Why do you guys claim that jews are not white?
Why do you guys claim that jews are not white?
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Oh god, that forehead
She's built for BBC...
Some of us are some of us aren't how difficult is that to realize? You can literally tell by your fucking eyes,
Shut this shit down right now
jews are what ever race their host country is. they are a parasite on humanity
Because they're bleached sandniggers who act to downgrade white people culturally and eventually destroy them biologically.
I don’t anymore.
More like a fivehead
Why are Jews Jews in America but Israelis in Israel? Or are they still considered Jews in Israel?
It seems to always be changing....
I love jewish women, I would never betray them to Hitler.
>t.bleached NA
Post pic of her before the nose job, filthy turk rape baby.
Shaving your unibrow still makes you a turk mutant
We don't. They do.
more jewish lies
they don't have pink nipples
This. Checked for truth
Are you an ethnic group or a religion?
it's jews that call themselves not white retard
What Star Trek series is this alien from?
they claim it too whenever it's convenient for them
Are towelheads white as well? While we at it.
We're both, is it not known?
Because they are jewish before white, they made the choice
They do it all the time for us.
Take your
We never claimed that, its Jews who dont see themselves as white! Judaism is a anti-european cult, you cant be the "chosen people" & a European.
This is where all Jews problems originate from, they larp as Egyptian slaves!
>Why do you guys claim that jews are not white?
Because they are not even human.
Because jews are terrible people and whites dont want to be associated with them. With that said Jews are mostly white and most jew have more European dna than jew dna so I'll always count them as white even if it pisses kikes and crackers off.
As a random dude who's ethnically jewish but not religiously and hates isreal/zionism, the only reasons I still even bring it up instead of just saying I'm white are:
1. To blow the fuck out of identity politics liberals who try to say my family (who fled the bolsheviks and only came into america after WW2) are somehow responsible for racism in America, and also to check the fuck out of them when they try to say someone's a nazi. Calling random dudes at an alt-right rally literal nazis is spitting on the graves of the people the nazis actually killed.
2. To piss off edgelords. Some dudes out there literally think that I somehow have access to vast political influence just because my family is Jewish. I don't even talk to those dudes since they're mad stereotypical NY jews, but they're fucking harmless. They're just obnoxious and will whine and moan about random illnesses they apparently have.
Their Jewishness is what makes them incompatible with Europeans, it’s why they all suffer from health issues.
...do have the chinese, koreans or japanese have a group of peope who act against the majority of felow people, no, question ansered ...
...jews are not white because they think they are somewhat superioir(nazis) ...
It's weird how a little jew DNA can make someone so awful. I grew up around Jews in south florida and I could easily tell Jews and white gentiles apart just from the way they acted and treated people. Israelis seem a little less weird than American jews but I've only really talked to them on here.
Jews say as much. Call a Jew white and they'll correct you. Unless they are pushing hatred of whites...then they pretend to be white.
How many of you have R1/I haplogroup? Not many.
They're white but unlike in europe where white is a given and it's about frenchies vs germans vs hollanders or whatever. Here it's about religion among the whites.
It used to be about ethnicity like in the EU but that went away when the angloids got tricked by euro refugees that told them they were all the same. The euros converted to protestants and anglofied their names. Tweaking them and sometimes changing them entirely.
This broke the angloid burger nepotism and the euros basically took their shit over.. and were absorbed into a mongrel nation.
The "jews" of today are basically converts like we're all converts of Christianity. Ethnically they're polish, german and russian.. they're fucking huns. For all intents and purposes they're euros and white.
But they're of a another religion, they're not protestant or athiest. So that makes them non white to the burger. If they see an italian in the midst of Catholicism, they'll call him a wop, a grease ball, a guido. They'll say he's not white and yet he's european. It's the same with the "jews"
Jews are very inbred Greeks/Southern Italians/Balkans mixes, but are culturally anti-European. You have always got to remember Judaism is a very complex anti-european cult.
A lot of them have mutted themselves in Isreal because "they done whiteness/European" so they are starting to turn into sand niggars very quickly.
Because Jews themselves insists that they are not white.
They are not greeks nor balkan, but really iranian/north african.
They are white
are you really this stupid?
