I like to keep things simple.
Communists == not assholes.
Capitalists == utter assholes.
Why the fuck should I side with capitalists?
Shouldn't I be Marxist?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP = Faggot
Take a plane to Venezuela and tell us why.
If you would replace "assholes" with "freedom" it would be a correct statement. And you can't side with capitalists, because you never understood what freedom means. You unthankful faggot.
>give me one example of a successful communist society
>they make an average of $20 a month and are stuck in the 50s
>they just got the entire world sick and highlighted the fatal flaws in a communist top-down system
>are you serious?
Die in a fire, faggot OP.
>not assholes
Tell Dostoevsky.
Read a book for the love of pete.
OP is clearly mentally retarded.
Simple is as simple does, I guess
Why not Norway? Is Chile doing better?
Are those the two choices we have according to you?
Why did you fail to mention that our guys were the first in space? First satellite, first animal, first man, first probe on another planet. Without us communists there wouldn't be Nordic countries which are statistically the least failed nations in the history of mankind. Meanwhile we can show 1001 failed capitalist banana republics. You lose, nigger.
China is one of the largest economies wtf. People getting sick is not the fault od policy making system.
Norway isn't communist, dingleberry.
them completely fucking up when it came to controlling the spread of the virus shows the flaws within their communist system
No, there is also the American version of capitalism. In the American version they buy patents from socialist countries like Finland, Sweden and Norway, manufacture their products based on those patents in communist China, because in communism the cost of production is always lower, and then they step in front of their Chinese communist made cameras to praise the lord, American capitalism.
This is a fact by the way, we can prove all of this. So why the fuck should I side with liars like that? Hm?
Thesis = Capitalism (invented by Jews)
Antithesis = Communism (invented by Jews)
Synthesis = Jewish Dictatorship
Neither is Venezuela then, dickquad.
pay debnts faggot
Communism has caused all kinds of genocides you stupid kike are you really trying this in 2020?
no refunds
>t. Never lived in a communist country or post communist country
I would love to break your fucking legs and eat your fucking face off.
>them completely fucking up when it came to controlling the spread of the HIV shows the flaws within their capitalist nigger system
Where most industry is privatized.
holy shit I lold
>Communism has caused all kinds of genocides
Much less than capitalism. Communism has been around only after Marx, so less than 150 years. Checkmate.
Soviet Union.
>COVID and HIV are the same thing
Imagine being this stupid
Do you not recognize the distinction between state ownership of capital and generous entitlement programs? Either way, you're a retarded, lazy bum.
What do you do for work?
Freedom is a judeo-masonic meme. Both capitalism and communism are kiked ideologies. Absolute catholic monarchy or at the very least natsoc are the only choices.
I already have checkmate you nigger. It means game over, you lost.
Same fucking kike binary game assuming to give you two choices which he has provided for you
German scientists did that.
>us communists
Kek, you're a fucking spoiled western teenager stfu.
Doesn't exist anymore and was originally funded by Wall St., then the US government during WW2 and beyond.
Try again, pinkos.
Have you not heard of Equinor? It's one of the largest oil companies in the world, owned by the state of Norway. You have been referring to Venezuela because they did the exact same thing, nationalized their resources like Norway. You're the retard, homeless meth head.
Your capitalism created these creatures. They did not exist in Soviet Union. We had Yuri Gagarin and Putin. You are literally now checkmating yourself. I hope you come better prepared for the next thread where I will again own your loser ass.
>give me one example of a successful communist society
Cuba, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam still running strong today
Lets not forget the USSR, all time greatest communist union
All these countries more or less successfully eradicated wealth
>Is wrong
>Still claims to be right
Sounds about right
>German scientists did that
lmao they did in America, but only after you already lost the race
>I’m a braindead, jobless, likely hideous, incel loser going nowhere in life, so I project my inadequacies outward onto those around me and use bogeymen like “evil capitalists” as a scape goat for my self-induced problems, therefore securing my perpetual existence as a useless piece of shit.
Cut down, not across.
>doesn't even know basic Cold War history
Fuck dude, read a book.
Why would you ever want to be part of an out-of-date, secular, messianic religion?
China allows you to own your property and multiple estates, and businesses. Although there's a cap for some
we're only part communist, private wealth is still allowed, even encouraged.
He thinks we never got to the moon.
>Communists == not assholes
thats a bold assertion, evidence?
>successfully eradicated wealth
Yeah. Classic Yas Forums
Dodge facts, blindly, religiously believe in your own agenda no matter what, then try to call out everyone who shows you facts.
You always sow your own poison.
What a bunch of retards. You're like apes, really. No point trying to educate you.
You're only good for testing.
Cuba: Poor as shit
China: More of a fascist ethno-state than the wildest of Yas Forums wet dreams
N. Korea: Literally so malnourished that they're a full foot shorter on average than South Koreans
Laos: 3rd world-tier
Vietnam: Communist government, capitalist economy
Try again.
I think that guy was sarcastic considering that the USSR kinda isn't a thing anymore.
Here's how it actually works
Capitalists == utter assholes.
Communists == gay retards.
NatSocs== based and redpilled
So called private property is owned by the state you ass. That is why you pay taxes. Just look how fucking clueless you guys are lol. You have no idea how the world works. Do you think that you can just buy Texas if you're a Rothchild and could actually afford it? There is no such thing as private property, that is an illusion.
>You have no idea how the world works
said the communist
Natsocs are faggots just the same as communists.
This thread is full of assholes who oppose nice communists, even hate Yuri.
>even hate Yuri
Lay off the weed pls
based choice of pic from "Big Trouble in Little China"
well that explains everything
Not Shilling for ((((Capitalism)))) but this is really is the extent of the intellectual capacities of the average leftist inst it?
Fucking this.
Like I said, Yas Forums is full of retards and assholes. Why shouldn't I be master race Marxist?
>I like to keep things simple (can't understand compexity or nuance)
>Is a communist
Checks out
>t. self centered asshole who never contributed anything to mankind
You mean the country destroyed by capitalistic sanctions and sabotage?
You mean where everyone got food, housing and money to live until capitalist nations ruined it?
>communists == not assholes
Only a communigger cockroach would think so highly of itself. You were most insufferable faggots imaginable to deal with in college. No one really identifies as a "capitalist" by the way, it's not the competing cult to your retard religion that your peabrain has come to conclude it to be. It's an understanding of economics and nothing more.
>Cuba: Poor as shit
so? wealth is not a success criteria of communism.
>China: More of a fascist ethno-state than the wildest of Yas Forums wet dreams
eh, they've recently outsourced some governing to private parties, so there's business and temporarily private wealth. that doesn't mean the state doesn't actually own it and will resume control over your "private" assets at their leisure
>N. Korea: Literally so malnourished that they're a full foot shorter on average than South Koreans
so? no wealth, people mostly surviving. success
>Laos: 3rd world-tier
see other rebuttals
>Vietnam: Communist government, capitalist economy
see china
Capitalism creates jobs while communism mascaraded as socialism will privatize and is downhill from there, socialists tax the rich, the rich will shorten the staff, also socialists promise bigger salaries so when its applied the same happens with the business owners, they shorten theyre staff so many people will loose jobs and there wont be new stores opening creating a better economy in general...
hello, first post department?
>some shit not even related to anything
As I said, lay off the weed.
>You mean where everyone got food, housing and money to live until capitalist nations ruined it?
lol good one, most of that housing hasn't been renovated since 1959 and the standards are abysmal