why won't Trump privatize USPS? >my package has been sitting "In Transit" at post office for 12 hours >I HAVE A FUCKING PO BOX AT THAT OFFICE >it's not "delivered" yet >it's not even "out for delivery" yet
>you will pay the price, you don't know what's going to hit you >t-this is just a delibrate misrepresentation why are jews so obnoxious can you just not be faggots
Gabriel Rodriguez
>"I'll defer the 2nd part of that question to Doctor Redfield"
>Schumer: Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will pay the price! >Roberts: The fuck you say??!?! >Schumer: I m-meant the S-senate GOP will pay!! HAHAHAHAHAH oh man.
Juan Walker
ginsberg personally weighed in on the election ffs
He would have received more votes than all combined were illegals deported and hence not voted.
Wyatt Watson
>plot twist : heat attack is caused by bullets
Owen Gutierrez
Wrong, incel.
Biden will bring the Obama coalition out again and Trump is losing bigly with Suburban women. Florida, NC, Arizona, Michigan, PA, and Wisconsin all go hard blue.
not to go full galaxy brain but both are playing a game and putting "thoughts" into public's mind. this shit is just a ruse to throw some words and cast doubt on the SC as a whole. roberts know exactly why he's doing this, to undermine a conservative SC.
>I’m a pathetic worthless piece of shit but it’s ok because it was my decision Be better.
David Jenkins
I'm seeing a lot of bitching from democrats about how long it took to vote. I want to share a story from my voting district. My wife and I went to vote yesterday, we live in an extremely white-liberal area of a major city in Texas. The Harris County DNC closed the fucking voting location we normally cast our vote at and consolidated it with a near by district, cutting down from six polling places to three. All of them had 2 hour+ waiting lines for the dem primary. THIS WAS DONE BY THE DNC. For all of the talk about republicans suppressing voters, the DNC did this to fuck over the bernie bro voters. People that brought their kids had to leave when it was well after bedtime, dinner time, etc. Old hippies were leaving because they couldn't stand that long. Today on NPR fucking Howard Dean is blaming incompetence in California and malice in Texas for the long lines. It was malice aforethought, by the fucking DNC establishment. Spread this shit on Reddit. It's easy enough to look up notices that the local DNC chapters were doing this in large Texas cities to suppress bernie turnout. I can guarantee you people in South East Houston were not waiting for longer than twenty minutes to vote. Spread this shit while we have time before the convention. Honestly, bernouts deserve to know how much "their party" is trying to fuck them over. I guarantee they were doing the same shit in democrat controlled California. Spread it like wildfire.
Kys kike, at least Trudeau won re-election. No chance Trump does that. My American friends are all tired of the Orange menace. The 2016 fluke will not happen again.
Blake Perry
Trump needs to push the 2nd amendment issue. Its a 70/30 win for republicans. Thats why democrats drop it every election season. Ask Beto.
Jaxson Price
They changed it in Harris county so you can vote at any polling place