Chuck Schumer threatens 2 Supreme Court Justices

Isn't this illegal How can he get away with this!?

Burgers explain yourselves!


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What's this all about?

Democrats are allowed to do this

We live in a clown world with two tiered justice.

Its not a crime if a democrat does it.

The entire (((justice))) system is rigged in favor of prominent Democrats. The only way a Democrat gets prosecuted for anything is if they go against the Party, such as Blago.

He said he unleashed a "whirlwind" = hurricane = storm:
Schumer is the Sturm und Drang.
The Ides of March look promising this year.

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>The jew cries out.

Is he about pro-choice legislation for goyim or pro-life for Jews?

Democrats aren't in charge of the Justice department anymore though?

Barr can prosecute no? Why are all the Republicans so fucking passive when they control the entire Federal apparatus?

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what awful decisions?

he's just salty they're cutting off his access to delicious baby cadavers

Is he going to do to them what they did to Scalia?

Not just that, but both justices can legally issue a bench warrant for Schumer's arrest.

what decisions?

What if I told you that Ruth Bader Ginsberg died in a particular way, and, shortly before that happened, I was communicating with people who hate her about a "movie script" in which the exact events of her death happen in the exact location of her death? And that the police know but have no questions to ask me?
Because that happened with Scalia.

He's making threats to 2 Christians during the Corona-chan plague.

They're more afraid of COVID-19 and God's wrath than whatever he is threatening them with.

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All Chuck does is make threats and no one calls him out on it, he's like the Don of the DNC

During a speech about the abortion case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated to Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, “you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Schumer said, “Now, we stand here today because behind me, inside the walls of this court, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments, as you know, for the first major abortion right cases since [Justice] Kavanaugh and [Justice] Gorsuch came to the bench. We know what’s at stake. Over the last three years, women’s reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women, all women, and they’re taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Supreme Court is hearing a case against Obamacare in October, it's going to be a landmark case and there will be lots and lots of salt when its struck down

>Burgers explain yourselves!
some members of congress are more equal than others.

How did Blago actually get busted? Did he actually try and sell the seat or was there some smoke and mirror stuff going on?

oops guess I was wrong, thought this had to do with Obamacare

i am so fucking sick of this parasite kike
he needs to shut his fucking mouth. i've never voted on a ballot with his name. he's a pile of shit and he needs to stop addressing the entire nation as if he has some authority. he's trash from ny, and that is all.

>We will kill babies in the delivery room no matter what the laws say about it, fucking bigots!
>You'll be targeted for your rulings!

I’d say bullshit but I believe it.

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Impossible for them to get away with in the current political climate. You have half the country sitting locked and loaded, ready to start the insurrection just waiting for something to light the fuse or the signal to be given.

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the justice department is a faceless beaurocracy. Even if Barr was the real deal, which I doubt, somebody somewhere in the doj would make sure it was squashed.

they won't. nothing will happen

What about the right to gas Jews?
They took that away and no one complained.

Got busted on tape naming a price, iirc.

>How can he get away with this!?
because the vote in NYC is controlled by organized crime so he wins no matter how the people vote

>Big Joo Schumer threatens American government officials with Mossad if they don't tow the good-goy line
Not big surprise.

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He's Jewish. They get away with everything.

You don't have to wonder about Barr. He has a career that spans many decades and provides you many examples of him being a worthless pile of shit.

ADL stooge Christopher Wray is FBI head and has consistently prioritized Phantom Nazis. Schumer absolutely would be hassled if he were a right wing person talking like this to a prominent leftist. Police hassle right wing people for visiting public places, posting song lyrics to their social media accounts, and wearing clothing. Leftists shoot congressmen and it's memory holed.

>Even if Barr was the real deal, which I doubt,
did you know there was a member of the Rosenberg spy ring that stole nuclear secrets from the USA and sold them to Russia who was named Josef Barr?

Josef Barr, William Barr and the prosector who prosecuted the Rosenbergs, Trump's mentor Roy Cohn, all went to the same elite NYC prep school

This is good news. If they are resorting to threats it means the cases coming up are not going the way the dems want

>ADL stooge Christopher Wray is FBI head
this is the guy who got to sit around doing whatever he wanted with zero oversight after 911

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Schumer’s remarks, made during an abortion rights rally held while the nine-member court heard arguments in a major abortion case from Louisiana,

>Stag Arms
>$20 chink reflex sight


Barr is the highest legal authority, nobody can overrule him, except maybe the President.

It was part of the Podesta leaks. They had a map of the exact location and talked in detail.

Q predicted this

No doubt. The CIA/Mossad will use their "heart attack gun" to make it appear like a natural death.

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suggesting that Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch “won’t know what hit” them if they rule in favor of abortion restrictions.

BASED Barr will drain the swamp SO FAST YOUR HEAD WILL SPIN
This isn't like last time when I said Sessions and Rosenstein were BASED. This time it will definitely happen!

>women's rights, modern history
Totally incoherent, does modern history not include the Iranian revolution or the collapse of Afghanistan or even the Shi'ite takeover of Iraq? If it's just America modern history would still include cults.

Reminder. Chuck Schumer is aggressively anti-abortion when it comes to Israel.

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They're insufferable got damn it's like a fucking hive mind of schizo behavior and genetic abnormalities

Chucky and his handsome wife

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>Not when a Jew does it to a Gentile

Is that Danny DeVito?

You cant find an article about this on WaPo, CNN, NYT, etc. Just conservative outlets.

They're just gonna ignore it and say it's a conspiracy theory that he threatened two sitting justices


Charles Schumer had a freakout tantrum right after Trump's election when he met an acquaintance who told him he's voted for Trump.

Hit six ways to Sunday by a whirlwind

So he’s threatening their lives over abortion
But wait- didn’t this same guy give an anti-abortion speech in 1zrael?

How dare you insult Hannah?

'ppreciate ya'll

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Bingo. Give this fag a cookie.

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question is will Kavanaugh and Gorsuch restrict abortion access.
lol the us is turning into an authoritarian shit hole

the same man who tried to cover up the use of special forces on american soil against a 'cult'. I guess gassing and blowing up children is okay for mr schumer.

>Isn't this illegal How can he get away with this!?

I live in Illinois. Our state government is controlled by the Chicago mafia.The Mafia has pull by those left in the swamp.

Where ever evil exists, Schumer lives.

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>Isn't this illegal How can he get away with this!?
a King Jew like him thinks he is immune and can threaten anybody that's why we've got to take down the ZOG

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Jews can get away with anything!

Pic related

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Jew faggot is afraid they’re going to cut off the baby sacrificing supply for Moloch.

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Huh...I have never seen a Democrat politician so impassioned by anything, ever...

Really strange to see

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>Isn't this illegal How can he get away with this!?
Jews have a disproportionate amount of power within the US. They wield their kikeness and the holohoax as both a shield and sword to deflect criticism, and slash down any position that would adversely impact their interests.

The JQ is real. The answer is obvious.

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America needs to keep abortions legal, but only for minorities. White people have to have their kids

He may be threatening impeachment hearings that would air all their dirty laundry. Alternatively, he's threatening to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court if a Dem becomes president so that the conservatives would be in the minority. Schumer does a lot of threatening, but he doesn't deliver.

It's Alexander Vindman with a wig

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