Politics Don't Produce Results Quickly Enough

You wake up one day knowing nothing more than you knew the night before, just like usual, but you seem to have unlimited powers to shape society. No one can stand in your way. Society is what you make it from this point forward, but you have no further grand knowledge pertaining to existence or the meaning of life. What you know is what you know. You cannot use your powers to discover anything existential, so you don't know if your religion is right, and there's nothing to tell you if you're doing wrong. What do you do with near omnipotence?

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For example, I would take intense pleasure taking power away from those who abuse it. I'd eventually transform the world, but it would be too much fun fucking everyone on earth who fucks other people. Gangbangers would all slowly lose their sight. Thieves, too. In fact, everyone who I didn't like would become blind until they reformed themselves. Rapists' cocks would rot off and sexual thoughts would cause great pain. You get the chance to be god.

I wouldn't outright kill anyone. Dead people can't suffer, and they definitely don't learn life lessons. I'd make it so that anyone who caused anyone else physical pain intentionally would feel that pain themselves times ten. I'd cause paralysis and insomnia in those who were brutal, lock them inside themselves. These are the kinds of things that would happen if there was actually a god somewhere controlling things.

Come on, this is way more interesting to think about than Greta fucking Turdburglar.

Politics is way to corrupt to produce anything good.

So what would you do with unlimited power to change the world?

Purge people who are so retarded they became a liability, psychopaths, sociopaths and cluster Bs.

I always know that posting anything that causes actual thought or creativity here is a crapshoot. Most of you cunts don't know anything you aren't told to know.

What else? Unlimited power.

It depends on the definition of unlimited. A massive reform in every technology, institution, business, government... would follow to unjew them.
Also a sincere attempt to filter jewshit from any kind of knowledge.

Keep in mind - you know what you know. It's your basic limitation that knowledge isn't unlimited, so you have to work from your own knowledge base. This means that you can't guide technology, (unless you're a technological guy and already have ideas) but you can make people focus on it to achieve an end.

Basically, how do you change society to fit your personal vision of what the world should look like?

unless my omnipotence can change human nature nothing can be done.
cause power without character will lead to disaster

>These are the kinds of things that would happen if there was actually a god somewhere controlling things.
kek @ elevating your motives to the status of divine righteousness. Based egomaniac

It can.

It's an invitation to use that pathetic grey mass between your ears, douchebag. Do you have an opinion on anything other than me?

What does the world you shape look like?

Besides, if you have divine power, righteousness is what you make it. What does that world look like? Use your imagination for something other than trolling, if you have one.

So far, all I've read is that it's hopeless, even with unlimited power, so no one has any good ideas. Either that, or everyone's too self-conscious to volunteer an original though.

You are the only thing worth having an opinion about, user.

You misunderstand. Your train of thought went like this: "if i was god, i would do x, and if god existed he would do x too." Does that not seem like a humorously stupid thing to say?

>You cannot use your powers to discover anything existential, so you don't know if your religion is right, and there's nothing to tell you if you're doing wrong.
what's the point then?

Maybe if I was making generalizations. Seeing as how god is what I make him, in my mind, this god who is supposed to be just would give the world real-time punishments for evil and real-time rewards for being good. Seeing as how this is 100% opinion-based, there's nothing wrong with sharing my opinion on the subject, which I created. You don't have to play if you don't want to.

That's a good question.

What's the point in doing what you're doing now? (or anyone - not a personal attack) You don't know the reality of existence today, but there are things you or anyone would change about this world we live in just for the sake of creating a better world - which would be based upon what you think would be better. If it happens that your opinion is that the world would be all christian, then state that as your opinion. Just an example. I don't know what religion you are.

I didn't mean that you can't stick to whatever superstition you currently subscribe to and even allow it to control your actions.

yes ir does

Your opinion is very grown-up.


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>You cannot use your powers to discover anything existential
What a lame set of powers. I wish for a sandwich.

Edited memes are supposed to be funnier than the original.

The world we live in doesn't inspire you to change it if you could do so with the wave of your hand, or even just a thought? Why is it important to know where you came from or where you're going? (sky fairy style, not the science answer)

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>so you don't know if your religion is right
Many of you may be confused as to who you serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Yes it is. You're just so busy not having it that you think that's the experience you're supposed to have.

