Political Question

Your family is suffering. The home is needing a lot of work, the wallpaper is peeling off the wall, you are eating less than perfect meals and even that is a struggle, your wife cries each night not knowing tomorrow what will bring. You still contribute 10% of your wage to charity.

Is this the time to adopt new children?

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>wojak poster
fuck off, retard.

Nah, just marry a latina, they still know what motherhood means.

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This is a post about immigration

How much more expensive is immigration than usurping the countries in question and improving infrastructure?

If they can't take care of their people.

Take over their governments.

Is it really that difficult?

Wouldn't familicide solve all of that?

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Nope. Not into that.

I'm into boofing those that have failed their people in a long term plan.

>boofing them

Am i living in America or Eastern Europe in this scenario?

Yeah, I'd take over Mexico, in a heart beat.

Make it a monument of excellence while retaining the state culture. Then as a long term plan, reap the benefits.

Highly educated people the Mexicans. Though with the same problems in disparity of the US.

I'd steal Romania in a heart beat. One of the most educated people on earth.

The scenario is any country on earth

If you are retarded and brainwashed, yes, of course it is!

And what does that do to the family unit?

>the healer is oom, the tank is out of coolcowns, the dps are dead
> is it time to pull more mobs?
Fuck you

fuck off, memeflag slide thread.


should be our first colonies.

I dream of Romania and her lakes, let alone her architecture.

Yet in a station of Europe the Romanians begged me for money, they did not steal, not ever but they were poor.

Is this a euphemism for the United States giving out foreign aid and letting people in blindly while citizens who are homeless and starving are neglected and the infrastructure in this country continues to decay?

They were entirely polite in their asking.

I had no fear of them "stealing" like people say.

Yet I considered how can this be happening? Romania is the empire why are their people spreading in poverty to be beggars on the streets of Europe?


Murdoch-chan, you twerp.

It would be irresponsible to adopt under these circumstances, would it not?

It would be a cruelty of a non-thinking couple, yes?

What happened to MM?
I haven't seen them recently

is this a democrat encouraging imperialism?

retard, enjoy the angry brown goblin ballooning up at age 30
absolutely based

Well if I am honest. Yes.

And being sensitive I don't like to hurt feeling but I also can't lie.

yes. always a time to adopt children. they need to grow up in a hard family to learn it the real way

If you can't feed them, really?

Human suffering is prevalent it would be wiser to reformulate in a locality then imperialistically take over the world.

Not to eradicate their culture

but to amplify it

How come every post from a Democrat memeflag in this thread uses reddit spacing?

I'm the only democrat in this thread

I'm the only democrat to refrain a notion to the concept of a nation as a family

If you fuck up your family

you fuck up the international community in a sense, by first of all, accepting them into welfare poverty which is a slavery (but not evil what they need to survive)

Survival is not life. Mere survival dampens human spirit.

Yet we all need a mechanism to overcome mere survival, in order to make something of ourselves, in most cases

>You still contribute 10% of your wage to charity.
I wouldn't give shit to charity in that situation.

I'm comfortable, and I don't give them shit. Most charities are employment programmes for fluffy-headed lefties, and are usually chaired by psychopathic crooks who gobble up huge chunks of donations in wages and bonuses.

If you have a great upbringing

you don't consider the truth of poverty

it's a talking point
like when they said, take away the student debt!

Yet how selfish of those students from middle class families to say

first we fix the lowest class
no no no

they wanted freedom, never mind the people working out of their cars full time

I mean come on, am I the crazy one here?

Murdoch-chan is a female edit of Wojak.

>Is this the time to adopt new children?
How much do the old ones sell for?

No. You don't solve student debt, who's parents in a lot of cases could pay

You fix the system which has educated talented people, homeless, living in their cars and working full time.

This is why Bernie supporters who purport to be feminist and would destroy weinstein yet praise bernie's rape essays

should not vote, they are insane.

I mean ...

come on

You would rather pay a middle class debt about studying foreign crabs

than a guy who spent his life in economics and now lives in his car, yet works full time with no security measure?

Get a fucking grip.

I feel angry
hmm post these captchas

I've had enough

I have had enough of the security services moulding me

the americas
the british


I have had enough of their insights into me

I know their tactics

and they have harmed me in freedom of living a normal life and being one of you

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I don't think any of you know what the Vatican know

and none of this is of my choosing

it is of their force because of where I am from

and I can never have freedom ever in my life

is this the life you would ever choose?


My father is the Devil

Oh very good now they play a lullaby in the omen

I know





murdoch chan is the ultimate waifu (behind schrodinger, of course)

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I will never return here

I can't speak

He makes mild implications

all the time

I think my father is the devil

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whelp this took a quick turn

What does the Vatican know that we supposedly dont? Stop shilling and bring the info if you have any faggot

Just posting in this slide thread to say I wanna fuck Murdoch-chan

We’re doing fine. Being debt free is a blessing. Just sucks we’re being forced out of the country by socialist policy dogma

The true queen of Yas Forums!

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Well may I say