If you had $500 million, how would you spend it, Yas Forums?

If you had $500 million, how would you spend it, Yas Forums?

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Giant jew-gassing oven.

Bunch of hookers and cocaine.

DESU I would just like a small patch of land where I could quietly grow my own food and generate my own electricity. I guess I'd buy a computer at some point and an internet connection so I could come on Yas Forums. Maybe upgrade to the commercial free version of Hulu so I can watch my anime uninterrupted.

2 chicks at the same time

Cocaine and hookers.

A nice house and car, the rest in diversified investments.

Give it all away for quads on Yas Forums

You mean $65 billion, and spending it on become President is badass.
What else are you going to do, feed Africans?
Too bad this guy just proved "money in politics" is a baseless excuse for censorship.

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buy Yas Forums, add flags on Yas Forums, remove memeflags from Yas Forums and make Yas Forums a blue board

I would buy the rights to the Yugioh TCG and print every single card out for myself

I would start a gaming development company.

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21st century top of the line ovens to bake a 6 gorilllion cookies

A man of simple, sensible tastes. I like you, user.
Nevertheless, I gotta agree with this guy:

Ban tranny posting on b and you have a 10/10 idea

He still isn't red on a year to year basis.

I'd buy regular Samoa, not American.

Buying a handful of delegates in a island.

he couldve banged some prime puss with $500mil even used them as toilets

Become African Warlord

>If you had $500 million, how would you spend it, Yas Forums?

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It's not even 1% of his networth
I'd imagine he has already recouped that money through publicity
He's so fucking rich he could buy Zognald a dozen times over and then some

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Gold plated hookers.

id build my own prison and charge the govt to house inmates there

A man of culture I see

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Spam, bullets, and N95 masks. And a yacht to store it in.

Probably create my own country

>Buy a beautiful, pristine tropical island, untouched be man.
>Set it on fire.
>Bribe some third world navy to shoot the burnt remains until the island is gone.
Just because I can.

brap barn

I'm still upset I didn't get any of those shill dollars.


Army of mercenarys and mcnukes take the country by force

I'd spend a million on video games and anime, keep the rest for myself and my family.

I'd buy a modest home outside of Toronto and only have 20 years of mortgage payments on it instead of 35

donate it to everyone that gives me a (you)

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>thinking $500 mil could buy a home in toronto

Invest in a brand new political party.

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ik heb je kut moeder geneukt klootzak

hooker and blow
also buy Yas Forums and ban /ptg/ and after a couple of weeks shut down the site for lulz

Buy an island and build a complex, and invite worthy Yas Forums folks to come and live. Make our own country.

You will never look like those statues

Id do neutral drops down Broadway St and wouldn't even care if I dropped my transmission.

2k civic and 499.992 million in a few simple mods.

I would make action movies

Nice projection. David was my goal body and I achieved what I wanted. Pic related

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race me fagit, my civic can't be beat
1994 EG Hatch

- 10 point cage with Parachute
- 3 piece discontinued JoJo frontend
- spec-R full drag suspension
- Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor
- 1 044 bosch pump
- 1200 rc injectors
- golden eagle sleeved block
- cp 10:1 pistons
- Eagle rods
- arp headstuds
- oem h22 headgasket
- Balance shaft delete
- competition clutch twin disc
- Port and polished head
- skunk2 valve springs and retainers
- Str cam gears
- crower stage 1 cams
- aluminium radiator with slim fan
- gsr transmission with itr lsd.
- qsd h2k intake manifold adapter
- k20 rbc manifold
- qsd throttle body spacer
- blox 70mm throttle body
- 4bar omni map sensor
- 6al msd with coil and cap. 3 step launch control
- hks bov
- Garret 102mm turbocharger.
- Custom t4 front facing turbo manifold with 44mm flange
- 44mm tial wastegate
- Custom water to air intercooler set up
- aem eugo wideband w/ gauge
- tuned on chipped p28
- 13 inch volks drag rims
- 2 15 inch volks rear rims
- arp extended wheel studs
- si cluster
- 150 shots of nitrous

1. House
2. Car
3. Strippers
4. Make a better version of Yas Forums with Anonymity

High-end callgirls, crack cocaine and rye whiskey, obviously

Slow piece of shit, I can smoke the fuck out of this.

I'd use it to bribe politicians to lower my tax rate.

Cure aging

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Ottermode, but pretty good nonetheless. I was aiming for Farnese Hercules and I surpassed it after about 8 years steady liftan’, now I’m beyond grecian ideals as a natty

Alcohol and livers.

Nice old school Japanese house in the countryside in japan staffed with a bunch of young maids all Japanese. Live in translator and connections all over to adobt orphans and low class women to school and train as maids and assistants. And a big shrine to the gods with a priest and his assistants and family.

Gold....and slaves to guard my gold.

What do you do with the other 499 million?

Go online and buy enough hand sanitizer, masks, and toilet paper to last the rest of the month.

How can one man be so based?

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buy an island with 10k+ acres and start the white ethnostate there

Buy a spacious oddly shaped house in the woods of a remote part of the world, and pretty much just stay away from people.

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I’d put a ton of it into the stock market, buy a nice house in a remote area with a lot of land, and a nice car. I’d have some to fool around with too. I’d probably maximize my donations to Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund with hopes of loosening US gun laws.

Stop watching anime. It's anti-nationalist. Cartoons are for children, and watching foreign cartoons is even worse.