Ok, so what do you do with omnipotence? Will you be the one poster with a little imagination?

i guess posting 20 comments in a thread of 30 posts is great fun

What need do I have to do anything at all? Could do nothing. Maybe even sit there up in the heavens, and look down, and laugh. Let you make mistakes, grow and learn. Omnipotence means I can just wait out the entire life cycle of the universe if I wanted to, let it experience heat-death. Who cares? What's the point? Is there a reason for the question, or what? What do YOU want out of this question?

Especially dealing with intellectual giants like you.

Regular life span. Your powers are only good while you live out your normal human life.

>What do YOU want out of this question?
I just want you faggots to use a little imagination and tell me what it is exactly that your perfect world looks like.
Do you even know what it is you come here to whine for? Have you even considered what your ideal world would look like? Have you ever even thought about it, or do you just want to whine about how things are with no clear vision of how you'd want it to be?

I would reset human civilization, happening style. Not sure what I would do after that. I don't think I would care but at that point I would feel it out and go hiking or something while the surviving people rebuild and I'd watch

Every time I start a thread that requires though, I get nothing. I suspect everyone here either has no actual imagination, or they're scared to expose original though, even though this is about as anonymous as you can get. Either way, I'm left with nothing worth anything, just snotty little kid answers, distrust in my motives - as if I could ever do anything with your answers - and the unwillingness to think further than a troll.

Who would you spare?

Now that I think about it, alternatively I may go around the modern world as is larping as cryptids and UFO's and letting people see impossible things/acts that nobody will believe if they try and tell others about

Thought, not though. Typo.

You wouldn't just take over?

I wouldn't choose people deliberately, more like destroy farmlands and cut access to resources. Strangle civilization but not glass it. Cities though would be glassed. All cities on earth.

I would make greed painful.

You'd have the power to drive humanity towards any direction you'd want. You could slaughter anyone who wasn't selflessly working toward a humanitarian future, or kill all the people who aren't white or black or something. All you want to do is return humanity to tribal status?

Then I live my life the way I am now, but with powers? What the fuck is this, your homework or something? I'd probably just live the way I am now, but kill all the pedos dead on the spot.

You could control the motivations of the entire population if you wanted to.

So your contribution to society, given that you can wave your hand and control the thoughts and minds of every man, woman and child on earth, guide humanity in any direction that you can possibly imagine - within your natural lifetime - and you'd kill all the pedos and then just go have a hamburger or something?

Putting humanity as close to nature without extinction is what I want.
I can feel your angst from every post you are write out. Your basically fishing for people to say "oh yeah dude I fantasize just like you"
>All you want to do is...?
What do YOU want, from ME? I'm the only person who answered your pointless- let me really emphasize that word -Pointless thought exercise.

You don't have to do the same things, you just can't live longer. You can float across the globe, slaughtering as you go with mind bullets if you want.

>What do YOU want, from ME?
Nothing but an opinion. I'm certain you share them with anyone who can't run away from you fast enough when you don't have to actually think about it first.

>I can feel your angst from every post you are write out. Your basically fishing for people to say "oh yeah dude I fantasize just like you"
Cute. If you have no imagination for how you'd shape the world if you could, why are you here? Why have an opinion on anything?

Why do you believe that I can hurt you with your own imagination? Why do you fear thinking about the abstract? After all, it's really only the means that are abstract. Surely you have a vision of what the world should be like, or you wouldn't be here wingeing about how it is.

captain tripz that would attack melanin enriched people: niggers, coalburners, sandniggers, jews, spics, poos, chinks

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Nope, everyone else is on their own. Pedos can gtfo though. If I did everything for everyone all the time, they wouldn't be their own person. There is no room to grow if there is no room to fail.

What would you do with their lands?

Remove all myths so people are forced to live fact based lives.
Just imagine!

So, aside from pedos, there's absolutely nothing even mildly inconvenient about your life, nothing you'd change about your own circumstances? Your actions don't have to be selfless; you can make people kill each other or even just jump in the air and explode if you want. Your imagination ends there?

I know you think this is pointless, but what you've told me by your presence on Yas Forums is that you're angry. Don't bother denying it; no one will believe you anyway. What you're telling me by posting the way you have is that you're angry. Same circumstances apply. What you're telling me with the content of your posts is that you fear imagination, and other people's opinion of your imagination, even anonymously, because imagination would have to originate from you. You can't just spew other people's thoughts back at me like you usually do. You're afraid to think, so you're pretending to be tough and callous.

That's the best answer all thread.

I'm happily married and not struggling. Why do you think I'm mad?