Brit/pol/ The Late Night Edition

>Police officer charged over off-duty sex assault claims

>Inside filthy pub kitchen where mouldy roast dinner, rotting rhubarb crumble & E.coli were found by horrified inspectors

>Baby fighting for life and toddler brother dead in stabbing horror

>Trans man who doesn’t want to be ‘mother’ on baby’s birth certificate set for appeal

>Wheelie bin torched in Edlington,wheelie-bin-torched-in-edlington_35380.htm

>Arsonists set fire to industrial bin behind pub

>Teenage girl suffers serious burns after friends set fire to wheelie bins in Durham

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Other urls found in this thread:

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If you can’t quote, get outta boat


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got your tits out yet manhands?

G'night Iggy see you in mornin

She's so hot, I'm in love.
Pretty thicc too mmmm

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>Coronavirus: How dangerous is it, when are symptoms likely to appear, and who is most at risk of death? All you need to know about the illness that is sweeping the world
so much downplaying and so many outright lies in this article


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N night pal

never understood why people become absolutely civic when it's this woman

how did your report go?

such a defined nose and jaw, I would suck his dick

boring post

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i handed it in just on time, thanks for asking. got 56%, but it's okay, I just need to graduate. Another one to do tomorrow...(and it's about fucking environmental sustainability -my course is nothing related to that)...

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She's not going to have sex with you

says who

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Lads, what do I do when I run out of Rustlers burgers if shit hits the fan? I bought maybe 30 tubs of them from Iceland and Sainsburys. I also have 22 packs of Super Noodles. What am I going to eat if the supplies run out and the plebs start burning down shops and stealing the last pieces of food? How are we supposed to survive?

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Get yer rat out

you can eat paper, lots of good fibre

Birthday tomorrow, lads. Don't think the gf has remembered.

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Fucking hell, I haven't heard that expression for years kek.

and i'm nickin ur purse

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carling fast. i know you probably have enough for 30 days right now but double your supplies.

i hope you enjoy it. it may be your last one. god knows what the death count is going to look like in a year.

The Russians ate wallpaper while sieged with their backs to the Volga in Stalingrad.

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with this fast moving potentially life threatening situation and having modern technology and services like social media and also living in the information age, the UK authorities have decided to release information once a week. please send them a stamped addressed envelope if you wish to stay informed. the absolute fucking state

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same lol

In a year? Like 1-3 million worldwide, 90% will be 50+

Wise idea desu. And I say that as someone who loathes the Cons and their governing.

I saw this guy live in 2014 and he was brilliant. I met him outside too and he stayed in character unbelievably well. He was just like his original videos from 2004-05. Shame he lost his job recently for being Devvo.

What are your genuine prep plans lads?

Personally I'm going down the shop every night after work and picking up one or two cans of beans, sweetcorn, rice etc and keeping an eye on the state of the shelves.

theyre trying to downplay it as theyre scared of muh economy and also large scale panic buying

1-3 million in the UK, 1 billion world wide. It's going to infect around 70% of the population and 20%+ will die without weeks of ICU treatment.

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Yeah the only thing I heard about him recently is that he got fired. He was a fucking teacher an'all wasn't he? Didn't expect that at all. Pretty fuckin' cool you've seen one of his sets, good story to have to tell I bet. Loads of love for devvo, takes me back.

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only 5% need hospital treatment and only 1% ICU.
And they don't all catch it all at once.

Plus only pensioners actually die, death rate amongst under 40s is like 0.2%

Banned on Twitter now.

Seeing how fully stacked my local tesco was tonight, fuck all unless the govt suddenly goes Mad Max. There's no shortage of anything of real importance food wise.

>takes me back
to when you were 3?

what did it say?
hmm no about 13-14 i'd say

hello i’m a girl btw

>only 5% need hospital treatment and only 1% ICU.
going by your numbers, we're still going to need millions of hospital beds.

Same here.

hello i’m a girl

hi, did you know i’m a girl

here we go again

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Police office charged in op, Sgt Shaukat Zaman, sure doesn’t sound like a white guy name

i am a girl ok

Yeah he's a top lad. I think it was probably some of the songs like 'Fok em young' that got him in trouble...can never be too careful these days! Although I guarantee Cobra and the other nonce hunters would get on pretty well with are Devvo tbqh.

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whip them out then

>Decomposing Beckett
>Manbeater Moran

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Anyone else reckon we'll be fine?

i’m not a lad i’m a girl

honestly can't tell if these are the actual stickers or if they've been blurred by the press

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i’m a girl

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Why not load up a trolley full of canned beans, peas, corned beef, tuna, sardines, orange, pineapple, alongside various vitamin tablets, bottles of whiskey, coffee, frozen spinach, and onions. Long life milk is a good idea too.

