Why the fuck do black people vote against their own interests? We could have had ALL college debt CANCELLED. Fuck bankers.
Why the fuck do black people vote against their own interests? We could have had ALL college debt CANCELLED...
If you borrow money you pay it back. Not hard.
Pay debts
Seems like they are voting for their own interests you stupid little soi
>Pay my bills for me
lol no
This shit aint free
Hey user I'm over 40k in credit card debt from in-app purchases because the RPG on all these loot boxes in Pretty Pony Brony Princess Deluxe Edition sucks. I want you to pay that back for me. No, I will MAKE you pay that for me. I am going to vote for somebody who will make it LAW that you pay my credit card debt for all of my in app purchases? Sound fair?
The fuck I will. I'm never paying off my debts, and I'm spending all my money before I die. Fuck them.
Bankers? The gov handles student loans
>I know what's best for you
This is why you lost
The gov guarantees student loans, and banks make the loans.
I was a Bernie supporter back in 2016. No debt, good healthcare, etc. Didn't need what he was offering but wanted to help the less fortunate.
Black people voting for Clinton in the primary made me change that. Made me realize the majority of them are nothing but field niggers for the DNC and contain no political consciousness.
Im sure they can rise out of their nigger mentality but until then I need to look after my own interests.
Cope Bernie will never be president.
>We could have had ALL college debt CANCELLED
No you wouldn't. The chances of a president Bernie actually being able to enact any of his policies were pretty slim anyway.
If their vote mattered they wouldn't let them vote.
and retards take them out. no refunds on all your bad decisions.
>my communist jew lost
Good, kys
Niggers don't go to college. Duh.
How is it in my best interests to vote for a communist?
You don't have to.
I had to pay my college bills. You fucking millennial just want everything handed to you. I will never vote to give your generation free stuff. I'd rather have Trump if it comes down to that.
Ok time for America to pay debts. Oh wait you dipshit boomers will die off before that happens so it's ok then.
>Waaaa bawak peepolethink what i like is gay and retarded waaaaaa
Shut up yah tranny ass commie blacks hate you same as rest us.
>blacks go to college
They're sheep. Someone told them to vote for Biden, so they did.
dat shit already free nigga lmfao
>You’re a sheep if you don’t want free shit from a kike
Blacks get scholarships for sports or just being black. Why would they want to even playing field and give whitey with privileges gibs?
>We could have had ALL college debt CANCELLED.
We don't all have college debt. I've got a mortgage, should you be forced to pay off my mortgage?
Where do you think the money will come from
nah they're niggers, they only voted for Biden because they recognized him from Obama's administration.
>destroying the economy is in my interest
swerve nigguh
be quiet nigger
You couldn't force them even if you wanted to, that's the point. Millennials are a generation of net negative worth.
Imagine shilling for a Jewish socialist , you really should end it.
cause they's dumb
go to a Bernout rally and tell a nigger to be quiet.
Because niggers already get free college, healthcare, and other gibs from the government.
Why would they vote for something that would only help wh*toids and people not already on welfare?
You hardly every see black people complaining about college debt. Its not just because its a waste of time for them, but the scholarships and grants they get simply because of there skin color means they will always come out of college debt free.
They are literally voting against white people and they know it.
>dindu college debt
sounds like they voted against your interests bernout
>no refunds
Here's your answer
>1 post by this ID
Black people and Higher learning.
You dumb nigga.
they already get gibs and helping bernie cuts into their gibs you fukken stupid retards...learn to understand how shit really works instead of making a dumb ass thread...lurk two years before you post
Nigs don't go to college, the burden of "canceling" student debt would hurt their food stamps.
They do. It’s just called Jail.
>Believing conartists, swindlers, and politicians.
I'm a Millennial though, and not even on the old side I'm almost a zoomer.
Black people vote for Biden cause he's Obamas bro. That's literally the extent of their thought process.
>We could have had ALL college debt CANCELLED.
pay your debts faggot
Are you saying you dont want things handed to you? If someone offered you a million dollars you'd say no thanks, I'd rather work for it? Boomer are legit retarded
>Fuck bankers
More likely, colleges would become like prisons. Free food and room
You ever heard of something called IQ?
I ask the same thing about republicans everyday
Imagine being on the side that requires nigger votes to win.
There is no free lunch, you stupid faggot. Get off the Internet and go read a book, retard. Jesus Christ you braindead simp shills are getting annoying.
Fucking this.
Black people have no political consciousness. They do what massa tells them
Sheeeit nigga why you worry about dat? You need some ends? Lemme see what dat mouf do.
>1 million dollars
except I will be the one paying for niggers because I am middle class.
>Black people vote for Biden cause he's Obamas bro.
And the hilarious part is, Creepy Joe worked under Obummer for 8 years and Obummer hasn't endorsed Creepy Joe!!!
Seems that there are some socialists on here
Pasta and digits. Nice.
sage /slide
The black people I know IRL don't want white people telling them what their best interest is. It's condescending and arrogant.
>doesnt know how to google 'african american free college'
Maybe next time you are in admissions, peek over the shoulder of a black student and see the kind of gibs they get
Blacks don't have college debt they get that shit for free already lol
I believe in the ideals of socialism. I don't trust the current proponents of it
Either you are a troll or just fucking retarded, one, you borrow you pay, second, even I know that bankers don't handle students loans anymore
>I’d rather have trump
Shut the fuck up commie