Uh, hello? Based Department?


>A man incarcerated in a California prison for murder has publicly confessed to killing two fellow inmates convicted of child molestation, writing to the San Jose Mercury News he “figured I’d just do everybody a favor.”

>Jonathan Watson, 41, admitted in a letter obtained by the Mercury News and published on Thursday that he beat 48-year-old David Bobb and 62-year-old Graham De Luis-Conte with another inmate’s cane on Jan. 16.

>The assault on the inmates, both of whom were serving life sentences for assaulting children under 14, came just one week after he was transferred to the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran.

>Although he never referenced either inmate by name in his letter to the Mercury News, Watson said he was angered by “Molester No. 1,” who allegedly taunted other inmates by watching children’s programming in the prison dorm area.

>“Being a lifer, I’m in a unique position where I sometimes have access to these people and I have so little to lose,” wrote Watson, in prison for a 2009 murder. “And trust me, we get it, these people are every parents’ worst nightmare. These familys (sic) spend years carefully and articulately planning how to give their children every opportunity that they never had, and one monster comes along and changes that child’s trajectory forever.”

>A day before the killings, Watson said that “a child molester” was moved into his “pod.” The individual began watching PBS Kids in view of the other inmates.

>“I could not sleep having not done what every instinct told me I should’ve done right then and there, so I packed all of my things because I knew one way or another the situation would be resolved the following day,” Watson wrote.

>The next day, about two hours before the beatings, Watson informed a prison counselor he needed to be transferred before he “really [expletive deleted] one of these dudes up.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

web.connectnetwork.com/facilities/california-department-of-corrections/?facility=California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison Corcoran

>The counselor “scoffed and dismissed me,” he said, after which time Watson returned to the dorm area.

>“I was mulling it all over when along came Molester No. 1 and he put his TV right on PBS Kids again,” he wrote. “But this time, someone else said something to the effect of ‘Is this guy really going to watch this right in front of us?’ and I recall saying, ‘I got this.’ And I picked up the cane and went to work on him.”

>After concluding his attack, Watson went to find a guard to turn himself in and came upon the second man.

>“As I got to the lower tier, I saw a known child trafficker, and I figured I’d just do everybody a favor,” Watson wrote. “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

>When neither beating attracted prison officials, Watson continued to look for someone to confess to and eventually found a guard.

>“I told him, ‘I’ve got some pretty bad news,’ to which he ironically replied, ‘You’re not going to hit me with that cane are you?’” Watson wrote. “So after jesting for a moment, knowing this might be the last decent moment that I have for a long time, I told him what I’d just done, which he also didn’t believe until he looked around the corner and saw the mess I’d left in the dorm area.”

>The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation had no comment, citing an ongoing investigation.

>Watson said he confessed to prison officials, giving them the same account that he detailed for the newspaper. He said he will plead guilty to both killings if the state charges him.

>Citing the actions of officials regarding housing of prisoners, the Mercury News referenced a federal lawsuit filed last month by the family of another California inmate who was stabbed to death while in another prison. The family claimed their relative was mistakenly placed in a cell with a member of the Aryan Brotherhood who had killed another prisoner months previously.

Common occurrence here. Chomos get their shit pushed in with broom handles until their insides are as perforated as Swiss cheese. Good. Fuck those faggots.

If you ever use based you're not based

what are the chances that one of them was innocent? american prisons seem to be full of innocent people

>Defending pedos

You are redeemed brother. Go forth with your head held high.

What a nigger lol
>Be 65 year old banging 18 year old girls
Same thing as being a pedo but its cool right? These are the same pedos judging other pedos

I'm glad based murderer killed these pedos. In commiefornia you have to be worried pedos will be released with an apology and a $1 million court settlement.

I would've done exactly the same. I'm not watching children programing

According to the article, they were both in for molesting kids under the age of 14

>“figured I’d just do everybody a favor.”
The hero we need but don't deserve.

Pedo detected.


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Not the hero that we wanted but, the hero that we needed. Someone screen cap this, print it out, and send it to him.

If the guy was literally watching kids shows to taunt and fuck with everyone I'm thinking he probably did it

In a way fucking with everyone like that is based as well in it's own way, but he was a pedo and so he got what he fucking deserved

>was literally watching kids shows to taunt and fuck with everyone
IMO he was just that obviously socially fucked that he didn't understand the implications of what he was doing. He was probably just trying to 'comfort himself'.

I would consider him for a pardon.

