How do I become an Occult Warlord Divine God like Hitler?

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Have to master EE or Meditate which could take years to perfect, or you could gamble on drugs like DMT and hope you roll geo elves.

build 30 luxury camp in the form of a star of david and channel the jew power like hitler did.

explain what this means

Sell your soul to the jews then betray them.
That's why hitler had the support of the crown at the start.

puts jews in luxury camps
>betrays them


Coiled serpent

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You have to reach the Black Sun. Just eat good, sleep good, BE good. It will appear in your dreams If you are worth it. Don`t be afraid that is the last test.

only through tempered hatred
the risk is high

>destroys the British empire
come on now

Serrano is must read shit. Idk if there is anything more fascinating than esoteric hitlerism like serrano and devi.

Is the hitler occult stuff true? I always thought it was just another thing jews made up. Did he really make a pact with a Mandrake?

you're a special kinda retarded aren't you

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Serrano is based, I've read bits and pieces of him but not in full. I want to get a better understanding of Vedic Aryan shit before diving into him and Devi

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You're a leaf?

What are geo elves user?

was that a question? magic isn't real just saying

uh yes user, lurk more

Is this a book or just digital art?

I didn't say "magic was real" I was asking if Hitler did in fact, at some point did a ritualistic pact with a mandrake root under the belief it would grant him power?
It's not about what works and what doesn't work, it's about whether or not Hitler was an occultist.

you practice that stuff?
is it based?

>it's about whether or not Hitler was an occultist
about the mandrake stuff I don't have a clue

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I always wondered if this was some kike subliminal messaging to cuck whites into having black sons.

take your meds schizo

take your gas kike

Hitler had the spear of destiny.


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Reading Devi now. I think I'm gonna switch to the abridged version, she repeats herself a lot. I'll put Serrano on the list.

I heard Austrian fine arts academies are exactly what you need.

I miss when anons would spoon feed me this stuff. I believe in Hyperborea

Is rebbe looking for a new mashiach?

I wonder where it is nowadays... Probably in some D.U.M.B or another secure location.
There was a mysterious fire years ago at the Vienna Museum and there's no way the original still remains there

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Why is there is a picture of every world leader with a jew cap on?

post more Serrano bro
are you related to him

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swastika fairies

>Why is there is a picture of every world leader with a jew cap on?
Isn't the answer to that question obvious?

It is, but It's funny that people use them to make an argument that any specific nation is more of a a slave.
When people shit on Russia, Putin with the jew cap, America? Trump, or Obama, or Bush.

Isn't it funny that the world leaders that don't wear the jew cap also just happen to be the ones the US/israel are in conflicts with? Really activates the almonds.


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don't take much serious.
Except mainsources and even watch them sceptically.

The more the world talks ABOUT a person (or event or book or text or thing) and the less of primary sources it gives to you, the more you can expect things to be twisted, turned and lied about.
This is not refering to the topic but a general statement.

What I'm saying is: You can talk ABOUT something or well learn ABOUT something and read ABOUT something.
Or you can actually read THE primary source(s)

Thank you user

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The only way for that to happen is to join us in the highest echelons of the US government. Even God himself bends his knee to us, we and we alone decide who lives and who dies.

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> nofap
> meditate
> summon tulpa
> ride the tiger
> make pact with Mandrake
> speak to norns

thats pretty much it

masonic digits confirm

You have to be born on April 20th, or 19th

based, thanks.
I gotta put SS on hold until coron-chan blows over. In the meantime, gonna lay a nice foundation with bodyweight and yoga.

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>like himmler*

Adolf was a christian.

what an utterly cringe and bluepilled thing to say
please don't respond with an infographic of a Hitler quote from 1928 saying he was a christian

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What's the cure to stomach cancer?

Ok retard, wanna say something else Stupid?

based and Americapilled

OP if you really want a serious answer here you go.
Part 1- because idk how much I’m gonna write.
•realize hitler was possessed by the God/Avatar of Wotan/Woden
Hitler’s physical body cannot be god but Hitler was a merger of multiple personalities, he like Jung (Jung psychologizes the Divine but in the end admitted wholeheartedly he was a mystic. Hitler was Hitler, but also the Archetype of the Führer (the Leader, the Architect, the King)
And Wotan (The God of War, Poetry and Wisdom)
I recommend you read Jung, like his Red book, man and his symbols, seven sermons of the Dead and his gnostic writings along with his writing and observations of Alchemy, he welcomed his subconscious and eventually became the wise man he saw in his Daily Visions ie Philemon.
Learn to make your unconscious mind conscious, Which essentially means deriving your individuation from the memory of the blood, the collective power of the divine within your soul that is stored in your blood and spirit.

Part 2

•next you should understand the Hour of the noontide, if you understand the eternal return and the cyclic nature of all things including the universe itself you should be one with the past present and future, as they are all the same and connected within a ring, all things are finite and infinite.
When a star dies, a boy is born.
You should seek the wisdom of the past and mold yourself into a Minnesänger, the person you are and have been for all of time, your ultimate personality- you as an individual are no longer fractured but absolute.
Learn to control your desires and mold yourself physically and mentally, these things will balance themselves alchemically.

fuk u demiurge

based thanks user

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this is all true

fuk u demiurge