What are you like at your job? do you talk to your coworkers or just keep your head down the entire time...

what are you like at your job? do you talk to your coworkers or just keep your head down the entire time? what do you think they think of you?

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I openly call people niggers, cucks, faggots, incels, etc. I make sexual remarks constantly to not only other employees but also my boss who absolutely loves me, and would probably suck my dick. And no Im not kidding, my boss frequently gives me rides home, and acts flirty with me. I work overnight shift stocking shelfs at wal-mart. they cant hire anyone to do thsi job. The people they hire are the absolute dregs ... junkies, drug addicts, homeless, ... they all steal, dont show up for work and when they're here they dont work.

>having a job

Lol why

Im not even joking. Just showing up for work and putting in an honest nights labour propels me instantly into "one of a kind" status. thats why my boss doesnt give a fuck who I insult. We have people who are seventy and can barely lift 30lbs! We have people who have mental health problems, we have peopel who are grossly obese. my boss knows that pissing me off is the stupidest thing she could do, and even when these people complain about my behaviour, she knows next week she will be forced to fire them for stealing, or they will quit and claim compo for some bogus injury, so there is no point in trying to discipline me!!!

I love this job. all i have to do is show up and work. I could murder someone in aisle four and my boss wouldnt give two fucks.

I bullshit and make people feel comfortable because of my demeanor. I just tell people I think politicians are crooks and leave it at that if they broach the subject. Nobody knows what I actually think, or assume I align with them just because I'm not calling them a retarded faggot to their face.

let me describe my current overnight team.

one grossly obese sheboon who wants to transfer back to Ontario because "racism"
she is so fucking fat she cant bend over or go on a ladder, she has to have her boxes placed on a trolley with wheels, by another employee

one fat single mom, total slut, three kids, three different fathers, who is sucking off one of the other employees daily for her ride home, not even joking

one super skinny, super hot, and SUPER SLUTTY 20's something girl, who is brain dead, she is so fucking stupid, she is dumber then a bag of hammers
she cant read, write, she can barely follow simple directions

one super skinny meth head, total slut, also brain dead, who routinely drinks, smokes weed AT WORK.
one femcel dyke type french canadian girl who is absolutely butterface. she is also single mom. she actaully works hard though, and is respected
one fat dyke with purple hair who makes a complaint every fucking day to HR about something, it never ends with her
one 70 year old grossly obese woman (i feel sorry for her, she should be retired.)

amyome want me to go on. i can share the stories of walmart night shift insane employees edition.

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you're really passionate about doing retard work

Thanks for stocking the shelves so I can prep, wagie! Also you sound like a huge try hard faggot try offing yourself nerd!

>lives with parents with no job.

go ahead maple man, I'm interested.

I'm okay at my job. I talk to my coworkers but I'm really bad at selling suits and overall getting to know people. But I do love fashion so I guess thats why I work at a men's clothing store. Though I can't actually wear the clothing cause I'm of the opposite sex. Its very nice being able to make men feel confident in the suit that they buy from me. I think my coworkers think I'm alright. I do the rest of the job pretty well and I'm usually okay with taking their shifts if they can't make it to work. The girl advice (since they're all men) is alright.

Where on the island are ya bud. West Island?

also included is a former army officer who was convicted of some sex offence and dishounourably discharged, he cant get a job anywhere else. he, like myelf is one of a few employeees who actaully gets shit done, and he is super based, and hilarious. he is openly racist.

being canada, we naturally have several feather niggers on board for easy gibs
one fat ultra dumb bitch, who is married to another fat ultra dumb asshole, neither of them do any work.

one half indian girl, who has blue eyes!, she actually works, and is really kinda shy and submissive in a wierd way, she dates a one of the best guys on the team, also native, super laid back skinny stoner with long hair .... and i mean super laid back. you could tell him there was a bomb in aisle four and he'd be like "yeah I'll take care of it after break dude" I get along really well with him and his girlfriend.

one fat indian who is hilarious. total racist, slams bitches constantly, tell teh girls they are sluts, make lewd and outrageous comments at every female on the team

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In my line of work, I am a central part of the attention. I basically just act like a chad and get what I want all the time. I started off a total onions boy, scared of every bump or whisper. Now I'm a grizzled young veteran.

i have no co-workers

>convicted of some sex offence
>super based
kill yourself faggot. Also, way to feel proud of your retard-tier job. Shooting for the stars kid.

