Why won't the young people vote for Bernie?
Why won't the young people vote for Bernie?
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too busy fortnite dancin
Cuz young people are redpilled about the jq
They dont want a kike lord to be their president
Historically young people just make noise but don't bother to vote
they are, it's rigged
They're too stupid to register. They all thought they could just show up at their polling place and vote. More people were turned away from polling places in 2020 than any other primary.
Because Bernie is stuck in the 1960s. No one outside of a few wackos wants to go to college any more because everyone realizes it is just an anti-white marxist indoctrination center. Young adults these days want a job and house.
Bernie supporters aren't old enough to vote
it's a whitepill, actually. the majority of young americans are not commies
Aren't half his online supporters too young to even legally vote?
Because I'm on spring break sucking cawk in Florida
This. Some political truths to shove down your throat
>poor people will prefer ingroup vs. outgroup rhetoric over policies that will actually benefit them most
>young people will make a big show of their political affiliations but not bother to actually vote because they care more about how their peers see them than to actually enact any change
Voting is gay.
i know this is a data mining thread but still ill take the fukken bait...allow then to use their cell phone to vote
internet reveals old jew's lies, hilarious.
that aged well
haha nice try cocksucker bernouts are either too high to vote or dont own a car
Because we aren't stupid enough to think we will get free stuff.
Because even young people realize he's a dog-faced pony soldier lol.
I like how bernietards assume every "youth" is a bernie voter and if they lose it's because they were lazy and didn't go out to vote. What if most of the youth doesn't give a fuck about bernie.
Because Zoomers dont like Jews and the Left is fucking Salty about it.
Too lazy to go stand in line to vote.
Young people are the worst people to rely on for votes. This is proven time and time again. They are lazy do nothings. All talk and whine on the internet about shit but can't even get up and vote.
Boomers showed you last night why they still call the shots despite your memes. Trump wouldn't be president either if not for the boomer support.
November is going to be boomer vs boomer.
Youth votes has historically always been low. Always.
The "Youth vote" never shows up. An old granny will wait in line and hour to vote. A young zoomer suffers from ADD and will rather be at home playing vidya games.
They're at work. Boomers are lazy layabouts. They have all the time in the world to vote. Voter suppression is extreme in America. Refusing to make voting a holiday, massive and systemic gerrymandering, intentionally closing polling stations constantly. And all of it is run by a two "party" organized gang system who are basically private organizations with their own internal rules, but which control all politics in the country.
Voting is a scam, use fire instead.
>lazy layabouts
they're in their 60s and 70s, user. they've worked for 50 years. stop being a brat
>REEEEE mommy and daddy need to work so I can get my chicken tendies and free healthcare
>if I don't get what I want, I'll start throwing a tantrum and fire bombs
talk about entitled. luckily these kids can't be bothered to get off their phone and get a job, let alone start a major uprising.
Tell me what you know about the jq, jew.
I remember learning about that in my political science class, I thought it was bullshit, but here we are still repeating the same trends regardless of what the political situation is around the world.
>Poor people vote for more government power or in-group preferences.
>Poor people seem to very rarely vote to decrease taxes, despite losing more of their income as a direct result.
>Young people seem to be oblivious that a vote even happened, I saw only old people at the polls when I went. Only young guy there was me and my brother.
>Yet twitter is angry about bernies land slide loss, more angry that Warren was in the race and “stole” votes from bernie.
My work allows you to take as much time as you need to go to the polls and vote for the primaries and general election.
They ran from 7AM to 6PM hardly anyone works that long and if they do they could have mailed in their ballot anyway.
People too lazy to get jobs are also too lazy to vote.
I dont want another stupid boomer that is going to line his pockets
Trump and Bernie are the same shit
They are, but the vast majority of them are still staying at home, like they do literally every election cycle.
you really want more government control? fuck this auth left fuck wad, and FUCK YOU
During work hours? Elections in America are literally always held on a weekday.
because he is a rich fuck trying to claim he will tax the rich.
