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stay mad commie

why are so many cute latinas bernouts?

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I want to have sex with her..

Holy fucking yummola

that's a funny way of spelling non-whites.

wtf i love bernie even more now

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lack of education in Latin countries causes misinformed voters

it gets better

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wtf im a berniebro now

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How would one go about to acquire a spic gf?

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I would even settle for her to shit in my mouth.

Biden bros before Bernie hoes

Step 1: Be white

That's it.

yea take that you kike. they didnt fight america just so your kike ass could be elected. fun fact most of americas whites claim to be german

also most of americas whites talk about their grand parents or great grand parents serving in ww2... which isnt even close to true. most american men of age to serve did not serve in the war despite it lasting so long and there being a draft

Boomers destroyed a boomer?

Be white
Literally that’s it


Be white

No, because they and niggers share the same communal mindset of less evolved humans. Quit coping and lying Jose Smith

brand new iphone. wants more gibs

Based boomers, hope the communist kike dies before he can run again.

don't fall for the fat tiddy latrina trap. They hit the wall HARD around 25 and turn into fat little goblinas, and they are all tryna catch a white baby daddy with some halfling castizo spawn

based biden bro gets it

Sorry Ahmed, latinas hate brown men

I'm Finnish so I guess I'm good. Which country?

it's pretty easy
the main thing is just be white

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*sip* Yup.

Sorry, kiddo. Why don't you come here and give Uncle Joe a nice kiss on the lips.

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You're probably white so the next trial is to eat the menudo bro.

What country do you think?

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nah bro, you're just a cuck incel. Little sluts love trump and biden, especially young barely legal sluts, white and black women suffer the most from liberalness

would race mix, become communist, vote bernie just to smell her panties

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You're the only people on earth who can actually put down syndrome as your race

holy fucking shit

Now all you need to do is hope she has a fetish for unfuckable losers

Puerto Rico
>the usual suspects

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not even attractive



They think they should just be able to leech money.

Same reason socialism appears at every latino country every 10 years or so.

>go to miami
>be white
>speak spanish
>dress good
>have cash and a CCW gun

>Watches TikTok videos unironically
>Endorses Bernie Sanders
>Maintains activity on Twitter

Crawl back to your Safe Space you dumbass Reddit Faggot

Why do mexicans have such a weird face

>Implying women in general are educated on politics
If you are a real swede just go to any spic country. Girls will jump at you, though I do not garantee their quality in terms of long term relationship

She's pretty cute desu...

>be white

- OR -

>be socially adept and highly aggressive

It is a pretty complex process, but the minimum requirement for the process is
>be white

be a man and force them to work out
always have the divorce papers at hand and never put their name in anything you own

i ate my girls ass in the shower one time like four years ago
never again
but i will still mention it and she starts fingering herself immediately. no joke

She's adorable.

Díos mio la ogra de las tetonas

shut the fuck up racemixer

>implying that I am not giving advice to anyone with a woman
all women are the same, keep them under your thumb and they will never betray you

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it was the corrupted democrat party that threw the ''no refunds'' bernie under the bus AGAIN

I'm getting tranny vibes, is this a man?

mexico interfering in US elections?

Why does Trump want to deport that?

Because he's also deporting the rest of her family which are butt ugly taco-goblins

Hoping for amnesty from Sanders so they don't have to marry a white boy to gain citizenship and get their vaginas decimated by BWC every night.

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Because that’s where a lot of thirsty beta bux are waiting to flood her way

Disgusting fucking whore.

these mongoloids are disgusting, asians truly are untermensch

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