I'm an English teacher and I fucking hate my life right now desu

I worked at a car wash in Laval for a while. I think about 70% of the team had been in prison. The team manager and detail dude had some O&A quality banter going on. We used to stand around the food trucks on breaks watching them fucking dig on each other. Most of 'em were dumb as fuck, but those two should of have a radio show.

Also, why do the Haps suck so hard this year?



All day pretty much. But the employer has to be white.

we have a young guy on our team who has impregnated three of the girls within three months, no I am not kidding. one of the girls is a fat slob. one is the skinny meth head, and one is a blonde polish girl who fucks everyone (she also has a single digit IQ) - but she actaully works, and is pretty funny. I told her the expression "No diamond = No hymen" she now repeats it like a mantra at the guys whenever they make a pass at her, unfortunately she seems to think it means you have to pay her to fuck her.

all the girls wound up having abortions, which set off a crisis with the two LDS members, who were basically threatening to shoot the place up! when they found out about the abortions the male LDS member threatened the guy in the lunchroom and a big fight insued. they were screaming at each other. and the woman lds went around calling the girls whores and baby killers and shit. this went on all week until the manager transfered them to days.

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Fuckin' hear ya bud. Took a year off uni to teach ESL in Chile for a year. Mid-to-bottom tier for opportunity.

Why don't you go to Asia?

(Inb4 corona)

That sounds like some kind of adult swim comedy plot.

>we have a young guy on our team who has impregnated three of the girls within three months
okay, tell us more about this chad

this shit is why i drive for uber. if i don't like you i can 1 star you and never see you again.

shut up chink

I do not know if that is a 19yo Laquinta or a 71yo Rodney.

>if i don't like you i can 1 star you and never see you again
based & reddit-pilled. Anons spends his day downvoting niqqers.

I have sex with upstanding geriatric women, it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it. No ass play, though.

okay now thats epic

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Engineer. Pay is good but despite what pol thinks most engineers are fucking retarded. I actively avoid talking to anyone and am trying to change careers.

I pretend my coworkers are fellow Yas Forumsacks and speak to them accordingly.

>tryna to eat
t. Never heard a nigger speak

Those were good posts, stfu you mutant.

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You can get convicted of a sex offense when the female is over 18 too. Its not just for minors. Literally having drunk sex as too adults can get you a sex offense charge because she can't consent

I keep to myself and just do my job. I'm the youngest in my area and I have no interest in befriending country grandmas and divorced sheboons.
There are plenty of other cool people but I don't work around them so nothing ever comes of it. No biggie. I'm not there to make friends

he apperently "harassed" some stupid slut who thought she belonged in the infantry. he never physically touched her. he simply told her what she was ... repeatedly. for that he was forced to resign his commision, such is the CAF. he was never actaully charged with a criminal act (apparently). but he was sued under human rights legislation. i dont know the whole story, and he doesnt discuss it much. hes a good worker, and a good guy, and he has ZFG attitude.

the chad is one of my friends on shift. he drinks monster drinks constantly. and is pretty laid back. because he works ( which is rare) he gets away with whatever he wants. his current girl is the polish girl. when he ws fucking the meth head, the fat slob was making all kinds of complaints about her (being the snubbed girl - and pregnant to boot). now the meth head and the slob are teaming up on the polish girl every chance. calling her slut, dumping garbage in her aisle (we get assigned aisles to work at the start of our shift), stealing her cardboard bin, stealing her ladder ... that kind of thing.

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>t. NPC who is programmed to respond negatively to "sex offense" regardless of the details of the case in question

>I'm not there to make friends
imagine not making friends with grandmas to maybe one day pork them or inherit their money

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>he apperently "harassed" some stupid slut who thought she belonged in the infantry. he never physically touched her. he simply told her what she was ... repeatedly. for that he was forced to resign his commision, such is the CAF. he was never actaully charged with a criminal act (apparently). but he was sued under human rights legislation. i dont know the whole story, and he doesnt discuss it much. hes a good worker, and a good guy, and he has ZFG attitude.
okay fair enough user.

What a fantastic walmart saga we have brewing here. I see at least 2 seasons worth of episodes.