Dude has three fucking mansions.
Federally protected time
For me they fucked up my county register and had to travel an hour to get to the polls
Still voted
Cause he's a boomer
They were going to but, you know, Tuesday isn't good with them. And they woke up feeling a little down about things. And they've been really stressed out lately so they can't do EVERYTHING. And it doesn't matter because everyone in their Bernie subreddit was promising to vote, so it's OK if they miss it just this once.
Apparently, the young people aren't quite as retarded as you thought and don't want to vote in a gay ass kike faggot like Bernie.
Honestly wish billionaires got taxed like us normalfags
what's the point of voting in todays world? niggers and women can vote so its not going to be a truthful representation of what is right for the country anyway
Rec room revolutionaries. Their only interests are signaling energy and strength online, then coming up with every excusr to do nothing about it because they actually enjoy the satus quo more than anyone.
The problem with taxing the rich is that they could just leave at any point. They got all the money in the world, they can just take it and run, and there goes the welfare of thousands of people. The trick is to get them to stay so what small percentage of taxes they get charged with actually get paid and used.
The 2 biggest facts in politics are the elderly always show up to vote and the youths don't. Coincidentally the elderly also get the most federal funding in terms of programs while youths, particularly
Or point a gun at their head and never give them the chance to leave. But some basedboy democrat doesn't have the guts to go full 1488 like that
The Democratic Party convinced the youth old white men are evil.
Basically boot licking them while they are utilizing wage slaves to make more money
Amazon pays 15/hr works you like a concentration camp and then pays nothing in federal taxes yet their main workforce is federally subsidized
Not trying to be a commie but at a certain point caving to these companies is just redistributing wealth upward.
I love this argument. Have fun in china dipshits.
They're not going to stop doing business in America or go over to some country that will nationalize them at a moment's notice. You're so gullible if you think that. It's why Yang was Bernie but not retarded.
Put weed on the ballot then you will get the young to vote.
Is amazing the amount of people Sanders has quarter that gives zero fucks about actually voting, they go out and fight tooth and nail to support the communist and most of the time they don't even remember the polling date in their area.
the world just wasn't ready yet
Everyone’s acting like 2020 Bernie is the same as 2016 Bernie, but in that time we had him drop out, endorse Hillary, deny refunds, and buy himself a new mansion and ferrari.. he adopted the ‘muh russia’ and ‘orange man bad’ narratives, and he went from calling open borders a Koch bro conspiracy to calling for open borders. He’s not the same Bernie and lost a lot of his appeal.
they think they can change the world if they just tweet about something, actually they dont even care if they do, as long as their friends think they are woke, and I am glad, fuck Bernie
they dont want things to get better, they have mental health issue and just want an excuse to be outraged, many of them hate themselves, thats why so many switch genders then kill themselves when that fails
Imagine if Yang was in Sanders position. He won New Hampshire, Nevada, was looking like the frontrunner and then unraveled. I imagine there would be a ton of media articles about the racist electorate not supporting him because of that virus.
Early voting, extended hours, etc.. You're just a sniveling cunt.
Man I do not fucking know. I've never seen a man get so much mileage out of campaigning for four years with such bad results. I want a progressive so I gave consideration to voting for him yesterday, but ultimately I said, "Fuck that, if I'm voting progressive I'd might as well vote Warren, who I think would be a much better president."
Boy am I glad I did. My polling place was packed. Me and a bunch of white college girls were going Warren and a fuck ton of boomers (black and white) were going Biden. I don't want Biden to be the nominee but god damn man, the boomers showed up. They showed up in 2018 to flip the house and they're showing up now for Uncle Joe.
Me, the white college girls, and the boomers have proven that we show up. And for our troubles, we get harassed on social media by a bunch of people who couldn't be fucked (according not just to my personal experience, but Bernie's dismal showing yesterday). When the fuck is this epic turn-out machine thing supposed to happen?