The Israeli raids targeted the headquarters of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, near the Homs refinery

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I personally let the jew planes fly over lebanon so they can BTFO ass-shart, u got a problem with that?

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Israeli strikes hit Hezbollah positions near Homs refinery, pro-opposition outlet claims
Quote Tweet

According to reports in southern Syria an Iranian militia ammunition cache was struck by IDF aircraft with 5 missiles in Qunetria.

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>pro-opposition outlet claims
>ammo dump
this is just pathetic, at least try

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I don't trust the Jews. I was once talking to a jewish girl she was 15 and she could speak 5 languages and was making 2K a month when I was 15 I was jerking off all day and play Dota 2. Motherfuckers born to be espionage james bond bullshit.

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>Turkey and US did more destruction in in one week than an IAF F-16 Ammo dump CAS in three years

what DID Bibi mean by this?

Dude you're a romanian, why the fuck are you even speaking ??


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My country isn't full of muslims so shut the fuck up.

I think Jewish parents really value their children's education. Upper caste Indians are like that as well, that's why they BTFO us normals when it comes to success.


>Germany, Netherlands seem to back Turkey

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Because not even muslims want to come to your sad ass shithole


Tell me Hezbollah isn't stupid enough to station their troops in barracks at obvious locations

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Me on the left.

Stay away from the scrapyard, Alex.

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She speaks 5 languages and makes 2K a month because she does multi-racial porn, ogluanon.

Take the poor pill bro. Real ethnostates are poor.

>unironically wasting your youth on being a financial peon
You took the high road Roachanon

Choose your monicker.

A) Ogluanon
B) Anonoglu

It's high conscientiousness and high in group cohesion in both cases that leads to their success, especially in high trust, wealthy societies ran by dumb, exploitable Goys. Jews also have medium-high IQ (lower than they claim but high by global standards) which helps a lot as well.

Don't even make me start with your shitskin meme of a country

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>M4 and M5 in exchange for both Idlib and Aleppo being annexed by Turkey
Deal no Deal?

What are you talking about lad?

no deal of course


Israel mad af the Turkroach offensive in Idlib has already fizzled out.

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ich töte sie ficken

Racial conflicts have always been a tool of the elite to prevent class consciousness

>even non stealth planes have tried to avoid right angles for the past half century
>hey mehmet, look at this slick tail design

Syrian politics in a nutshell

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nvm, Hezbollah doesn't operate in Syria anymore. They mostly left Syria a year ago

si rosu pastilat

>You take the 2 roads and we take the city both roads connect to
Where my 555 Putin come on now

heh, nice

Still hiding in Jordan?

Jihadi constantly thinks about cocks and projects
Nothing new

are we going to see gains in south idlib soon?

Racial conflicts have been a thing for more time than classes themselves. Fact of the matter is that poor saps from Europe have fuck all in common with third worlders and vive versa.

guys we must avenge him !

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>Turkish Rats Got Pussy in Tall Rifat Region by Kurds and army
this should be interesting

this. i grew up in nyc. jews give each other jobs like crazy.

Why do we fight over Arab oil? There's probably a lot of oil in Mediterranean. Fuck this I propose a solution to this war.


>Fact of the matter is that poor saps from Europe have fuck all in common with third worlders and vive versa.

I take it you've never been to a major North-West Germany city.

Lower class Germans are basically Turks/Arabs.

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Internationalist elites keep it that way - and eat together peacefully at long tables. The underclass may be divided and destroyed, but the upperclass is stronger and more unified than ever. Now add racial conflicts to the underclass, and you have your enemies divided and conquered

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What do you think about tomorrow meeting between our presidents?


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Draw borders. Wait a while for something bad to happen. Attack again.


Pantsir does not wo-

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We don't, it's too keep russia and the kikes from making a stronghold near turkey.
Somalia already offered turkey to search for oil.

Eastern Europeans are a subrace of Arab as well, they like the same things: tacky designer closers, African American 'urban cutlure', overpriced German cars.