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Noooooo fuckin' way, is that your photo? oh my god that's so awesome
>'fok em young'
>becomes a teacher
Devvo, pls...


You think it's the "We were never asked" thing I've been seeing on youtube lately?

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>battered by storms and flooding
>new virus outbreak
>some slag posting on brit/pol
Not looking good

i reckon i’m a girl

>pro USSR
>pro marxism
>pro Communist China
>anti Scottish Independence
>pro Brexit and anti EU
>pro IRA
>pro sharing Falklands with Argentina
>anti-Hong Kong independence
>pro Islamism
>anti-American Imperialism
>Christian, but doesn't care that the Soviets and Chinese Communists tried to whipe out religion

What the fuck is his endgame? He only supports the UK against western federalism, otherwise he supports all our enemies. I thought maybe he's doing it for the little guy against big states but then he's not shilling for his own country Scotland to rule itself. He's not pro democracy, he's backed every big state dictatorship going as long as it's not in the west.

Basically all I can figure out is he likes totalitarian states as long as they're not western, and he wants a unified UK as long as it has no power over anything.

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Whats Brit/pol/s opinion on wigs?

i am a girl tho

Seems like a nothingburger at the moment. Italy is only having an issue because one of their hospitals messed up and crowded everyone into the same hospital where it spread among the critically ill and elderly. Iran is having an issue because of their refusal to admit the problem, and everywhere else it's under control pretty much.

There's something so off-putting about hancock
so weasley

Yep. We'd have been fucked weeks ago if this was bad as being shilled.

Is Hancock the guy who debated Farage a few years back?

Never found one that actually fit my head, gave up.

Must've been these ones, all the local news sites have them blurred and the BBC doesn't even have a pic or mention what it was.

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i’m a girl

she's been calling for me mate

ok but i’m a girl

?I said Devvo was a top lad?

>Italy is only having an issue because one of their hospitals messed up and crowded everyone into the same hospital where it spread among the critically ill and elderly.


disgusting, thats not actually are manhands is it

big ole girl

How the hell is that 'white supremacist'?
Prosperity is racist or something? It's the same old drill. Okay for Black Power, forbidden for White Power. I want off this ride.
Ignore him lol that's not me

ok and i said a girl why do you have a problem like that FUCKING HELL i just
post here and you virgins FUCKINNG go mental just because i’m A GIRL BTW

this is harassment and i will phone the police

>I hope the person that posted these is arrested and gets a long prison sentence. This is child abuse end of.

>this is harassment and i will phone the police
okay i laughed

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nice bluepill you swallowed, kike. Unfortunately 20% of the infected have needed intensive care UNIVERSALLY. We have 140,000 hospital beds. Do the math you retarded faggot

you sound like a racist spastic

The real Manhands is also ugly on the inside.

He's someone who has his own (and mostly based) views, unlike people who submit to stock think-tank's like progressive-lgbt social democracts , neoliberal cuckservatives, and neo nationalists

i am already insecure about my body and you FUCKING INCELS are harassing me

What a boring post.

No of fucking course not HAHA
probably this tho
why are u all entertaining this guy xD

im ten lines deep now i cant see

you FUCKING VIRGINS you just can’t handle a girl like me because you’re a VIRGIN

You're fucked. Talkin about fucked, sell your..... er ........ erm......rear seat.


let's see your stuff? unless you're actually learning a script lol

you still haven't posted body you spastic


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sorry too fat
lmao is that real? i thought he was a muslim anyway?

not a chance. not with all we know about this virus.
>highly contagious with a long asymptomatic incubation period
>can be transmitted via air, watter and fecal matter
immunity is impossible, reinfection is even deadlier than the first infection
>HIV-like behaviour has been observed
>virus hides in gut bacteria when dormant and can infect the host's central nervous system
>virus can also hide in the host's neurons
>multiple strains of the virus and ADE ensure that we're never getting a cure or treatment
>scientists are predicting that it's going to be endemic and return to infect us over and over again

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i literally just did you FUCKING HARRASER

Late Night Edition?

It goddamn 630pm

Why is late night /brit/ always like this?

dont care post a picture you fucking LARPer

you know i will, timestamp and everything

88%? swear lefties have totally different data to the rest of us

you'd rather it be shit full of LARPing corona retards like it is when the kids get back from school?

galloway is a top lad

that definitely sounds like him
the entire episode will be MUH COVID 19

Everyone is drunk or high.

i’m a girl

i laughed
ill show u my eye senpai
post a pic with timestamp now i dare you
lets see YOUR tits

Yeah it's real, I took the screenshot myself from his twitter page

Get lost.

get on the starve yourself diet asap
1 meal a day between 12-2 and then just coffee, fruit, meal replacement shit to deal with hunger pains

just because i’m a girl you FUCKING virgin