/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1580

Screener at LAX airport tests positive

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 95,066 ► Died: 3,253

20:44: 1st case in Slovenia
22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
20:54: 4 new cases in Ireland.
20:53: 10 new cases in Iceland.
20:52: 9 new cases in Algeria.
20:51: 17 new cases in Sweden.
20:50: 5 new cases in Westchester County, New York.
20:44: 11 new cases in Switzerland.
20:27: 1 new death in Baghdad, Iraq. The patient, who was 65 years old, had underlying health issues.
19:48: 2 new cases, including 1 presumptive confirmed case, in Brazil.


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So when do we make the turn and start actively worshipping Nurgle?

>all the boomers are about to die
should I start learning older languages like COBOL for better employment after this shit is over?

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Fuck off

why'd you suck off a nigger

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► China 80,282 (2,981) ► International 14,098 (241): S. Korea 5,621 (35) Iran 2,922 (92) Italy 2,502 (79) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 319 (6) France 285 (4) Spain 202 (1) USA 154 (11) Hong Kong 103 (2) Australia 50 (2) Thailand 43 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) Iraq 35 (1) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 282 Singapore 110 Switzerland 104 UK 87 Kuwait 56 Bahrain 52 Malaysia 50 Norway 48 Netherlands 38 Sweden 52 Canada 33 India 28 Austria 27 UAE 27 Belgium 23 Iceland 26 Vietnam 16 Israel 15 Lebanon 13 Oman 12 Macao 10 Denmark 10 Croatia 9 Greece 9 Algeria 17 Ireland 10 Czechia 9 Qatar 8 Ecuador 7 Finland 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Portugal 5 Senegal 4 Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 3 Russia 3 Brazil 4 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 New Zealand 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Morocco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 Saudi Arabia 2 Sri Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 2 Chile 1 Faeroes 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Slovenia 1

China +131 (+38) S. Korea +435 (+3) Iran +586 (+15) France +285 Australia +11 (+1) Japan +26 Germany +20 Spain +37 USA +10 Hong Kong +2 Switzerland +11 UK +36 Bahrain +3 Sweden +17 Malaysia +14 Norway +15 Netherlands +15 Canada +3 India +21 Austria +3 Algeria +9 Belgium +8 Iceland +10 S. Marino +6 Ireland +4 Israel +3 Senegal +2 Brazil +2 Hungary +2 Iraq +3 Czechia +1 Belarus +2 Romania +2 Portugal +1 Faeroes +1 Poland +1 Argentina +1 Saudi Arabia +1 Slovenia +1


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Why? You nasty.

Actually, yes.

why did you suck off a romanian

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Whats the deal with /cvg/ and sucking cocks?

We need to declare martial law, force everyone to stay home, and deliver rations by drone


Why are you shifting the blame gypsy nigger? We all know it was you

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>Two strains

In all likelihood it was the milder strain that evolved from the more aggressive one. A virus that is too aggressive cannot reproduce as effectively in its host. We also know that most deadly iterations were in the first days of the virus spreading through Wuhan.

This is bad but you're all off your meds. Actually think for once. The Spanish Flu mutated itself into dying, this will either do that or it'll become the next flu (but worse) and kill off even more old people every flu season.

But schizophrenics and paranoid personality disorder retards will ignore this. .

I feel bad for Slovakia. Poor guys are now surrounded from all sides.

>there are people who STILL believe in the CCP-fabricated numbers
China was lying only at the start but they're telling the truth now!! :^)

Imagine actually dying of the corona virus lmao

Stay calm wash your hands and keep rubbing.

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>Am I in danger?
Is your country attached to California?

You are in danger.

Au revoir et adieu jolie fille madrilaine.

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You forgot your memeflag.

But not to niiggers

Here's my misfortune

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Someone make a master list of professions filled with boomers, I want to know what gaps need to be refilled 20 years from now when society starts recovering

What are the odds of a whole isle getting fully infected?
there is a new case over t(here)

We all already have it.
Pandemic is here.
We already have it.
It's come for our old and sick.
If you are fit and healthy you have nothing to fear.
Balanced diet, excersize, what was your excuse for not having it? I'll do it tomorrow?
Too late now for the lazy and the unfit.

>boomers finally die
>we can finally stop using this shit along with SAS VBA etc.
No you fucking retard let it die

Why don't you retards just move to the moon lol

>be me
>been prepped for a month. kept good decon procedure in house
>this weekend my boomer relatives from Cali are coming to stay
>mfw they want to go to a bunch of spring training games
What do I do lads? Even if I don't go they want to take my kids out, and even if I keep my kids at home they're still staying with me. What do I do?