That's because they got tired of getting attacked by minorities and saw an easy way out
>Jews are very inbred Greeks/Southern Italians/Balkans mixes
We’re both, idiot. There’s black, white, asian, and spic jews.
Like how there’s caucasian, australoid, mongoloid, and even some negroid hindus.
Ethnoreligious group. You can be born a jew or convert. Fuck, the whole reason most jews exist now is because we ran around europe, asia, and africa CHOOSING local women.
Trust me they are, I've done a lot of research into this.
It hard to explain but basically "Ashkenazi" does not exist, its a made-up ethnic group. (this is why they've bought all the DNA companies to make sure its properly (((categorised!)))
You've got to understand that Judaism is anti-european cult which come from the outcasts of many ethic groups around southern Italy & Greek region. Former Roman Slaves, Former Greek slaves and so on.
Look at that dna map I posted & look at the greek DNA (GR1, GR2, GR3 & GR4)
Now look at the Ashkenazi dna (13x AJ's, 1x AJ2 & 1x AJ3)
Remember Jews never lived altogether so to stop the cult dying they started inbreeding. (1st cousins & so on.)
That why anyone over 90% Ashkenazi(inbred) looks like a nazi poster but below 50% Ashkenazi they look like a normal European.
Cant upload pic because IP is flooded by spammers: i.4cdn.org
That's a good question
Trust me I know what I'm talking about.
They're the ones importing the 'minorities' and also stoking the fires of hate.
this. and checked.
>They're white
..wtf, they are a disgrace for every european, theey work against us , more than anyone before and everyone just feels sad about them(propaganda) ... there is a reason everyone ----> EVERYONE in the past/present wanted that this idiots fick off ...
...and yes, i rather let in muslims just to change the politics against them ...
By your logic English people aren’t an ethnic group because you’re like 60% Celtic genetically and maybe 5% French
who cares, we all die soon
The overwhelming majority of pro-immigrant groups are run and funded by christian white people
Fucking Israelis and conservative western jews tell you idiots not to open your borders
In Tel Aviv you think we DON’T have degenerate leftists demanding rapefugees and homosexuality?
They're whatever you say and more.. but they're still white as clorox.
They don’t even consider themselves as such, so why would anyone else?
they are actively combative towards whites
>Some of us are
Welsh & Irish are mostly Celtic & a little Germanic & English & Scottish are mixed celtic, Germanic & Nordic.
Whats the point your trying to make?
Basically the point I'm trying to make is they are extremely inbred eastern-southern Europeans who were lured or forced into a cult which is anti-european.
If she considered herself a non white person, would you call her a shitskin?
>Why do you guys claim that jews are not white?
they ain't and pic related is stolen genetic.
Tim pool looks white but hes not. Hes part korean and Puerto rican. Essensially how we classify race is problematic and no longer applys the way it once did..
Maybe if she was descended from some desert tribe, with identifiable genetic and physical components of said tribe lingering.
potent image. nice.
She is Finnish the Women you posted.
...just imagine, be a culture of progress and shit and the only thing thats holding you back are some jewish books and holohoax stories to be ultimate superior.
...before any jew should be kill, ther should be killed any one who beleaves in there spaceopera ..
They're white, but they're the rulers of the different whites of europe. If you belong to that demographic, you take orders from them.
It's like with india and their old caste system. They're all the same race but theres a hierarchy among them. It's a bit more complicated because your system is for the most part clandestine, it's not spoken of openly and you may not be aware of it.
Japan had a system like this during their feudal periods I believe, but again.. if you weren't samurai you didn't even have a last name so you knew the score. Your last name was basically your job: Tojo Fisherman, Yoshi Farmer, Hiro Conman etc.. maybe that's more similar to you guys. Is your last name anglo? If it is you aint the boss.
Many in this page are nordicist, thats when they dont accept whites other than germanics and anglo saxons or northern french for example, jews are caucasian just as greeks, only that jews evolved different than europeans for many reasons and some are mixbread between euros and jews like spanish sephardic jews or the ashkenazi germanic jews...
Yes, Jews are Caucasians, but just as some dogs are white, some Caucasians are White, and just as not all dogs are white, not all Caucasians are either.
not the ixembar of david.
dank gif .nice.