New Twitter Rules

What does this new update to Twitter mean, politically speaking?

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It means that when the media screeches “THAT’S A DOCTORED VIDEO” when it’s clearly edited for effect, then twitter will step in and block it like a good goy

Q predicted this

>he has a twitter account
post this to your facebook page you fucking faggot

>It means that when the media screeches “THAT’S A DOCTORED VIDEO” when it’s clearly edited for effect, then twitter will step in and block it like a good go.
Memes are manipulated photos LOL. No more memes on your Twatter account.

So is this what they meant by the world ending tmorrow?

Nothing because twitter isn't a government

Use a different microblogging site you cretin

It means liberals will get to post what they want and conservatives posts all come with a caveat

GOOD...i fukken hate meme and anything funny...the internet is serious fukken business and you damn kids and your so-called funniness disgust me to no ends...fukken gay homo pieces of shit...STOP WITH YOUR MEMES OR ELSE

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It means parody pictures or videos about Democrats or other varieties of leftists will be removed and the offending users banned.

>like a disgusting hermit he isolates himself from the modern epicenters of political and cultural debate rendering his opinions and beliefs obsolete, and his very self be effectively erased from ever being
you fucking pathetic cuck

and death threats against Trump will be verified and called progressive and powerful

I feel like the left, and only the left is exaggerating how bad deep fake videos are and I think they are concerned because something bad is coming and they want to prepare people so they can label whatever as fake.


The more manipulated Twitter becomes, the less useful it becomes for communication. It will naturally cause people to turn to alternative sources which strengthens alternative infrastructure. Do not fear censorship, welcome it.

they are doing this to hide the rapture, people will suddenly turn into beams of light then the blame will be pushed onto aliens.

march 5th might be the final happening.

It's crazy how far they've taken censorship of these platforms since 2016...

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beat me to it greatest ally

Hope Trump lose the election. He should had gone hardcore on silicon valley leftist, but as usual, he did nothing. The leftist really deserves to win.

>browsing twitter
>scrolling fast through my tl to see what's happening
>scrolling too fast
>come across "synthetic media" that is "likely to cause harm"
>uh oh
>suddenly left arm bursts into gore
>hear dog explode in living room
>start screaming
>dodge jets of flame shooting from monitor while trying to report the offending post
>keyboard shooting shrapnel into my eyes
>tremors starting to rock the foundation
>finally manage to hit the report button
>recline in my gaming chair and wonder why twitter didn't stop this madness sooner
thank G*d they're finally making a stand

it's a component of the foundation for wrongthink

This Nordcuck gets it.

surely this means that when, for example, CNN posts a deceptively cropped video to attack a high school kid, Twitter will remove said video and ban CNN.
Or is it not "fake news" when liberal media does it?

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Does this apply to the left aswell? Like when they doctored that one picture of a drowned boy for the refugee crisis.

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>modern epicenters of political and cultural debate

Rules for thee but not for me

I'm more interested in how this affects e-thots. Will images be scanned upon upload for editing artifacts and marked as such? Or is it just another thing like the youtube shit on "controversial" subjects where you're directed towards an "trusted" source?

dear god.. Facebook is gonna do something similar

Any right wing image will be labeled as 'false'
>"Welp there were a few pixel artifacts in that JPG! That's an altered photo!
Any left wing image will be considered true
>"They only made Trump look like Hitler, which we all know is true anyway. It's real."
We need to make sure that Silicon Valley gets Corona'd HARD. If you're sick, go visit them and any media organizations near your house. After the pandemic starts easing up, the rest can be taken care of with the good ol' 2nd.

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Twitter stopped being relevant in 2016. Trump's account is the only one that matters. This won't affect him.

You are on to something user. Can someone post the Yas Forums prophecies?

don't forget videos showing minorities raping and killing white people, like they are doing in Greece right now, will be considered "fake and gay" accoring to twitters new rules and will be deleted.

Twitter is deciding what is fake or not.
Basically they want to control (for ideolocal) what is true and untrure regardless of witch it is to suit them.

They are wanting to be a publisher while pretending to be a platform.

Don't use twitter. It's irrelevant, and their usage statistics are drastically inflated due to botting.


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InB4 Twitter decides ANY video leaking information about the Wuflu is going to "cause harm".

Just in time.

