Alzheimer's skyrocketing.....among MILENNIALS.
I'm a White, what was I just saying?
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from computers
Nicotine is protective against alzheimers... Just saying.
Newfie goof
The solution is clear: FREE PILLS. MORE VACCINES. (Because that's what "health care" means, if we're being honest.)
They said the same thing about coffee stopping Alzheimer's in a huge 2003 report. Turned out to be total bullshit.
Next year, they'll say that people aren't eating enough Wonder Bread and that's why it's skyrocketing.
3 flu shots increase your chances statistically of getting alzheimers dementia by several hundred PERCENT...
I sure its just a coinckydink tho.
(Johns Hopkins study btw)
**Cough cough** 5G
Isn’t there mercury in the vaccines
Dopamine over stimulation
Yes it was vexing how hard it was pressed against
Then you learn humans have been smoking it for 1000’s of years
Alzhiemer's is a form of diabetes, so it makes sense.
This is just what happens when people stop dying in childbirth or from TB at 12. Weaker genes hang around longer to be exposed for their inherent weakness.
Microplastics and aluminum.
>Computers cause brain decay
>Nintendo causes infertility
>Bad economy causes systematic plunge in testosterone
>Facebook causes early-onset menopause
>Global warming causes Type 1 diabetes
....There are more bullshit excuses to cover up the assault on our biology from white nationalists than I can fucking believe. Anything, ANYTHING, but simply using common sense and saying, "There is a conspiracy to attack our bodies, just as to attack our culture, economy, and government."
how dare you
>help monsanto protect roundup
>get fucking dabbed on through pesticide induced alzheimer
People keep bootlicking companies. A paraquat analog, cyperquat (MPP+) causes irreversible parkinsonism. Paraquat itself is also linked to parkinsonism.
Here in netherlandistan some people even say living in the countryside is worse than living inna city because you'll get rekt through either airways or neurological causes anyway
>b-b-but glyphosate doesn't cause alzheimer according to its manufacturer
hmmm... well, it can't be all of the drug abuse, binge drinking, and pill popping millennials do. that's definitely not the source.
Highly suppressed study found....... heavy gps dependence gives people old timers. There is some chemical in the brain that is produced when navigating around in your daily life. If he are highly dependent on apps that navigate the surroundings for you these chemical receptors die, dead... no return.... then you forget everything and shit in yer pants for the rest of your life
has trippled since when?
and how has the demographic and population changed since then?
what kind of bs is this?
its the weed
gps phones have only been around for 10 years
Maybe its just the media? How could watching CNN or NPR all day not turn your brain into a snail brain?
Trump alzheimer's: "I'm a nationalist and a globalist"
It's all the chemicals in the water and food.
Exactly, spooky stuff
Weed, smart phones, vidya, alcohol, drugs and t.v
Retards with conditions such as down syndrome are living longer, they tend to devolop early dementia.
Obesity, or having excess body fat, is a known risk factor for dementia. But new research indicates the risk level depends on where the fat is stored on the body, and that it may be time to swap out the scale for a tape measure.
Obesity during middle age, generally 40 to 60 years old, has consistently been associated with a higher risk of dementia later in life. However, reports of whether excess fat is helpful or harmful for the cognitive function of adults over age 65 have varied. The conflicting results can be explained by the way obesity has been measured in prior studies [1], according to new evidence from a recent population study examining the relationship between obesity and cognitive function in more than 5000 people over age 60. This study suggests that dementia risk is most associated with central obesity, or having excess belly fat.
oh and above all..chemicals in the food, water and soda
I don't understand what your point is. Are you saying white nationalists are assaulting our biology or that white nationalists are making bullshit excuses?
People are probably just better at diagnosing it nowadays. Fifty years ago, if someone had trouble remembering and speaking, then people would likely just think that the person was kinda stupid, but that it wouldn't matter anyway, because that person likely worked on a farm or factory where the brain wasn't as important as work ethic.
>left normal
>right alzheimer
it eats your brain?
Can confirm, American Lung Association did the research in early 2001 looking for a link between smoking and a lot of neural degenerative diseases. The results didn't fit the narrative they wanted so they never published the research.
