/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1577

Screener at LAX airport tests positive

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 95,066 ► Died: 3,253

22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
20:54: 4 new cases in Ireland.
20:53: 10 new cases in Iceland.
20:52: 9 new cases in Algeria.
20:51: 17 new cases in Sweden.
20:50: 5 new cases in Westchester County, New York.
20:44: 11 new cases in Switzerland.
20:27: 1 new death in Baghdad, Iraq. The patient, who was 65 years old, had underlying health issues.
19:48: 2 new cases, including 1 presumptive confirmed case, in Brazil.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 3,254
lol, still only 3,254.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,254? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (689x985, 155.46K)

► China 80,282 (2,981) ► International 14,098 (241): S. Korea 5,621 (35) Iran 2,922 (92) Italy 2,502 (79) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 319 (6) France 285 (4) Spain 202 (1) USA 154 (11) Hong Kong 103 (2) Australia 50 (2) Thailand 43 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) Iraq 35 (1) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 282 Singapore 110 Switzerland 104 UK 87 Kuwait 56 Bahrain 52 Malaysia 50 Norway 48 Netherlands 38 Sweden 52 Canada 33 India 28 Austria 27 UAE 27 Belgium 23 Iceland 26 Vietnam 16 Israel 15 Lebanon 13 Oman 12 Macao 10 Denmark 10 Croatia 9 Greece 9 Algeria 17 Ireland 10 Czechia 9 Qatar 8 Ecuador 7 Finland 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Portugal 5 Senegal 4 Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 3 Russia 3 Brazil 4 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 New Zealand 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Morocco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 Saudi Arabia 2 Sri Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 2 Chile 1 Faeroes 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1

China +131 (+38) S. Korea +435 (+3) Iran +586 (+15) France +285 Australia +11 (+1) Japan +26 Germany +20 Spain +37 USA +10 Hong Kong +2 Switzerland +11 UK +36 Bahrain +3 Sweden +17 Malaysia +14 Norway +15 Netherlands +15 Canada +3 India +21 Austria +3 Algeria +9 Belgium +8 Iceland +10 S. Marino +6 Ireland +4 Israel +3 Senegal +2 Brazil +2 Hungary +2 Iraq +3 Czechia +1 Belarus +2 Romania +2 Portugal +1 Faeroes +1 Poland +1 Argentina +1 Saudi Arabia +1

Neggar shit.

Why is everyone freaking out over the glorified flu

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global spread just proves nothing burgers right
>this is how retarded they are

what the actual fuck


Nothingburger. All of you are rallying behind the flu because you think you'll be heroes when society collapses (lol). You're latching onto March 5th as an important date because someone got digits. This is all pathetic. Get a job and get pussy

I brought up starting a stockpile of resources with my roommates on the off chance this becomes bad and they did nothing but insult me and tell me I'm a fool for worrying about a "glorified cold".

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what number will we be at by April realistically?

Attached: 1 Billion infected by may.png (1892x878, 114.15K)

>3 Chile

+2 Chile

Is the MLB season getting canceled? I'm guessing yes

Reminder to shills, the more you post the more you confirm our suspisions

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No we think this is deeply fucking concerning, and you're blind to the fact it's SNOWBALLING OUT OF CONTROL, AND MORE SERIOUS THAN THE FUCKING FLU.

>Get a job and get pussy

shouldn't you follow your own advice, virgin?

Canada still at 33...wtf is going on in Canada? Step the fuck up

Master template for anons

Attached: Corona Master Template March 3.png (2280x3433, 3.01M)


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>brazil developed it's own testing kits for corona in a few days and they actually work
>10k testing kits will be sent right now to all states
Who's the underdeveloped now huh

Does anyone know of any interview or talk with a "recovered case"?

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user your roommates are going to fucking cannibalize you and your supplies as soon as it becomes undeniable how shitty everything is going to get. Move your shit somewhere else

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You really have to be a retard to believe this meme virus will do anything. DOW closed 4.5% up. Total infections have plummetted.

Unofficial Australia infected at least 70% already.
Australia is a hot zone, if you live in suburban or metro area you have been in contact

Hey im usually from Yas Forums i just came here because i heard about these threads. I want the virus to spread because i hate humanity, fuck being a hero i just want people i dont like to suffer.

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No, we just want to watch the world burn. Oh btw Chang use your real flag

The Argie makes better threads.

yeah, it'll grow but its looking like it will be minor

if it got only to around 90000 in China it shouldnt even get to 1 million infected worldwide

literally nothing

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anyone got odds on whether coachella gets cancelled? I both hope that it does and doesn't

it's just rhinovirus, r-right guys? maybe even cold weather? my nose gets pretty red in the cold. please help me guys i don't wanna d-die.

source on that?

The Portuguese dude from the Death Princess


>You are welcome. I hope our alcohol-ridden blood streams prove too toxic for Corona-chan :D
Jokes on me, I don't drink.

Why are people this stupid? Seriously. It's right there in the stats, and it's not about the fucking figures with china factored in, or unresolved cases.

