This is a presidential tweet and response. Kinda scary how we forgot that it can be possible.
This is a presidential tweet and response. Kinda scary how we forgot that it can be possible
>It's just a flu bro, you aren't a science denier are you?
fuck off hans
>Kinda scary how we forgot that it can be possible.
Speak for yourself. I haven't forgotten how full of utter bullshit it can be.
>listen to authorities like a gudboi
>dis is a gud President
The majority of humans are pleb npc’s they crave to be ruled
>kenyan muslim wants more to die
that nigger deserves to burn in hell
Trump says it first and everyone booooos.
Soetoro says the exact same fucking thing and he's a national treasure, a phd virologist and wrote the book on pandemics in his spare time at Oxford. Hypocrites on the left and nothing else.
you goys don't need masks, just hold your breath on the buses and subways. elites are cancer
the masks don't do shit nigga
Trump is the first black president, fuck this coon LARPing whiteface limpdick
The Americas are a negrified continent and as such deserve an appropriately negroish president to rule over and guide the gorillanigger muttmongrel masses
I most certainly remember how disingenuous and treacherous politicians can be.
The bigger the smile the sharper the knife.
>follow the science
There’s something so gay and cringe about this. They just have this need to let everyone know they’re the “party of science” despite all of the ways in which they deny objective reality on a daily basis. They seemingly can’t help themselves. It’s really annoying desu
>listen to the experts
I understand the reasoning here, but the fact is that those who listen to their instincts regarding taking a high level of preparation are going to be more well off than those who sit around and largely do nothing on the advice of "experts". Remember, part of the job for these experts is to not create a panic, and they will bend the truth whatever way is seen fit to do so.
I'll happily take this
the science says half of blacks are retarded
why would this randos tweet qualify as presidential
Holy shit its nice to hear from someone presidential in politics
follow the science, whites will become a global minority by the year 2060
protect yourself and your community with common sense precautions ; you know what HAS to be done
Yup. I'm on Yas Forums.
This. It’s textbook Rules for Radicals (i.e., retards) slimy rat shit - accuse your opposition of doing the same things you yourself do on a daily basis. The clown world never stops spinning.
>follow the science
Even 13/52?
Exactly. But asking questions about black intelligence is now referred to as “scientific racism”. It’s fucking retarded and I hate it cause it’s stupid.
>didn't say anything about paying taxes
is that fucking crazy anarchist trying to collapse the society
only Americans believe this is an acceptable thing
then why do the healthcare workers need them
Always do the opposite of what a nigger says.
No shit. You typed it into your url. Where did you think you'd end up?
Fucked up that mulatto man makes Trump look like a retard.
sounds like fag talk, and puts to much trust on jew scientists telling us goys the truth
>follow the science
It says here that XX is female... and XY is male?? Obama what this mean?
Ignorant statement - "Save the masks for the healthcare workers" - if you are sick, wear a mask.
let's see how that talk works when people are fucking collapsing in the street.
Go back, Hans, Ahmed need a blowjob
>spies on your campaign
>listen to the CDC and other health officials
Yup, especially if they tell the local populace to group together in a single location like a sports arena or shopping mall, that means they've found a permanent solution!
>save the masks for health care workers
imagine taking advice from an Obama
If you have to go out in public wear a mask.
Yes, they work(that's why the health care workers wear them).
This. Fucking traitor.
Trump's administration has been saying exactly this you twat. Why do you think they keep downplaying it? To stop people from freaking out
The panic is making it harder for them to know who needs to be tested and who is just a paranoid nutcase
science is just another word for masonry
yes, I just love how the tweet oozes with banality and paternalism
Personally I would prefer it if you weren't on Yas Forums, would you mind leaving?
I always liked obama. I disagree with his policies and i hope trump wins the election again but theres something about obama i always found very likeable. Id deffo buy him a drink irl
Peak boomer post.
>Save the masks for the healthcare workers.
Wow, they're really panicking now, eh? Good, fuck em. We pay these fuckers billions in taxpayer dollars to NOT have a motherfucking stockpile of these things for all essential personnel sitting in a warehouse ready to go? Ahh, maybe not. We needed a couple dozen gorillion dollar F35 meme fighters to do absolutely nothing all day long in maintenance. Cool.
Everything Trump says is "presidential" by definition.
>says almost verbatim what Trump said
He was never a legitimate president because he was born in Africa where the house apes live.
Not wrong though.
Science is a process, not an authority.
>follow the science
* Niggers have lower IQ
* Trans people are mentally ill
* Women get paid less because they work different jobs and work less
* Promiscuity in women causes them not to be able to mate-bond
* A stable family with mother and father produces a stable child
* Homosexuals are more likely to also be pedophiles
>No!!! Not that science!!
>You're just racist, sexist, misogynist, fascist!!!!
if i pull that off will you die?
Their 'science' is hilarious.
why do you give a shit about our president
go back to jerking off lifelong dictator merkel.
also, anything trump says is presidential by definition. People got fed up with overly polite generic politicians. Every president from now on should not be a career politician, they should be a businessman,
i would say 9/10ths are retards. they certainly dont have the cause and effect reasoning skills of a chipmunk.
its all a fucking facade m8
pretend to be nice and likable so you get votes
The healthcare industry is not prepared no matter matter how many masks they have
>he fell for the psyop
Every time, as with jews.
It would be very painful
this is true
this is also true, funny how people concerned with "the new norm" don't know what it means
>"paper masks won't help you"
Yeah just trust the govt, they've proven so capable
do dumb leftists fall for that trap
>Kinda scary how we forgot that it can be possible.
Shut the fuck up, kraut.
THANKS Obama for coronavirus
>follow the science
what does that even mean?
>Tells people to save the masks for the healthcare workers while the CDC itself states that the masks are required for people with confirmed or SUSPECTED, yes, suspected cases of Coronavirus.
He is literally telling people to do the opposite of what the actual scientists are recommending. In order to have a mask you have to, you know, have some on hand, and he's saying to save them for the healthcareworkers, while virtue signalling "muh science"?
Truly fuck this clown world. These politicians need to kys.
CDC clearly states people should wear a mask if they have a confirmed OR SUSPECTED case of Coronavirus.
Dont panic cattle, sit there and listen to people who we think are smarter than you. Your life doesn't matter, do what we say
The guy that waited 170 days to address H1N1. Just in time for the 1000th death on US soil and 20,000th infection. Media didn't seem to have much to say at all about inaction.
Media is complicit in sedition. They all get the rope, too.
>follow the science
pic related
Why are you krautniggers so insufferable? Even leafs aren't as bad as you.
Trump is saying stupid shit-he didn’t say anything presidential first. He’s a jackass
Who do you think should be president?
>Can't say "They're all puppets"
>Can't say "We just need to accelerate"
Whites will become a minority. With nuclear weapons and in control of major economies. They will be just fine. It’s not a numbers game-it’s a power game
>1 post by this ID
Well I’m telling you don’t kill yourself.
This is literally exactly what Pence said in his press conference, almost word for word. Retard.
Doesn't sound very capitalist does it?
Here’s a timeline of all of Trumps’s lies and bullshit on this one topic.
Gee I wonder who could be behind these posts
Here is trumps record of bullshit and lies