What is Biden's appeal?

What is Biden's appeal?

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he pisses off bernie bros

he's a fellow pedo


The memes it's all about the memes

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>He's relateable and personable. He's senile, but it's seen as cute and endearing, the same way Bush's idiocy felt "innocent"
>He has a strong association with Obama.
>"Oh, its the obama guy"
>Obama's charisma rubbed off on Biden, even though he's an actual creep.
>So instead of this pedo-y "powerful figure" he's more like the boomer's coomer. Like Bill Clinton 2.0 or something.

>If they unironically embrace the "ridin' with biden" meme, Biden would take all the pros of Clinton, Bush, AND Obama all in one fell swoop.
>Would he win against Trump? Most likely not. But he's PEAK boomercore.

Tone down the disrespect you dog faced pony soldier

>he's PEAK boomercore.
Pretty sure fucking children ain't peak boomer

Hes better than that other Biden.

Plain vanilla, safe, palatable to centrists who believe Bernie and Trump are too polarizing. Scoop of vanilla.

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>Vanquished Corn Pop
>Got arrested bringing Nelson Mandela grape drink
>MeToo Immunity
>Says stupid shit
>Is a good pivot to pit blacks against the rest of the progs

He's aiight

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Obama's VP

He seems like he would have fun to have a beer with

the democrats are sacrificing a pawn to prepare for 2024

Biden is literally in every way
A child rapist.

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Unending source of lulz.

Biden is the prophetic candidate, where have you been?

He’s vanilla and anti-Trump.

He's an old white dude who isn't Trump. He'll campaign on a return to normalcy, pre-2016 politics. Tone down the dems SJW nonsense. Basically he's the optimum inoffensive pick to capture the center vote. People who haven't been impressed by Trump, people who voted against Hillary, people who are tired of their news being a constant stream of "orange man bad". All of these, plus most of the dems base will vote for him.

He's going to give Trump a real close run, and all he has to do is stay only minimally creepy. He barely even needs to talk.

>What is Biden's appeal?
He was the VP of the first black president

Why did it seem that Biden was tanking in the first place?
His personality and lack of any sort of plan is off putting and doesnt inspire hope.
His win in SC and endorsements energized his base in time for Super Tuesday,
but I'm betting, by March 10th, they'll be complacent and off put again by Biden's retardation,
while Bernie's base will be hungry.

Seriously though, where did this Biden surge come from?

Boomers and niggers like candidates that are recognizable.
The Democrats are aware that they will likely lose this election, so they want a safe pick in the hopes that they don't lose the House.

bland, wall street approved deepstate approved neoliberal puppet

He makes the memes a reality.

Berniefags btfo

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no malarkey

and you'd be wrong about that assumption

not being a communist jew or having a vagina? I don't know if that counts as an appeal but I guess that's what the answer is

>trumptards ignore that their own president has stuttered and speaks at a third grade level

Someone said he is the 10-year US bond equivalent of presidential candidates. You vote for him. Bad things: nothing happens. Good things: nothing happens.

He’s literally running on the fact that he’s not Donald Trump. That’s the whole premise of his campaign.

His senile retardation is relatable

That's malarkey and you know it

C'mon folks i'm no malarkey! Vote for me fat..

Three words
>Corn Pops

He's low energy, mentally unsound, pretty disheveled, a bit of a zombie so people on the same energetic frequency are attracted to him. Like attracts like.

He also seems to want to bond with 10 year olds.

same but even more so for dubya, imagine going to a titty bar and getting shitfaced with that guy and doing coke off a stripper's ass

Silent majority

Old persons see themselves, Obama voters see a Barack VP happening.

it's literally that he's the wh*toid that stood next to obama, and I fail to see why that's appealing

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He isn't trump, and he's a reminder of Obama

He makes anti-pedos seethe.

I'm not talking about internet presence, I mean his poll numbers were shit until SC

>what's for dinner

there's a choice between salty licorice, some kind of weird fruit that looks like a hairy plum and vanilla ice cream. Put a cross next to the one you want.

>he ran with Obama
>he's not Bernie

That's basically it.

>Tone down the dems SJW nonsense.
the only thing that has ever toned down sjw nonsense is violence. biden probably wouldnt accelerate it as much as the other retards but the tranny shit would still be going strong

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He's the most prominent open pedophile on earth

Nigs love a real man who will keep punching at the violence against woman.

>where did this Biden surge come from?
the party saw barney sandwich's rise and did a little fixing of the numbers

He's richer than Bernie. Blacks are not anti-capitalist. Bernie is just some old jew who doesn't own a record company. Unimpressive.

Everyone else dropped out leading to a consolidation of votes and a binary decision between Biden and Bernie. People went with the safe option which is Biden.

if you knew what was appealing you wouldn't be a bernout

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you'd have to be lesbian not want to suck biden when you're a young zoomer or boomer

Joe "you use Evian skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps … but not today" Biden is about as appealing as a diarrhoea fart.

Look fat, here's the deal: Biden is the only candidate who can defeat Trump which means /ptg/ retards get blown the fuck out, forever, and then journalists will actually have to do their fucking jobs again instead of repeating tabloid nonsense about the president for 8 hours a day or risk going out of business. No malarkey.

Looks like a ghoul from fallout

because if biden is not the nominee trump will have carte blanche to go full hog on investigating corruption in the obongo administration. they made that decision with the impeachment. and any sort of revelations that come out of the investigation will literally destroy their party for a generation or more, because you can be sure it wasnt just the bidens doing shady shit.

im still waiting on my fisa request to be approved from 2016 where some anons determined that "Elizabeth Carlisle" was a fake name for loretta lynch, and i requested all emails sent or received from Carlisle within the DOJ

If elected Joe Biden promises the things that all true Americans want. He promises to make your grandchildren visit you at least twice a month, and he promises that he will stop the kitchen from serving that spicy vanilla pudding that Maybelle hates and make them go back to the good vanilla pudding that they had 18 years ago.

But Biden isnt a safe bet to beat Trump. Donald will literally rape this man on stage and Joe will tell incoherent stories the entire time.