They must be getting ready to release that video of Adam Schiff ass raping the dead 10yo black boy for an hour at the Chateau Marmont.

So Twitter is going to start "Fact Checking" Tweets, and censoring them accordingly keep in mind anything that can "cause harm" is basically their way of addressing "problematic" language

The only reason I even have a Twitter is to shill my art because Tumblr is dead, I post and then I fuck off, Hopefully a better alternative will pop up

So memes are a violation now ?
Wow Twitter sounds super fun.
I just shorted them. I’ll make money when their stock shits the bed in a year.
Such faggots they would ruin a good company for woke points.

it gives them rather vaguely worded rules that boil down to "If we SAY this image is bad, we can remove it and claim you are bad"

I need more regulation.. I NEED experts and government officials to control discourse more tightly.

>blocks your twitter rules

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kek, and no

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All you will have to do to get around this is the same thing people on the left do now when they make phoney celebrity accounts. Call it a "parody account" for satirical purposes.

Fuck Twitter though anyway.
Paul Singer is going to make a run on it and then destroy it for cash anyway.
I give it about 2 years tops before it is Reddit 2.0

This is a direct response to Berniebros seething over Biden winning the nomination. lol, they got a taste of their own censorship bullshit.

This 100%


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why is he making this face

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look at this greasy disgusting rat
just sickening

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Q is revealed tomorrow, lads.
trust the plan

The fucked up thing is that these major tech companies like Google and Facebook (idk about Twitter) are subsidized partially by U.S. taxpayers, so every time these companies make decisions like this, we are basically paying them to do so, so that they can in turn make more advertising money.

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Its the liberals that fake videos of migrant kids crying or in cages or some shit. But knowing how liberal corporations, this new rule will most likely only apply to conservatives

it represents the extension of the domain of (((fact-checkers))) who function as a Ministry Of Truth for ZOG.

This is to prepare for pic related

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"the storm is coming"
cytokine storm
"will put 99% of all people in the hospital"
"trust the plan"
which includes watching Trump continue to hold mass bioterror opportunity rallies to make SURE his base gets infected.

I think the plan is "you take our your NPCs and we'll take out ours".


AIPAC is infested (yes!)

Tom Cruise is in quarantine & likely has this-as does most of his crew from shooting the newest Mission Impossible.

The Pope has wuflu & has likely infected EVERYONE he has met with in the last 42 days. Including the Queen of England.

ALL of the Supreme Leaders in Iran have wuflu and many of them are already dead.

Guess who snuck off for a sekrit meeting in Iran a few weeks ago? Nasty Pelosi, (who met immediately with Chuck Schumer when she got back), Senator Chris Murphy and John Kerry and someone whose name I can't remember. Many of the people they met with are now dead from Wuflu.

It is rumored that both Trump and Pence have been exposed.

The EU leaders have all been exposed by the Slovakian PM who is in hospital (have not heard his condition, but like the Pope he tested negative first too.) Two of them are already in hospital.

This virus is probably the biggest gift ever given to the little people-ever. The wealthy "can afford to travel" elite are coming down with this in droves. Hollywood is pozzed too. Just wait.

Feeling comfy here in my isolation watching the rich fucks who have been killing the world die-one-by fucking one.

BTW by propping up the economy instead of helping people who will be loosing their jobs, then their homes, then their families, from this virus, Trump has indeed shown his "love" for the people-once again bailing out the financial market (just like China did which helped nothing) instead of the people-him sitting there with his shit eating grin putting completely INCOMPETENT people in charge of this..fuck I could do a better job.
Fuck Q. Edward Riordan did a RV of Q--the results were surprising.

Lot more people are about to get the alex jones treatment, if you know what I mean.

And don't be surprised when people like Dr. John, Medcram, peak prosperity, and even styxhexenhammer get unpersoned as they are sharing 'unapproved' viewpoints and information on the coronavirus. Under the guise of trying to quell panic and disinformation, you will begin to see more rules like this from other big tech companies in the coming weeks/months as more and more on the ground videos of corona corpse show that this is worse than we are being told. They will also be used to cover up how the quarantines will be enforced.

>cytokine storm
nigga, take some Vitamin A, D3, zinc, lavender oil, colloidal silver, and use a neti pot twice a day and you might still get bed-ridden once the viral load builds up but you won't fall over dead unless your diet/immune system is terrible or you have the beetus

rip twitter
god riddance