>As of today, due to the number of new cases, we will no longer be publishing information on the location of each new case.

>Instead, this information will be published in a consolidated format once a week. This will be published on Friday. Regions will continue to be told as and when they have confirmed cases.

No more letting you know if your region is at risk, that would be raycis.

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How many months of food are you stockpiling danebro?

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300-400 i think. 40k dead

I thought that image was a corona-chan edit but after looking it's just the original, kek

Confirmed never even seen a pussy in person. Sad!

Don't believe any number except from Worst Korea. All countries are lying. No matter what country you're from, you'll only know how bad things are when people start dropping and liberties are infringed to try to curb the spread, but then it'll be too late.

Gary in the house!

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Any news from Rome? How many infected and how many of them severe/critical, any deaths? I have a friend who lives in Rome and I haven't been able to reach him for a few days. Worrying.

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in the thread user says he works for the it deparment.
google san antonio mayor and the fight with the cdc seems real.
Lots of real dumb shit the cdc has been doing.

dam breaks march 5th. I wish it weren't true but I've seen the future guys it came to me in a psychosis nightmare.

Why are they still paying you to shill?
Isn't half of your population rotting by now? God damnit Chang get out there and bury the dead

I really really want that cunt get infected

SARS-CoV-2 isn't a nothing burger joke.

Hope you are ready to shoot your roommates

numbers decides how the world deals with the pandemic

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it's the combined mortality, intensive care and hospitalisation rate that makes this a serious event

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Doomers BTFO

Let those degenerates run genitals, inhale dust, and reap the consequences.
Can't ask for a more rapid return on shitty life choices

infected got picked up 10 km away from me by ambulance

Finally an user with some sense. I dont see it goong much above 100,000 maybe 105 at best

>Died: 3,253
This is the end of the world isn't it?

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No one gives shit you spastic sperg

>22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
W-when did it happen?

Dead kike is the best kike

my family thinks it is, how do i convince them otherwise?

We held out long enough, we're infected.
At least do your job well Corona-Chan, kill as many boomers as you can.

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>Tfw im bi
>tfw all the boipussi and coochie left in the ashes of the old world will belong to me

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Look at what China had to do to achieve that containment, though. Do you see other countries following the same steps? We’ve allegedly got about the same number of cases in the US as Wuhan had when they shut shit down.

fake and gay and i'm not even a shill

I wonder how much I'll be able to meme about this until I collapse

Basado Brasilia with their in house drug manufacturing. I bet the rich are going to let this destroy the favelas and will be well taken care of. Tell me, will you guys be continuing to export medicines? India has stopped



>linear growth on an exponential graph
This is gonna fuck the entire planet up jesus christ

Also isn't a cold or the flu, it's 80% similar to SARS, with other very bad traits for US.

thread theme

Why is it with these agents obsessing over female genitals?

chinas numbers are widely accepted as false.
They will go up as the worlds go up.


hiv+ will die first


Most epidemiologists seem to disagree.

You don't.
If the existing evidence isn't enough to sway them, they won't be swayed until we're well past the point of no return.
Sorry user





Shut it, you discount German.

>The death rate is actually much lower than the WHO's and others' estimated 3% because testing is failing to pick up most of the the mild cases of the disease
How do you respond, /cvg/?

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Was he even infected?


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It is SARS retard
It's a SARS strain

Add this to next OP
20:44 1st case in Slovenia

> t.me/addstickers/HazmatPepe
nevermind me anons, just smuggling some raer pepes

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show them the information of the ways SARS-CoV-2 is the same as SARS, and the damage done by just being infected with SARS in around 80% of people

I don't have supplies because they broke my will. I know there's nothing I can do to escape the kung flu. Both my roommates are dumb himbos that slut it every chance they get and they both work retail (as do I), so even if I immediately quit my job and went into bunker panic mode and hid in my room 24/7, they'd still end up giving it to me if it did reach my city. The only way I would be safe from their stupidity is if I instantly bought a few months supplies and then ran away one day without telling them where I was and proceeded to hide out in the forest for the next few months. I obviously can't do something as drastic as that, even though I wish I could.
It's not going to be difficult after they repeatedly insulted me because I dared say "hey maybe we should have some supplies in case there's ever a disaster like the plague that managed to singlehandedly halt all of China in the span of three weeks".

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Why must you ruin my happiness

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Tell them the only cure for corona is to either have a lung transplant or go through a stem cell therapy. It's that serious sickness.

Attached: Corona lung transplant.jpg (1080x1264, 441.63K)

Fuck man, I need to buy a gun for when the drug dealers and other scum actually chimp out.

My Childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety net and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on all of you. My child is half black and you have no idea the terror I live every day

> this

Nice joke post bro

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USA is very similar.
Metro and suburbs already fucked.

gubmint tryna trick ppl intro wushing hands

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> Agrees with me, calls me a retard.
Learn to read fuckstain

Ahh i havent been feeling so well lately. Wanna go see the great cuckening? I already bought us tickets last week. After that we can go dance and mingle at the local club if you want that.