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3rd case in New Zealand

you fags wanted it off now get bacj on your ritalin

mirrored numerals confirm colored bird cute

CDC revised their testing criteria
>Fever with severe acute lower respiratory illness (e.g., pneumonia, ARDS) requiring hospitalization and without alternative explanatory diagnosis (e.g., influenza) AND No identified source
still hilariously restrictive considering the Chinese reporting that fever is a late stage indicator

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All the dehydrated milk is sold out between four different grocery stores in my area

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In one month, LA is going to be ravaged by chimpouts and spic gang violence. Just you wait.

Why does that git have an ork shoota?

Au revoir et adieu jolie fille d'Espagne.

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How does that help with stopping the virus from spreading again?


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>If you are fit and healthy you have nothing to fear.
I'll believe this when I see it first hand, I've heard a fair few reports of people like that dying anyway.

I'm kinda thinking that this is part of the plan. If they declared martial law right now, people would not stand for it. This is why they aren't doing anything. Once the corpses pile up, people will be much more accepting of martial law.

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Because we already know that it was the milder S strain that started the outbreak, and the more aggressive L strain the later mutation.

You'll go out a legend user

Fuck off whore, call me when I can get the kasztelan virus.

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> 2 more weeks

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Corona-chan must be a Jeb supporter, because her numbers are pretty low.



It's ok.
The government now allows pharmacies to make disinfectants and hand sanitizers by themselves, because they don't get any more delivered.
So now they have permission to mix the Ethanol and the Water and the Glycerin.
The virus is pretty much defeated.

Nothing is happening you overreacting faggots

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All over the US western seaboard coofs and cheers from the Boeing HQ could be heard.

Tell them to fuck off and get a hotel. I'd they want to come into your home they must follow your decon procedures. Stop being a pussy and be a man. That is YOUR house

+10 cases in King County, WA, bringing the county total to 31

send them back to wherever they came from. Now is not the time to have boomers in the house.

Go to your bunker and don't let them in

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I'm glad the apocalypse is here, now I can be a graphics artist like I've always dreamed

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Say no and tell them to fuck off if they want to argue.
>my kids
Stop asking for advice on Yas Forums on how to be the man of the house and learn to take care of your family you pathetic fuck. All the more reason to tell them to fuck off.

is reporting.



Tomorrow it all goes to hell. Stay safe

there goes china again with more 'recovered'

>Only 12 new infections in china
But I actually haven't seen any new videos out of China for a while

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why are we stil alive?

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You fags didn't get memed into buying non-disposables right?

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Preexisting conditions render one unfit.
My 26 year old body has Osteoarthritis and therefore I am unfit.
I might be cleansed, that's how it is.

Guys wtf, I've had a sore throat for 3 days straight, not fever but my throat feels awful. Also yesterday started with a mild diarrhea.FUCK I don't want to die.

If I get singles, I get to live...

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Ohh what if recovered means recovered the body, would that make sense?

Just to suffer.

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Ghost in the machine JCL masterrace

>research shows that Coronachan is mutating and there are at least two types of the virus now
(Requesting a good and evil twin drawing)
>the more aggressive strain, has infected 70% of the people tested, while a less aggressive strain was linked to the rest, according to doctors at Peking University’s School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai
>aggressive strain “L type” and the less prevalent version “S type”
> study was “very limited” and follow-ups were necessary
>Researchers say the different strains were likely caused through a mutation of the ancestral version of the virus. And that could mean more are coming
>“These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with coronachan

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>that explosion from Feb 5th to 17th
This shit is gonna decimate West Coast US once it hits critical mass

i'm so fucking ready to die
pls, corona-chan, take all of us into your void

still the 4th here

You know they don't shower right?

>respiratory diseases 3rd on the list
>coronavirus causes respiratory disease
you played yourself

You have it.
Do not worry, it's generally pretty mild.
You should spread it though, for corona chan

Vitamin C user, 50-100g a day spaced out, once an hour if you have too. Beyond that prayer

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TFW moonnigs rape your sister

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That is because they got it under control..
The CCP got the information under control.

It kind of needs to happen for people to start taking this seriously.


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Read the paper. They said the less contagious one was the original one and it mutated into the more contagious variant (and possibly more virulent).

Just stop shoveling your face full of chili's, Jose

>Filters contain harmful chemicals
You are not supposed to eat the filters user

>t. jealous poorboi

I just flipped a coin. The happening is cancelled until further notice.

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Funny that coronavirus can be an indirect or even direct cause of a majority of those things above. It may even exacerbate existing conditions for most of those other diseases.

How have you guys handled family events? Father and grandmother want to go out to lunch on monday. I've already stopped eating out and minimized my time outside since last friday

>Just the yearly flu pardons, bro


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what a good use of trips

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Start working on the Unix Y2K problem or we're all slammed with that problem after we get over Corona

Remember guys some faggot little virus with a 2% CFR could never cause any REAL damage. Keep going to work and buy some stocks!

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>t. iron law of corona spread