Joseph "White Chocolate" Biden

is the next Democratic nominee for President. Say something nice about him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He once swung a chain at a colored boy.

he loves cunny so he has my vote

He opposed bussing!

They were still called nigras then though.


Joe “They gon but y’all back in chains” Biden


he has to have a platform that priorities the JQ over all else to beat Trump.

a new booming poison gas industry.
and a new industry that makes gas Chambers out of unexpected weird things, like a bouncy castle gas chamber, that way the Jews can have fun and jump around for a while, plus it will be funny when they start shaking and bounce.

Listen, i know it seems like a joke. But this is real. At first i just thought Biden's obvious dementia was funny. But now i see the deep strategic genius behind it.

He's seeing beyond the Jewish question. While everybody is bitching about Jews, who's doing all the killing and raping and voting for Bernie?

I'll tell you who. Commie lgbt(((Q))).

Who can stop this 3rd wave nufemme blight? Not us. Not the alt right. Everybody's onto us. We need a sleeper. We need a harmless old Democrat doofus who obviously understands the traditional and natural enjoyment of smelling real American females and lolis. A man so steeped in hiding his power level that he can rile the wills of unruly niggers to the civilized side of a conflict.

Biden is a PATRIOT who had to stand by idly while a Kenyan homo moved a tranny into the Whitehouse and then a literal pedophile witch stole his turn for the nomination. Decades of being a gud ole boy to earn his chance down the drain. Who wouldn't then devote his golden years to bumbling his way into a position to crush the homos after living through such humiliation?

>Joe, go give speech to boomers
>Joe, go pretend you like shotguns to rural retards
>Joe, meet this qt, lol he's sniffing her get a pic

Punished Joe is real.

Not malarkey.

I'm ridin with Biden now.

Bernie, it's over.

That's actually not a bad nickname. He should call himself that.

corn pop


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uncle joe

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Dementia patients are America's fastest growing demographic.

Bernie Sanders personally released the coronavirus to murder Joe Biden's unshakeable base.

This is a WAR!!!!

But as usual, Bernie underestimated the niggers because his civil rights activism is all for show. Checkmate, commies. 5d shuffleboard, bitch.


Nice try, trannies

He thinks an undending wave of immigration should come and erase the white majority of the country and it's a good thing.

Cant believe Trump will never face a real debate. He truly lucked out.

He changed his points after hearing better ones. He's not a flip flopper, he's a reasonable centrist.

Kids love petting his hairy legs. Watch out for that Corn Pop, he's a mean mutha.

are there any super saiyan edits of biden? i mean his hairy legs turn blonde in the sun after all.

He smells nice-ly

Biden's a good debater though. He destroyed Paul Ryan in 2012

Joseph "Hard R" Biden

Chad Aryan Globalist pedophile

>tfw you sniff little girls hair and then you become president
none of us will be as much of a Chad

He'll be the third black president


Creepy pedophile has no business representing our country.

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he'd be the funniest president of our times and it won't be intentional in the slightest

Im in tears user holy fuck

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even if that were true, he didn't have dementia in 2012

He made the Bernie shill threads go up in smoke.

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>punished Joe
I'm not sure he's coherent enough to think in those terms, but I can't believe he enjoyed being VP for Barack Hussein O.

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Not dead

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He’s the end of viable Democratic nominees, there’s something good about that.

I don’t like having this meme saved and Biden will enable me to delete it soon

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Say about my country what you want and about our blatantly controlled politicians and lying media, but at least we wouldn't nominate a literal pedophile toddler sniffer.

What the fuck is wrong with your country? Do they just not care? Is everyone so blunted because of rampant degeneracy?


Shut up fag. You'd elect one if they were Arab.

OK brainlet who literally had a nigger as his president

He isn’t afraid to call Obama a nigger

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he has dementia

Okay faggot who's giving up the NATIVE land of their ancestors to shitskins? Who has no freedom of speech to deny the Holohoax?

Where did this originally come from? If it's real, then why did Joe Biden tweet out a picture of himself and Obongo with the letter N superimposed? He didn't really mean it, did he?


He's doing a damn good job making the bernout parasites cry.


I rather have Hillary

Holy shit didn't realize it was real haha

Get coroned

dude coronavirus lmao

2 cents has been deposited in your account.


blacks riding with biden

He never molested me personally.

According to this video, we are a minority as of 2017.

He BTFO'd some nigger name cornpop

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He don't tolerate malarkey from any race.


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That's the demeanor of man that just defeated communism in America. Be proud, Joe, be proud.

He has the pass to say it