why do you think of female doctors
Why do you think of female doctors
They touch me when I'm sick so they're alright.
thighs wider than my torso
Prostate exam
they cant do their job properly
That mask won't save her.
This. Less embarrassing than a guy feeling my asshole.
I usually don't, but I am not
You want a female surgeon.
Most male surgeons cut you to fucking shit on the way in and out. Or many will at least.
The women are careful and slow.
Incompetent and socially promoted by the government, leftist faggots, and feminist cunts.
It depends on the skin color. I've never had a bad white female doctor.
Women lack the dexterity and intelligence to get the job done.
shes not white, shes not allowed to do that
>t. Survived 50/50 chance op from based male poo
I went to a male plastic surgeon for mole removal and he ripped that shit off like a sticker and now I have a scar. He was top ranked as well.
Lesson learned.
well rn is because you made this thread
I would never take a woman seriously let alone check me
Tbh can't take them seriously. But at least they are quite easy to (emotionally mainly) manipulate if you want a benzo or opioid prescription.
Some are cute
LOL. Goo-holes LARPing as doctors.
ill let it pass because of the flag
a woman this good looking has literally everything in her life handed to her on a silver platter
i can confidently say the odds of a women this good looking being an actual doctor are 0
literally never saw a single female doctor.
Any surgeon worth a shit takes his time and causes as little damage as possible.
Not true.
They make up for that in patience and care. They are women, they actually feel your pain.
Men are good at micro movements, better than women, but usually at a scale that is irrelevant to the surgery.
Top surgeons are males. But on average, if you aren't getting a world renowned guy, a woman will treat you better.
>I went to a male plastic surgeon for mole removal
On the contrary their small fingers are more nimble and better suited
Yeah something is wrong with the healthcare system in America. And I’m not just talking prices cause I got insurance. But I mean quality care. There is a lack of doctors that care or are competent. They all seem to be sociopaths or incompetent or drug pushers
Yes. What you describe there fits the female surgeon profile.
Unless you are getting the top MAN in the world, if you are just choosing between surgeons at your local hospital, choose the white woman.
She will damage you the least almost 100%.
They can only cure my blue balls
Silly user, you mean nurses
They make good pediatricians and gynecologists.
Tits or GTFO
Heal me with your vagina
like every other stem program, medical suffers from diversity shoehorning.
3/4ths of the women in STEM (if not more) do NOT belong there, and are only there because of forced quotas, and soft quotas to exclude white males.
They go to school until they're empty egg cartons.
Romanian doctor in Houston, endocrinologist, gets her nudes posted all the time
Very hot. She also has perfect ratings everywhere online. Maybe the one good, competent, female doctor.
female doctor HAHAHAHAH
your funeral fucking idiot
I don't know about France, but here in the US female GP are superior to male GP. We aren't talking about groids.
Nurses go on to become doctors.
>They all seem to be sociopaths or incompetent or drug pushers
That is an intended feature not a bug.
I only see female doctors. They are natural nurturers. They listen and care. Male doctors are arrogant pricks who dont listen or care.
You cant just say that without giving a sauce
Cringe old roastie
For you, fren
the same as shitskin doctors. i do not go to them.
Be me my asshole starts bleeding for no reason
Wife makes me go to the ER just in case
Get to ER
>They need to stick a finger up my ass
nice little lad leaves
>in walks a 7 foot 2 monster of a man with fingers like sausages
Couldn't look that mongrel in the eye
he was laughing
I know I would be laughing to if I was him
scarred for life senpai
>i can confidently say the odds of a women this good looking being an actual doctor are 0
You need to get out more. I spend my work days dealing with docs. She is about average.
Don't get me wrong, I would ask her out to lunch in a heartbeat.
I want them to suck my penis to make it better
That's a shooped-on face, right? The broad that sat behind Kavenaugh (sic) during that crazy nonsense last year?
Anyway, how about a name and a sauce for each so I can go fuck your mother a
second time today?
t. 44 y/o sitting in the park
Hm can actually agree with this.
Most surgeons are shit because most people are shit. Don't look at the gender. Look at success rates and the amount of people that recommend them. You don't want a surgeon that you can see immediately. You want a surgeon that already has appointments booked at least a month out. Popularity normally isn't a safe standard to go by, but in this case, contextually, the popularity is because of the happiness of the patients regarding the results of the surgery is the reason for their popularity.
I just realized while I was typing this that probably only 25% of anons will understand this because of the NPC problem. Fucking hell.
They mostly pursue more feminine and less financially rewarding specialties: pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, GP because they have long term relationships with patients etc. They are almost always feminists who prioritize their career for the mythical 'greater good' concept that Europeans are indoctrinated with. If they were at home raising children they would often have incredible families but they often sacrifice their best years unjustifiably preserving the sick and feeble instead. They are often sad and weird as most high IQ women are. I would prefer a male doctor in most cases.
holy shieet can I fuck her? whats her name
What a wonderful pair of juicy tits. I totally agree with the background graffiti
>janitors who work in a nuclear reactor go on to become nuclear scientists
That's not how it works.
you mad whiteboi ?
fug my peepee is hard now
Pharma companies understand this. When a Phase II trial is in preparation they select sites with the most female docs for the compound test group. Female docs can make water cure cancer.
If they look like pic, then I'm ok with them.
If a man needs sex he should be able to go to a female doctor and get cured.
Built for the MVP
Likely more dogmatically by-the-book, inability to think outside the box when it would be useful, because they can't perceive that there is an outside the box
Built for the MVP
I can tell you from experience that women doctors are much more caring in every way and treat you as, essentially, their own child.
They also excel in medicine and medical care.
You want a female doctor.
So many insecure dicklets lol. I guess going into trades didnt work out so well for you felas. Women doctors are fucking based they arent very smart but very meticolous and methodical. You can bitch cry and seethe, but in the end you got pay us
>thighs any thiccer and she wouldn't be able to fit in that chair
The only logical post on this entire thread. Do your research anons, and FUCKING NEVER GO FOR A 3RD WORLD IMPORT YOU WILL DIE ON THE FUCKING TABLE
I had spinal surgery in October. My male surgeon was supposed to remove six screws and a 5" titanium plate and install a larger one with eight screws. My previous surgery left me with excruciating pain for weeks, even with painkillers. He's nobody with a star on the medical walk of fame, but he was able to save the original implant and I woke up feeling a million times better than I expected. One poster's bad experience doesn't mean all unknown male surgeons are savages.
Maybe sometimes, but nursing isn't specifically a degree that's on the way to doctorhood. It's a different branch. It's not like you can just stop med school and take a break and do some nursing. They're different focuses.
And it's also more fun when you turn your head and cough.
bruh need moar. any pussy?
holy shit
I like when they press their boobs on me.
Capital Knockers madam! Tips hat politely.
Gib source
Danka, Hans.
My gf works with surgeons. Says females are the worst. This is open heart surgery though. And for those wondering my gf makes 200k and surgeons make over a million. The bonuses and call time they get is ridicules.
why does every receptionist in the medical industry weigh 400lbs
Checked and kekd. Had a female doc check my asshole because was shitting blood for a few days. She called in her assistant who was even cuter and they gave each other the “lol we about to finger his ass” look and had a smirk. Bent over, she felt around and felt my dick getting hot but no boner. Notbad/10
Thanks for your contribution for a pelfekt society madam!!