And dont forget the wedding the day after tomorrow. And take off that silly filtermask, you look like a shizo. Oh another ambulance huh. Must be some bad heroin going around

>this kills the economy

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>chinas numbers ars false

Yeah ok bud. They have given us no reason to think that they are doctored

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Fucking update your list if you post this threads.....


Dude, China went pretty nuclear with the measures used to contain it. Europe will never do such a thing. The US might try something, but it probably won't work. Also don't give me that bullshit about China's numbers being legit.
It's going to be a fucking disaster.

still going to flood hospitals and crash the economy

>Don't stock up goy. Don't hoard masks and food the government will protect you. Rely on us for everything

Fucking Gary!

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3 months so far
Bought some microwaveble popcorn, mathilde kakao and cola today for hygge movie nights during the pandemic quarantines


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other countries knew they had it coming way before, they can control it from the airport

My sister is a cashier and gets many Asians customers because we live in Chinatown in LA. She always bitches if I suggest to eat oranges and change her diet. We have a poor immune system. I’m starting to worry damn it. I have no money to start shopping.

Dej nehaj s takimi. Samo dva milijona nas je. Pravzaprav manj, ker je enih 200-300 tisoč Jugičev, ipd... Če gre država kompletno k hoštji, te ne bojo z veseljem sprejeli drugje, drugi narodi. Samo en dom imaš.

This thread is the only place where you feel like you have friends, don't you faggot? Stop being an awkward cringecuck

Any data from Rome? How many infected and how many of them severe/critical, any deaths? I have a friend who lives in Rome and I haven't been able to reach him. Worrying.

is it a bio weapon?

about what, exactly?

Relax user, we should be fighting corona together. This is an opportunity to overcome tribalism and fight a greater threat together

Lurk more

Fuck I'm retarded and didnt even check the Y axis till you said that. We're done.


I'm in Portland and I work in software dev. Need to bug HR to extend my work from home approval until Friday. What should I tell them? I'm fully prepped to stay inside for 2 months. Got an Israeli gas mask and some NATO filter cartridges coming in the mail.

This faggot virus is a nullsandwich. More people died of tornaders in the US yesterday than this bitch-ass virus. Mankind is the dominant species on this rock, and I will rip this virus' asshole out and shove it down its throat if it tries to fuck with me.

Everyone calm down. Warsh your hands and get some sunlight and you'll be fine. God bless.

faggots shouldn't be happy


Bitte nicht in die Dusche kacken

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Rome's region is "Lazio"; 3 in ICU, 15 hospitalized and 9 in home quarantine.

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Probably true, but that just means many more people infected than we know and containment has been an even bigger failure. Also implies there have been deaths we don’t know about, and as testing becomes more prevalent these may come to light. It’s still too early to tell but the official numbers are the best we’ve got. Could be far better or far worse.
This is the actual response.

Try not living in LA,
maybe you'd have more money.

Your friend should be fine long as he remembers to wash his hands there.

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Obviously because this is as minor as the fucking COLD. The nothing burgers are not funny anymore.

That's not how the death rate is calculated. It's computed with known cases.

I can't, my apartment is too small to hide anything from them. I'm doomed to perish because I'm surrounded by fools.

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imagine you're a n epidemiologist and people are giving you millions of shekels to fund your research and caring about what you say for the first time in decades
do you go full "wow it's nothing, dont worry" or "HOLY SHIT THE WORLD IS ENDING WE NEED ANOTHER GORILLION TO FIGHT IT"?

What the fuck

Yes they have. They're China.
They lie all the fucking time about everything. They lied about every single outbreak in their country. They lie about the fucking Flu.
To quote the modern day philosopher "CHINA IS ASSHOLE."

I mean until you feel enough stress to get tired or just want to end it. level of stress has a limit, you know? and you need to protect yourself.

Hi leaf bro's. Based on this cabinet meeting how do you feel knowing our government has 0 plan and that we are doomed?

Eh sorry austria user, just a little stressed

That you feel ill, with a coof,
and it would be irresponsible to come in,
but you'll continue to work from home like a good bee.

Ive been here since the begining faggot. The only reason people claim the numbers are false are because of wackadoodle conspiracy theories. There i zero proof they are lying. Most of china is back at work

Portuguese crybaby doing what portuguese do best - EXAGERAR

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I made this for you anonsama

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shoot them in minecraft :DDDDD

Italy's at 3089 infected (107) as of 18:00 CET, so +587

>France 285
All in a DAY? They had zero cases yesterday, no?

Even with asymptomatic carriers making up 50% of the infected, there is still at least a death rate of 0.5% which will kill millions worldwide.
You can test for the % of asymptomatic carriers btw. It just hasn't been done yet because resources are used to test symptomatic mostly.


Not simply Gray, but a Canadian Gary: CalGary!

In kaj je narobe če Corona zrihta pokojninski sistem? Ta levi ga itk niso sposobni...

Did he wash his hands?

>microwaveble popcorn
1kg of regular popcorn costs 3$
Surely it wont take us as long as china to recover from this. When did they recover anyways?

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