My job as a business analyst means I spent most of my time in agile style project management. We work in 2 week cycles, called sprints. Everyone meets at 9am every day to discuss the progress in our current sprint.

I lead the charge in the documentation, and am very opinionated at work with my coworkers. I call them out when they are spewing libtard-tier rhetoric. One coworker in particular, who is otherwise a nice man, has extreme leftist political mindframe. We have decent discussion.

Otherwise, my pod is less by a scrum master. He is the chillest stoner dude ever, and often helps removes blockages from the team's progress.

Today, I took over for the product owner and had to attend his meetings. Handled it like a champ, but openly admitted that I didnt have the same experience as him.

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FML. Pic related.

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>the chad is one of my friends on shift. he drinks monster drinks constantly. and is pretty laid back. because he works ( which is rare) he gets away with whatever he wants. his current girl is the polish girl. when he ws fucking the meth head, the fat slob was making all kinds of complaints about her (being the snubbed girl - and pregnant to boot). now the meth head and the slob are teaming up on the polish girl every chance. calling her slut, dumping garbage in her aisle (we get assigned aisles to work at the start of our shift), stealing her cardboard bin, stealing her ladder ... that kind of thing.
okay I want in on this shit. Hook me up with a job there user.

That's how it used to be but now consent can be revoked at any time regardless of sobriety, even decades later. That's why I make all the women I penetrate sign a NDA & consent form drafted by my lawyer. I also secretly record audio of all my client sessions, I'm in a single party consent state so it's legal to do, can't be too careful these days.

I work with:
A racist chicano who is the mutt's law personified. Can't go 5 minutes without mentioning black cock.
A white redneck who says embarrassing things. Might be bisexual because he says a lot of gay shit.
A black boomer who acts like a redneck. Likes fishing, hunting, riding ATVs
Another racist chicano who seriously hates black people even though his skin is so dark to the point where he looks mixed race. Constantly talks about niggers.
A white republican 19 year old zoomer. Pretty funny kid actually. I can tell that the other guys' racist comments makes him uncomfortable since he's from an upper class family and hasn't been exposed to that.

your title should be zookeeper
buy robots instead of these fat niggers and fatties.

Haha way to show those fatties how it's done. Please continue keeping the subhuman down.

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>A white republican 19 year old zoomer.
based and judeo-pilled

Lets hear something about you. You do realize you fit in with these people, right?

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Not the ones here, man.
I have no problem with the good looking ones. There's one in the manufacturing area that I'd rail the fuck out of.

one of the guys who works maintenance is this old geezer who constantly talks about the time he went to brazil and fucked 12 year old girls and bought super cheap cocaine and stuff. everyone hates him. he so fucking greasy. whenever he has to clean the bathrooms several of us go in before breaks and piss on the floor. we have a little contest to se who can create the nastiest mess for him to clean. doing things like deliberately dropping a case of live bait, waiting ten minutes then calling "maintenance, aisle four, clean up". the best mess so far is the chad puncureda hole in a five gallon pail of transmission fluid and turned it upside down on a shelf. it leaked all over everything and stained the floor tiles. he has to have the store ready by 7am, and he has a list of chores that have to be done already. kek.

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>work at Walmart

I deliver structural steel along with another driver. We get there before 5 am, load our trucks, and GTFO before the other jamokes show up between 7 and 8. Out of a 8 to 12 hour day we only have to deal with coworkers for less than 15 minutes. Although those 15 minutes are enough to be completely pessimistic about the future of the human race (i.e. picture working with people from an alternate Star Trek universe...but one that is not cool or based like on tv).

Nope. A few states to the north.
I'm convinced he's only a republican to "trigger the libs" like /ptg/ magapedes. He's actually fairly liberal all things considered.

I understand

is that richard spencer?

>flexing about working at walmart

extremely cringe, enjoy your poverty wages kid

I wish you didn't type like a potato. This thread had potential and the setting of your workplace seems interesting but your paraphrasing and typing alltogether is horrible to read.

I've red pilled all my co-workers on the Jews.

Engineers are the biggest egotists. They love to laud over technicians and act all superior, even though the smartest people I have met have been technicians.

Fuck engineers.

But if you were drunk too you also cannot consent. Seems like a pretty easy defense, just say she took advantage of you and threatened to destroy you if you said anything.