NEW: Chief Justice Roberts chastises Schumer for "threatening" statements about Kavanaugh, Gorsuch

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Jews are trying to destroy America.

Good, fuck Schumer. What he said was completely out of line and un-American.

You only get one.

Counterpoint: Jews already destroyed America

and then one day, for no reason whatsoever ...

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Schummberg cannot die fast enough. Vote him out!

>vote him out
oh sweet summer child. violence is the only answer

not even a slap on the wrist. kikes really are untouchable in america.

Roberts is a piece of shit who should have recused himself from every case he ever heard

Yeah, that faggot will never get voted out. He was there when I was a little kid, and I'm like 2000 years old now.

which schumer are we talking about here the fat dyke or the old man

based. finally somebody with some balls calls out this power drunk kike that thinks he can just threaten SC judges like it's no big deal

Daily reminder that these utterly corrupt yids are working 24/7 to make Israel the leader of the "free world", and the USA is nothing more than their personal cattle farm/money making machine, and that the US military is their personal Jewish Supremacy Force. Remember that Pelosi said if the capital crumbled into dust Israel would be their #1 priority. Also if there is ever a fuel shortage Israel gets it first. The fact that most normies have no idea about things like this, or look at Schumer and think "he's just an old white guy", is why were are going to lose. Their propaganda machine is so complete, I only ever became Jwoke due to pol, and that was in my late 20's, and I'm an above average IQ white guy, and if it took me that long, most people are going to stay bluepilled, even so called "conservative christians" who suck Israel's dick and "hate the pedo muslims", it's carrot an stick, fiat currency is slavery, and with technology in their control it's only getting EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.

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Good. These Dem politicians need "After birth abortions".

they're related, why do you think her un-funny ass keeps getting work?


I was not aware who this Schumer bloke was before Trump's presidency. Since then, he's been a complete asshat.

schumer should have recused himself from life after he lied during the hearings on the waco siege

Roberts will cuck on either the abortion case or the obamacare case, I guarantee it

You should see how he acted when that whole Waco thing went down. He was a piece of shit long before any of us were born.

whatever pisses of megalomaniacal heebs like Schumer is automatically a good thing, you don't need to know anything else about it. Unless they're doing reverse psychology, you have to keep your wiles about you when you're dealing with these bloodsucking penis eaters.

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Enter puppet name here doing something to distract us from a whole lot more that’s happening

Dual-citizens should be barred from every and all forms of public office. Full stop.


Ain't this about abortion? Don't let the legions of darkness use Christ to trick you into thinking aborting subhuman savages is wrong.

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preaching to the choir bro. channel all that hate into something good like red-pilling normies, I've racked up 10+ NPC deactivations so far by slowly and subtly dropping horrible little truths and facts here and there... even the most far-left zombies eventually break and realize there is something horribly horribly wrong with (((progressiveness)))

Issue a bench warrant on Schumer and haul that nigger in.

Ok and? What's your point? Vote for Bernie Sanders and everything will be ok.

you would expect this to already be law, especially after the "red scare" period of US politics. Yet somehow the kikes always find ways to carve out special exceptions and privileges for themselves. Such as the "Holohoax" being mandatory in curriculum, yet no one knows about the Holodomor, or the 100 million dead from jewish bolshevik policies, or pic related

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That's how bad what Schumer did is. Roberts, who played the partisan game and didn't read the Ciarmela question in the impeachment trial, feels the need to publicly censure Schumer.

So what? What's the problem? You'd be surprised how many Americans want to burn this shithole to the ground

Is Schumer an Israel citizen? Asking for a friend, CIA

>So what? What's the problem? You'd be surprised how many Americans want to burn this shithole to the ground
Kek you're truly a desperate kike shill

Wow chuck u should be ashamed, go cry now

Leftists threatened Roberts before, and it worked. Why not try again? Roberts is a cuck.

What makes you eligible to define what "american" is. Oh right, absolutely nothing you fucking antisemite.


>What makes you eligible to define what "american" is. Oh right, absolutely nothing you fucking antisemite.
Zionists deserve torture

Wrong, but they are our allies in achieving our goals.

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B a s e d


Try it out, how'd it work out for you in ww2? It'll be the complete and utter annihilation of your people and rightfully so.

Never mind, found out that Schumer is an Israeli citizen.

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Thanks user.

Bernie supporters unironically agree with bolshevik idols like Lenin, they think white people who want what's best for whites are Nazis and globalist communism is the solution to globalist corporatism, they hate the corporate jew and support the communist jew like Sanders. The real point is to not support jews in any way shape or form. That includes (((Christianity))). The reason most people will find something to disagree with me on here just goes to show how jewish everything is. There is no "Anit-Semitic" organization, because they've all been censored or destroyed. You have no option of supporting anything that isn't already controlled by the kikes in some way. That's why Trump VS Sanders is still jewish supporter vs jewish supporter. That's why Trump VS Biden would be jewish supporter vs jewish supporter. It's a rigged system. We are THOROUGHLY fucked

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By whom?

>that 30 year old NatSoocer

And give the kids he stole back

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Of course he is an Israeli citizen. I don't think there is a Jew in the US government who is not an Israeli citizen.

If the situation was hopeless their propaganda would be unnecessary

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You ugly kikes played your little shell game with the fake fiat money and think you're so clever, the only mistake anyone made was believing they could coexist with a parasite. Every success you people have had over the past century will be charged back to your 100 fold, and word is spreading rapidly. You will be purged to the last child. God is not on your side, nor are you blessed. Everything you have came from fake money and once that is gone, the propaganda will be gone. Once the propaganda is gone, you will be gone.

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Whoa why are you doing an anti-semitism it is not right


What did he write that was anti-semetic you sloppy oozing cunt?

Not being a fucking kike, that’s what


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Where is proofs.

Like shitty children, they're going to keep pushing until they get spanked. This is how they understand boundaries, they're not smart enough to follow social queues and decorum.
I think they got away with it so easily until now because people were afraid of the power they had through the corporate media, but that power has waned, the corporate media's legitimacy is ridiculed regularly now.

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Interesting point. Is Bernie Sanders an Israeli citizen or just a commie?

Yas Forums is still an anti-semitic board, and will remain one forever.

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could i get a source on that quote about capital crumbling to dust?

>I think they got away with it so easily until now because people were afraid of the power they had through the corporate media, but that power has waned, the corporate media's legitimacy is ridiculed regularly now.
This. The media is a total joke and they are freaking out because it's been so hard to sway people post Trump.

they don't view it that way, they view themselves as literal Gods among the cattle (goyim), they are so arrogant they believe they can outsmart God itself, so what does that tell you? A jew will only hide their real nature so long as it takes to grasp some kind of power, the second they feel comfortable enough to exert their natural behavior of commanding lesser beings, you should be worried, because when they no longer fear exposing themselves in public shit is really bad. Reminder that circumcision was always just a way for jews to fit in to goy society so they couldn't be "singled out" from a lineup. I.e. they mutilated tens of millions of non-jewish baby boys myself included because they knew that they would piss people off enough to try to figure out who they were by looking at their penis. That's the level of vile horrible people we are dealing with.

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Schumer doubling down

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don't tell me you doubted it? take the most extreme nonsensical statement, and multiply it by 100, and you aren't even approaching the supreme arrogance and narcissism of the "God-Blessed" kike rats

in other words:

>Oy vey, goyim, don't even think about trying to force women to carry their pregnancies to term, we will unleash the women and niggers we have sway over if you even dare try to promote pro-family policies! The female right to murder their own children is absolute so long as kikes like me have a say in it!

Fuck these Satanic Moloch-worshiping joo fucks.

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