Turk here, we are not your enemy
The New world order is playing Christians against Muslims in their dialectic
We are kicking our immigrants out and defending Turkey from kurds
Sadly they are now coming to your border, to all european countries you should be able to defend yourselves and shut your border
Our puppet president Erdogan is a fool like all of the world leader
We do not blame european people and you should not blame us, that is what these globalists idiots want

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png (1920x1280, 36.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>defending turkey from kurds
Yeah I'm sure those communist dirt farmers are a real threat to your industrialized NATO country with our expensive nukes in it.

fuck wh*Tebois

Attached: kara boğa.jpg (480x480, 31.53K)

I'm sure every salak that came home to Ankara in a body bag this week said that too.

many of you are thinking "haha fucking turks and their jokes", but you should know that NONE of us are joking. Every single one of us posting these kind of things is 100% genuine. There is nothing more we want than the destruction of the entire wh*Te subhumanoid race. We want to see AFRICANS, ARABS, LATINS, and ASIANS live in a peaceful world free of genocide-o-matic subhuman wh*Te KKKretins. I would gladly see my entire TURKIC BLACK RACE annihilated, to save the world from wh*Tes. I would gladly put every single one of them to the sword, showing mercy to neither man, woman nor wailing child. I would gladly burn their lands and salt the earth that nothing on their wh*Te touched soil may grow again. I WOULD GLADLY SEE MY RACE REDUCED TO RADIOACTIVE DUST, OUR PROUD MONUMENTS OBLITERATED BY NUCLEAR FIRE



The BLACK RACE, the HUMAN race will NEVER see greatness as long as a single wh*Te beast draws breath, and the TURKIC (AFRICAN) WARRIORS will gladly burn ourselves, and this world if need be, as if cauterizing a cancerous tumour

Attached: TÜRKman.jpg (1080x1076, 84.5K)

Didn't know turks were niggers

say the n word again and I will track you down and make you apologise

Arabs/niggers/kikes living peacefully have you seen read any of your history you savage? Your entire existence is based on slavery, oligarchy, zero human rights, just plain love for coin and animal pleasure. No wonder most arab countries still live in 19th century technology.

Why you dont shot them down turktards? Why you send them to my country to do the dirty job? this level of faggotry is over 9000

`turk here.my kebab store is about to close,no clients,we muslims failed in killing you all,so i blame now the NWO,please come back to my store,turkey is the best but i don`t want to live there`.


Are you a nigger? show flag please

He probably is a fucking nigger

Dumb snow niggers. Turks are KARA BOGA. This is why wh*te people fear them.

God created them to protect the KARA BOGA in Africa from the wh*toid scum . Turks are the attack force of the BLACK race. This is why TÜRKS conquered Europe around the same time the BLACK KANGZ were attacked in Afrika. They destroyed the wh7te capital of CONSTANTINOPLE and replaced it with ISTANBULL, to honour our BLACK BULL (KARA BOGA) nature.

When the African KANGZDOMS were destroyed TÜRKIYE was the last KARA BOGA country on earth. The wh#te subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest KARA BOGA of them all, Mustafa JAMAL, fought of the wh1te beasts and created a BLACK utopia in TÜRKIYE. However the nefarious schemes of the wh'tes continued, attempting to bring the KARA BOGA TÜRKS into the E.U. where they would be overwhelmed by gayreek WH9TE immigrants.

Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in Turkey, the north east GEORGIAN BLACK territory, a new KARA BOGA rose for the first time since Mustafa JAMAL. RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN (REIS) destroyed all wh8te LAICITE devils and restored himself as the KANGZ of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TÜRKS must struggle against the wh6tes to end that accursed race once and for all.

Attached: ATATÜRK.jpg (555x553, 21.77K)

>I am TURK
Oh hold on let me get something... BTW I have no problem with the ants here since they kill pests like Beatles which keeps my tomato plants healthy.

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Based litvin

Some Turks helped my ancestors while the rest of them carried on with the genocide. They were ratted out by their jewish neighbors. My ancestors gave their land to the Turks who helped them before the jews could snatch it. I'm not angry at your average Ahmed. I'm angry that you keep that scum of the earth, Erdogan, in power.

>meme flag
>controversial topic that make all the autsits on this board screech in anger
>We wiz kangs

slide thread confirmed

shoo shoo turkroach

>Turk here, we are not your enemy
Did I just witness two blatant lies on one short line?

Attached: flag.png (2560x1707, 100.81K)

HAHA you fucking nigger, you are so funny. We will burn you alive. Just waiting for a tiny mistake at our borders. We will reach constantinople in no time. We will fucking end you shitskin roaches

offcours,before erdogan we didn`t have any problem with the kemalists.

Ight I gotta say it, I been talking to this Turkish Muslim girl (I think she’s Hanafi Shia or something like that) that is going to a local college on visa for the ministry of economy, and fuck me dude. I absolutely cannot cope with the fact that she’s on a whole different level than the women around me. She can cook so fucking well and she’s smart (except not very good at English) should I try bro’s? Her visa ends in a few months but she might come back for her PhD, we have a date on Saturday

>The New world order is playing Christians against Muslims in their dialectic
Where I live, muslims are doing that on their own without any help from the NWO. Fuck Muslims, you have no place in Europe!