The crap chemical food has a porpuse to destroy our though and memory, with that people will no longer remember those (((news))) that happened 2 months ago, having short term control of society
Alzheimer isn't so bad if you follow regular routines. Brains of old nuns and monks often have dementia but they didn't notice it because they had strict daily routines.
ban fluoride. jews do not want that to happen
underrated trips of truth
My memory declined severely after using weed only a couple of times
True, can't wait to vote for Joe Biden tomorrow
I think this is a statistical mirage being generated by millennial NEET garbage faking dementia systems to pursue neetbux.
There are broad areas of the country where the SSI administrative machinery actively connives with doctors to make up bullshit diagnoses to get people onto neetbux because "there's no opportunity here". The majority of the BS diagnoses are mental or behavioral. It's very hard to get a millennial who has previously been employed an autism diagnosis, and schizophrenia fraud is out of fashion. But early onset dementia is perfect for fraudsters because BY DEFINITION it's supposed to come and go. So if fraud investigators find someone with a diagnosis out enjoying life, the NEET can just claim that they're "having a clarity day" or whatever.
Toxins and a low cholesterol diet. The brain is a fatty organ and connections in the brain are made with colestorol (conductive) and insulated with fat. Like a wire. Your brain even produces it's own cholesterol.
too much poo poo not enough pee pee
I'm guessing antidepressants and birth control
But, alzheimer, it's to severe to control, so they will change the chemicals to more soften ones so the memory loss is not severe enough to destroy cattle efficiency
No wonder why psychologicals experiments are now impossible because "muh ethics"
With all these chemicals and radiations that sorround us, how psychological this things affect us, how our soul is affected
You don't need any of that shit to memory hole something, you just make it a cultural notion that it's dumb to talk about and in time people forget.
Yas Forums is often times too autistic to realize how fickle "outrage" is when people are well fed and living comfortably.
>be me neurological issues for 5 years
>was Yas Forums but have trouble with gait after walking long distances
>able to fight majority of symptoms through diet
>have flair up in symptoms
>lose half of my vision in one eye within a few days two weeks after quitting smoking (15 years)
>opthamologist orders MRI
>take roids and you'll be fine user
>nope, i'm natty doc
Smoking exacerbates neurodegenerative disorders, but nicotine actually helps fend them off. Started using nasal snuff for meds.
Yeah, maybe because you die out before severe symptoms
it's from weed, nothing to worry
100% caused by SUGAR & CARB overload, causing chronic constant inflammation
Lack of fucking nutrients you troglodytes
>nicotine can only be administered through smoking
Portuguese education
Alzheimer’s is a form of diabetes so ya sure why not
It's the green Devil, Bloomberg was right
Show me the study
This study says otherwise:
This is possibly the worst-made gif I've ever seen. I hope a pack of graphic designers drag its maker into the street and string him up.
My alcoholic liberal friend who moved to a liberal state isn’t doing too well bros
>lead chips eating generation has more dementia
color me surprised
How crooked is a healthcare system in which docs cash in according to the number of prescriptions they make?
In my country, the least, the better.
No wonder your country is shitty
What other effective ways of getting nicotine are there?
Never tried it before, but if it has protective effects on the brain I might start using it. Won't smoke it though.
what the fuck make a better gif and it also seems retarded.
There is snus (chew) which I'm not too much of a fan of, and nicotine gum. I'm actually curious about nicotine therapy trials if such a thing exists. Also, don't smok if you never have, took me a long time to kick the habit.
It’s because of the stuff we eat. /discussion
something causes plaques to develop in the brain. Whether the plaque is the cause, or symptomatic is unclear, but it is consistent.
For example, some recent theories/studies indicate these plaques develop in an environment of consistently high insulin. Meaning the plaques may have nothing to do with the brain deteriorating, but may be protective measures by the body to an otherwise hazardous condition (when chronic).
But in the long run, yes. The brain deteriorates. A few things have been demonstrated to treat (but not reverse) severe cases. Exogenous ketones have demonstrated acute benefit in patients, while prolonged fasting (results in reduced basal insulin levels, and incresased body ketone levels) shows promise in potentially reversing alzheimer.
Data I'm posing is bias. The body of research is still very infantile. But if I had to place money, I would say it, and many other problems, is at base, over nutrition, and at most specific, over consumption of carbohydrates in otherwise sedentary lifestyles.
can you give me a source for that?
Now show size and shape between the races.
Hint: they aren’t the same.