>Somalia already offered turkey to search for oil.

Are you sure that wasn't just pirates wanting to steal ships?

nice digits

What's your fucking problem Netherlands. We know Germany is a Turkish colony but come on do you want to become Sweden.

then which iranian is fighting in the north, replacing all the SAA losses?

Grew up and live in eastern Germany, needless to say I know plenty about lower class Germans and even the worst of them aren't as bad as the average Turk.
No, it's always been this way. Different geography and different climates just create different cultures.


wasted digits

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>target hits confirmed
>ynms nigger shitting out his ass again


Face it Assad will never win
He's lost.

This cope is unreal

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Allah's magic is with Syrians bro. They just say Tekbiirrrr and the missiles are gone


Assad is a cuck to the zionist.
The zionist fucks his allies and his army and he can do nothing

>No, it's always been this way
Not always, no

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morning fellas
They always hit from over Lebanon or mediterranean coast. I've been telling that to /sg since 2018.
On russian /sg the turkish operation now got nickname "cuckold shield" because so far they only lost territory after it's start.

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>yes, let's hit israel back, that totally won't get the mutts involved


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Death to America, of course.

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>only lost territory
They reversed all of the south Idlib "gains"

Could be, but it's also prudent not to bark if you can't show anything for it and I don't think Syria is in any position to do much to Israel.

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Say it with me

Yup and so do Indians. They're actually quite similar.

It officially started on March 1st, not in Feb.

It's been this way for as long as humans have existed and likely even longer. Tribalism exists even in animals.


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fugg de gobbernmend


When they tell they are so and so young but have abilities that you don't have at this age, they are already lying.
You think she was really 15? And how would she make 2k a months by 15 huh?
they lie and deceive. lol.
But you got your own jew-cluster in turkey.
Guess who the "YoungTurks" are and Erdohan is one of them.

Something something cremators can't burn that fast.

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John 3:16
"Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlu'nu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun.

Matthew 16:24
Sonra İsa, öğrencilerine şunları söyledi: "Ardımdan gelmek isteyen kendini inkâr etsin, çarmıhını yüklenip beni izlesin.

John 14:6
İsa, "Yol, gerçek ve yaşam Ben'im" dedi. "Benim aracılığım olmadan Baba'ya kimse gelemez.


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So that was Romanian secret plan all alone... to keep muslims away

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Any damage of Israeli attack confirmed?

This but unironically

Fuck you. My god is Erlik. God of mischief and war. He drinks the blood of martyrs so they come back from the death to fuck you European niggers in the ass again.


>Richard Nelson Frye defines Greater Iran as including "much of the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, with cultural influences extending to China and western India."

>According to Frye, "Iran means all lands and peoples where Iranian languages were and are spoken, and where in the past, multi-faceted Iranian cultures existed."

>Only in modern times did western colonial intervention and ethnicity tend to become a dividing force between the provinces of Greater Iran.

>As Patrick Clawson states, "ethnic nationalism is largely a nineteenth century phenomenon, even if it is fashionable to retroactively extend it."

>"Greater Iran" however has been more of a cultural super-state, rather than a political one to begin with.

>"Many Iranians consider their natural sphere of influence to extend beyond Iran's present borders.

>Portuguese forces seized islands and ports in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire wrested from Tehran's control what is today Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and part of Georgia.

>Iranian elementary school texts teach about the Iranian roots not only of cities like Baku, but also cities further north like Derbent in southern Russia.

>The Shah lost much of his claim to western Afghanistan following the Anglo-Iranian war of 1856-1857.

>"Iran today is just a rump of what it once was. At its height, Iranian rulers controlled Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, much of Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Many Iranians today consider these areas part of a greater Iranian sphere of influence." -Patrick Clawson

You fucking devil zionist imperialist pigs. You will NEVER divide IRAN and will NEVER make us forget about our roots.

TFUUUUUU on your mothers pussy for giving birth to such devils.

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