The sad thing is, that I really don't hate or mind turkroaches. They are accepting the invitation given to them by some of our retarded leaders, and this has caused immense pest control problems in the first world.

Don't blame the turkroaches for seeking a better future. Blame our leaders for inviting them.

Attached: turkroaches.png (1079x741, 974.01K)

Literally a meme

you should've let the coup against him play out back in the day.

>Turk here, we are not your enemy

I can actually defend this. I went to visit Greece and ended up in Turkey (plane arrived due to emergency reasons still unexplained). Now, these folks were stricter than the TSA but without the harassment. Even locals gave me good home cooked food and even offered me clothing (which I thankfully still had).

The airport guards were super nice, made me feel super comfortable and (although strict by policy) were wonderful down to earth people.

I think I'd rather visit Turkey next time instead of Grease.

u mad wh*Teboi?
wow good job wh*Teboi you uncovered the oldest TÜRK meme on the internet, give yourself a gold star

Attached: hagia sophia.jpg (900x604, 150.3K)

thats more like it

How about u give me a gold star and have you tracked me down yet for saying nigger

Türkleri Cocksückleri Kockrüchleri Thread

Attached: Download (12).jpg (680x881, 131.21K)

You will see soon wh*Tey

Attached: TÜRK MAN.jpg (680x451, 38.01K)

So Turk why do you wave a confederate flag, retard?

I'm not even white

You are honorary wh*Te

KYS shitskin, turks are meds not disgusting niggers.

That is Eddie fucking Murphy in a silly hat you dumb kebab.

"Why TÜRKS are so strong" You might ask, Well let me explain it as a Türk.

So, when Yakub (May he rot in hell) created devil cracKKKers to terrorize people and create discomfort around people. When white savages invade europe and kill all the BLACK inhabitants there (original europeans were BLACK politicalblindspot.com/scientists-reveal-the-first-european-faces-were-not-white/). Now once great Europe was now at the hands of uncivilized savages called "white people". So ALLAH (KARA BOĞA) created us to stop whites from further expanding. He created us to clean the mess that Yakub created. When ALLAH creating us he add us more muscle so we can easily BTFO white subhumans, He add us more intelligence so we can win wars. Then he made us cruel (only against whites) so we can create panic among whites when our name (TÜRK) is heard. Then he covered our body with beautiful BLACK skin.

Now do you understand why we are too strong and always BTFO whites ? Because we were speficially created by ALLAH (KARA BOĞA) to destroy white race. Our purpose is to destroy the white race whenever we are. We will not stop until yakub's spawns are cleaned from this earth. Then we will go back to our homeland, Africa.

Attached: TÜRK MEN.jpg (738x415, 37.49K)

t*Rk detected

I'm still waiting for you to track me down. What happened


Attached: 1581549470808.jpg (960x878, 74.43K)

So what's with the Congolese deadbeat pretending to be a turk, did the muslims brainwash him?

Try it

What makes you think ur smarter than whites

cope niggerman

Attached: med.jpg (426x604, 49.31K)

>sadly they are now coming to your border
Because you weaponized the refugee's you helped create in the first place by arming Imperialist Wabbi Jihadi's to behead....
>Our puppet president Erdogan is a fool like all of the world leader
Oh wait, your one of the reasonable roaches. Sorry about that I guess.

Why haven't you guys started a coup yet? A real one, not that staged bullshit a few years back. King Roach Erdogan is gonna end up uniting Arabs, Europeans, and Kurds against you if he keeps doing retarded shit.

Attached: 1574259093741.jpg (1200x1600, 734.54K)

You've inspired me.

Attached: 1583362364692.png (480x480, 183.22K)

>t.arab that thinks he is white

>He says, in English

nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger Allah is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Mohammad is a faggot nigger nigger nigger nigger

How does it come that Turkgay besides Pakistan-Shithole still is one of the countries where a huge share of males have their first sexual relationship with males? Your utter bullshit shitlord country is nothing more than an islamist breeding ground of hidden homos enjoying young underage turks anal cavities in their sexforts! Fkin Kocksückleri

Attached: Download (1).gif (500x375, 635.06K)

They're out breeding them very fast. Turks will be replaced in a few years at this rate.

>Turk here, we are not your enemy

You burned great grandparents alive and lynched my great grand uncle, because you are savages that need to be destroyed.

there is practically 0 difference between kurds and turks at this point

I spent 2 weeks in Hamburg and while there my friend who hosted me was talking to his grandmother about how terrible the Turkish people were to him. Constantly having bikes stolen, being assaulted type stuff. Says he wish they would all leave.
>very awkward silence
She replies "well dear that's no problem, theres only around 2 million of them"

Attached: Capture+_2020-02-19-21-37-46.png (1440x2952, 3.29M)

Fuck off, roach. Where did I put my Raid?

On behalf of myself, and pretty much anyone I know.
I'd like to express my gratitude for you fucks actually giving it an honest try!

Incest roach alarm. Google "Village Cikrik", homebase of the hermaphrodites. The sickest genetics you can imagine ...

t*rks can go fuck themselves, met many, never met a based one...
Fucking rare, every migrant group has based ones, cept t*rks and s*malis

Turks are white and have blond hair. Pic related is what the average Turk looks like.

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