The Chad Stride.
The Chad Stride
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Hitler was such a good looking guy...
Manlet stride
Ok Benito, but Adolf was not.
lol Italians are such manlets
I dont understand why pol idolizes someone who loses wars and kills himself lol
That's what happens when pasta replaces meat for a hundred years.
Versus the virgin, crippled, waddle.
Forgot your memeflag, huh?
Wow Churchill was such a virgin and Hitler was a chad that's why Hitler killed himself in a basement whilst Churchill got re-elected after the war and is on every £5 banknote.
we all grew up with one sided history of ww2 shoved down our throats. our grandfathers fought for the allies and were treated as heros for the rest of their lives. then we got a little older and saw the other side of the story and a lot of us realize we were hoodwinked.
Shut the fuck up Limey. Churchill was a fat, drunken, slob who betrayed his race and his nation.
Everyone knows it.
In their own time it was called the Goose Step. A good name for it.
That's a separate argument to who was a Virgin/Chad.
Wheres your memeflag j*w?
>*loses to sandniggers while having air superiority*
forget your diaper that morning Avi?
Damn Mussolini was a 5'5 manlet
Where..where did you get this?
Based hitler
Versus the virgin shopping-cart.
Why not?
How about I fuck your mother instead?
Surprisingly thin, his face suggests a fatter man.
Shut the fuck up and show some respect you Americunt
Churchill is the saviour of the Western world
Have you ever heard of generalplan ost?
Half of all White Eastern Europeans would be dead
The race thing was just divide and conquer, read a book sometime you easily manipulated tard
And yet he won, your eye canals could be used to treat dehydrated patients you salty cunt
Last King of the White Race. He will be revered forever once the nationalist wings in Europe and North America take power and openly declare their opposition to International Jewry. We must not come out into the open yet, but our victory is inevitable. The tide of nationalism rolls ever forwards. Roll with the wave, or be destroyed forever.
Why else do you think the English bulldog was bred for this look? Churchill has one of the seven default Anglo faces.
>the chad burn
>Churchill is the saviour of the Western world
>Anarcho-Faggot Flag
Checks out
Wow, Hitler reunified Germany while Churchill destroyed his own empire through a Phyrrhic victory
>Hitler had an enormous swingin dick
jews btfo again
(against a guy who wanted peace)
The Chad stride.
I wish I had a pup that looked like this
Mate, that guy was a literal midget
>Enemy begs you for a truce, alliance or peace treaty
>Ignore it at every stage, escalate conflict
>Lose horribly
>Lead a campaign that ultimately destroys your own country in the worst imaginable way
Churchill was a retard.
Me in the back
LOL. Czech fags still seething after 82 years.
At least the Poles fought back. The cowardly Czechs were too scared to even put up a fight.
Seethe more you subhuman pile of shit.
>we will fire-bomb them on the beaches
>in their homes
>inside their bassinets
English bulldogs are surprisingly cute though. Churchill was not.
Two absolute chads. Linguine and mustache man were the best duo.
>useless malformed creature that struggles to get up a flight of stairs, a shadow of its former self.
Britain in a nutshell.
We defend ourselves and we possibly lose Sudetenland forever because of the Munich Conference. The French broke our alliance, we have no chance to defend ourselves. The Polish fought only because they were promised help by the French (they got none), we knew no help was coming. Fighting would put us in a worse spot long-term than surrendering.
And at the end of the day, the thousand year empire is no more while we made it through both the Nazis and the Commies.
we cucked dogs beyond belief
Fuck you and churchill
Yes. Britain escalated WW2 by appeasing Hitler and allowing him to re-arm against the treaty of Versailles terms, and doing nothing when he invaded Czechoslovakia. France should've declared war earlier, long before Hitler carved up Poland with the commies.
All I heard was "I'm a descendant or death-fearing cowards who were conquered by superior men.
Yall all niggers iz raysis or somethin'?
Being a manlet has advantages if you know how to fight.
mussolini's look would have been good if he were not a manlet
Emmanuel was a great man though. That king from Belgium was a useless.
how can I achieve this type of walking?
>you'll never love what do so much it gives you a raging boner
Read your own wikishit article before linking it you reddit-spacing embarrassmutt; the Allies abandoned them and they still took out a senior nazi, had uprisings and joined other armies. All despite being far better off as semi-Aryans than Poland
Yes because bankrupting the Empire to carve up Germany with the commies was so much better
>Source, german jew who supposedly interviewed Mussolini
Big swinging bratwurst
What a chad
Soon brother, soon.
Alexander the Great, Mussolini, Hitler, Caesar, Augustus, Stalin, Lenin, Napoleone... the greatest men have always been manlets.