>“Being a lifer, I’m in a unique position where I sometimes have access to these people and I have so little to lose,” wrote Watson, in prison for a 2009 murder. “And trust me, we get it, these people are every parents’ worst nightmare. These familys (sic) spend years carefully and articulately planning how to give their children every opportunity that they never had, and one monster comes along and changes that child’s trajectory forever.”
These are the fews of a murderer serving life in jail. Imagine what the common public would think when the pedo elite get exposed?

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absolutely based
>The individual began watching PBS Kids in view of the other inmates.
just BEGGING for this to happen

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Why do these immoral criminals think they should be a judge of fellow criminal and feel like they are doing some justice. These "pedos" might just have pictures on their computer and have not molested anyone, so basically harmless.

A guy I graduated with is going to prison for 1st degree sexual assault.(of a boy) All the women hated this faggot but he was a hardcore fundamentalist christian as well. Does he meet the same fate?

Found the village idiot

Topkek lad

Doesn't matter, he goes to heaven


Read the fucking post. They were doing life for assaulting kids under 14, meme flag/false flagger.

>The assault on the inmates, both of whom were serving life sentences for assaulting children under 14, came just one week after he was transferred to the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran.

show flag pedo

>Knowing murder is easily justifyable with all sorts of conditions and circumstance
>knowing molesting children is not justifyable with any condition or circumstance
>comparing the two as if they were the same
No wonder europe is a rapefugee infested shitgole

skinhead power! notice the fred perry skull tat.

Murders pretending they're better than pedos is equivalent of white knights defending women who attack men. They're all human trash. Just once I'd like to hear the story of someone being killed because they were a murderer. Glad the pedo is dead but moralfagging by human trash is annoying.

why dont they have aryan prison gangs in europe? that would be rad as fuck.

Seething pedonigger

Pedos are the lowest rung on the ladder, user. No person needs to 'pretend' to have morals regarding despising it (unless they are pedos themselves).

>they're all human trash
>stop celebrating that there are two less of them though

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Probably fucked a 15 year old when he was 18 and was watching his anime

infinitly based and infinitly redpilled
he has redeemed himself to society
i would unironically have him moved to softer circumstances and given acces to proper theraphy untill he felt he could rejoin society as a redeemed individual


Forcefully removing chomos from the earth is absolutely based. Imagine if this was the state sanctioned penalty on the streets, chomos wouldn't have the gall.

Read the article before you comment FFS
>The assault on the inmates, both of whom were serving life sentences for assaulting children under 14

Killing pedofags is more akin to putting down an aggressive dog rather than murder

We don't know who or why he murdered the first guy, but I'd say two pedos for whomever that was is a good deal.

Jesus you fucking Euros are retarded.

shouldnt he get pardoned or something?

it happened in humbolt county so probably weed.

Could this guy be a relative of Wes "show me your paperwork" Watson?

Good riddance

Pedos deserve to be skinned alive

>american prisons seem to be full of innocent people
Yeah. The majority of the prison population didn’t do nothing. Crazy, right?

He did the right thing but he can't be openly rewarded for it because that sets a precedent of inmates killing inmates for rewards.
THIS case seems justified but some spic that reads about this guy being rewarded will suddenly decide that the guy in the next cell over is a pedo and all he has to do is kill him and get everyone he knows to swear the guy was a pedo too, you see what I mean?

Still, good on him.

Tits or gtfo

Good riddance, he did do us a favor. Fucking based.

No relation. He mentioned it in a video.

I agree with you, Ausbro.

How do I donate to his commissary

Sup rabbi

Based AF desu


Common public will pretend it's fake news

Based. Deserves a medal.

Who cares if it saves the state money

His profile is here: inmatelocator.cdcr.ca.gov/Details.aspx?ID=AA4712

You can donate to him here: web.connectnetwork.com/facilities/california-department-of-corrections/?facility=California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison Corcoran

You'll have to sign up etc.


Release his ass and put him to work tracking down pedos.

I think the evidence will transcend that possibility.

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Fuck you pedo boy.
I’d cut off your balls and sew em in ur mouth.
The average Pedo molests 100 kids before being caught. Those fuckers need to die 100 times each. Bless this man honor amongst thieves is far greater than amongst NPC’s. Murder isn’t legal which is why pedophilia exists. It’s also why the cop can kill you for nothing and go on vacation. FUCK PEDO AMERICA AND FUCK YOU


Pedo spotted

murdering anybody is objectively worse than raping anybody so yeah, if i were told to decide whether to execute a person who murdered an innocent or one who raped an innocent i'd have the murderer killed