>A hospital worker who became New Hampshire’s first coronavirus patient had been ordered to self-isolate — but went to a college’s business event instead, health officials have revealed.
>The selfish Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center staffer showed symptoms after returning from a trip to Italy, and was told to stay home while awaiting the test result, which came back positive Monday, health officials said.
>“The first patient, despite having been directed to self-isolate, attended an invitation-only private event on Friday,” the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) warned in a release.
>Having defied the first directive, the hospital worker was “issued an official order of isolation” after officially testing positive on Monday, officials said.
>A close colleague of his at the hospital then became the Granite State’s second confirmed case on Tuesday, their hospital confirmed.
>It left health workers scrambling to contact attendees at the event in neighboring Vermont to tell them to “follow the recommended 14-day self-isolation,” the service said.
>Dartmouth College emailed staff and students to confirm that the patient went to the event run by its Tuck School of Business. It was not immediately clear how many others were at the event.
Positive coronavirus patient left quarantine to go to business event
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Isn't knowingly exposing others to a deadly virus illegal or are we so cucked now that it doesn't matter?
The sociopathy of business majors finally backfires on them
Annnnd that's exactly why self isolation is bullshit
I'd ignore quarantine to go pray in a synagogue and I'm not even Jewish. Need YWYH'S blessing.
in china this asshole would've been shot in the head and cremated afterwards.
We should copy china. Mark every infected oerson and shoot them on sight if they are seen outside the house.
this person will get a stipend for transmitting a disease. a noble deed!
they should quickly whip up a law where you get to hold that guy and every person in that convention get into a line to punch him in the gut
It was decriminalised in california, so it's okay. Don't be a bigot.
>the flu
ok boomer
This is New Hampshire, so its still a felony.
>Infecting New Hampshire “people”
>Infecting attendees of a super lib shit institution event
Um can you say based?
Boomers are the ones denying the coronavirus is dangerous. Get your facts straight faggot.
Find a judge in America to prosecute it.
what an absolute Chad!
You mean stab him in the gut, right ? Also, if I'm ever infected, I would still go to the grocery store and shit without giving a fuck.
Kills 3 in 100 mate. The flu kills 1 in 1000
>precursor to the new burning times
But in April it will be warm and it will magically disappear, so I've been told.
>knowingly infecting (((business majors)))
There's no way these people will have the self control to stay inside their houses for 14 days, let alone 30+ once hospitals become full and they have to stay at home infected.
Only people with really shitty immune systems are dying from this shit. The main people that will die are old people, possibly some boomers, and people who can't afford to have a good immune system.
>>the flu
Boomers will all take one final cruise once they get infected. Just a whole boat load of margaritas and COOF, sailing into the sunset.
fuck this fucking gay country fuck this gay earth FUCK
Corona-chan is to the flu what Giganigger is to a regular nigger. Both niggers, both mortal, but one hits substantially harder than the other.
25 to life in prison. I'm so sick of these self absorbed people
The government said it's nothing we have nothing to worry about. Take your psyco and leave the masks to the medical professionals
It's just a flu bro, chill. More important is that we keep up record levels of female employment up, and that requires going to those converences.
And what TF did we learn here, government??
We must nuke every corona hotspot to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
>stay at home goym
dude, this whole coronavirus is a meme and not real. only dumb fucks like you would di what the jew says
And this is why the US is fucked.
Too many people think like this idiot.
So he has it but clearly he wasn’t hurting too bad so that’s interesting
Death cultists come in many forms.
Some do it out of pure idiocy, others malice. They all work for the same cause.
You have about a week of mild symptoms
Then it ramps up in the 2nd week, even for the mild cases
You're ill for about 3 weeks even when mild.
Based American boomers.
A lot of viruses can be spread by people with no or just mild symptoms, yeah.
Based and god pilled
Staying at home actuvely hurts the jew
They need you to be consuming 100% of the time
After the hospital, this person should face criminal charges.
woefully underrated
>business majors and kikes will catch it first, everyone that associates with them next
>america is fixed in a few months
Based random student
Sure he had a deadly disease... but he has to work, goy. We all have to work! The economy is at stake!!!
Nothing will stop the Corona-Man!
I bet I could tour Italy real cheap right about now.
I got food poisoning late two nights ago and my guts feel on fucking fire
I volunteer to do the punching. I just need a day or two to not feel like my appendix ruptured....
forced quarantine was already ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS
oh, this pandemic is going to be fun
>Isn't knowingly exposing others to a deadly virus illegal
Agreed, send them to Guantanamo for possessing biological weapons of mass destruction
another way to broadly interpret the Patriot Act, very nice.
I needed that laugh. Ty
I had to cancel a business trip to China on advice from my Chinese contacts. Their entire business in manufacturing all stayed home for over 6 weeks.
not in san Francisco, you can pozz everyone and it's perfectly legal
KEK the rich fucks are not only getting it they are gifting it to their other rich fuck friends. Never interrupt an enemy when they are busy making mistakes.
he needs to be charged (but he won't be because he's fucking rich)..OTOH if the media would stop fucking lying "it's just the flu bro" bullshit then maybe people would take it more seriously.
>when the aesthetic flag knows more about our country than we do
how much do you want to bet this was a god damned boomer retard?
Ok boys place your bets! Was it a Chink, nigger, or poo?
this is SARS
A wh*te
Its not even close to the flu you dumb faggot.
Its right now with under reported number thanks to the fucking chinks that it is 35 times more deadly than the flu. Sure old people die from the flu, but not often do you have healthy doctors and nurses that cared for patients with the flu dropping dead. There is no known cure or natural immunity.
You sound like a dumb fucking anti drug retard that thinks weed and heroin are the same, because they are both drugs.
Because your a piece of shit tho