Black Hebrew Israelites

what the fuck is up with these people? i was in a very black area yesterday (im white) and two of these fine gentlemen approached me and attempted to explain that i was going to be their slave when black jesus comes back and rapes me. is this peak schizophrenia?

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I remember when black people were stealing phones and bicycles but now someone's else culture like come on

They're out Jewing the Jews by stealing their culture. Pretty basef

Based not basef

I love Black Israelites. Just wait until you see them run into a Jew. It's amazing.

I wonder what do they think about Ethiopian Jews

this didn't happen

Oh wow thanks faggot who ever would have understood you had you not clarified .


Would his rapper name be 50 shekels and his gang would be called "6M-Unit"?

I know some of them on facebook, some of it is bullshit but a lot of it is pretty based, they know about the barbary slave trade, the Holodomor. The may not be pro white but with the Jew goggles off they clearly see much better.


Based and refpilled

Hold up there, friend. That kind of language is totally not basef.

>i was in a very black area yesterday (im white) and two of these fine gentlemen approached me and attempted to explain that i was going to be their slave when black jesus comes back and rapes me
At least black people have the sense to realize that Jesus would be a rapist if was black

The think they’re jews or something
But it’s actually some elaborate scheme to be a thorn in the jews side
Either way it’s a giant autistic LARP battle of judaic proportions

You're alright, don't come to work tomorrow

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Didnt suffer slavery. (American Slavery since we pretend its the only kind) So they are not real Jews.


How is the barbary slave trade related to jews ?

Solid post from a leaf here. Surprised me.

Tell them that they're Hamites and that actual Semites slaved them until whites rescued them.

and then bystanders stood up and clapped as the wanna be jews were lynched.

do you want to know know what I think about ethi*opian jews?

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Sure why not, I can already guess
some are good people and smart enough, unfortunately most dumb

I called them niggers to their face when they were preaching in downtown Buffalo and beat one in a fight when I was staying at a homeless shelter

they asked me if i knew about the georgia guidestones, i was thinking i was about to have a pretty based conversation and then they just basically went on about how some black jew put them there and it was a prophecy tied to the book of revelations. then the whole me being a slave thing just caused me to start laughing, i couldnt even be mad it was too bizarre.

Most blacks can't throw a punch, they punch fast but it's a weird hollow fist thing

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unironically theyre the real descendants of the hebrews. The "white" jewish israelis we have today are yiddish khazars, not Jews by religion nor Israelites by blood. Yas Forums doesnt know shit.

I tackled him to the ground and then punched him
he told me to stop so I let him go
then we went back in the shelter and he said "wait nigga fuck you" and wanted to fight me again so we went back outside and I did it again since he asked for and this time I called him a nigger and said if he wanted to fuck white girls(Idk whether he did or not but I was angry cause of blacked shit) I'd make him my bitch instead

then after that he was a submissive faggot from then on

Can you newfags lurk for two years before posting?

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Welcome to modern western society where all there is left is either being a child of Abraham or devotee of his descendants.

i want sex sex sex you whats your discord



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Kendrick Lamar, Jay z and Kodak Black.. black rappers follow Black Hebrew Israelites... They even had them in their videos

Black Israelites are as basef as it gets. At least they know how to keep you on your toes. Would you prefer they play basketball instead?

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Its fascinating to me how these negroes appropriate another tribe's religion but the British Israelites are just as retarded. Everyone is a fucking Jew instead of the ones who are. This is what the Abrahamic spiritual mind virus looks like in it's more advanced phase.

Cant be susceptible to kike faggotry if you're aware, I commend them. I cant take the shit spouted here seriously, I seriously hope its bots but sometime I peek into the dead eyes behind these posts. So, so boring

There was a video of them talking to Somalis and they fucking flip when they realize they're talking to "Cushites"

Yeah beta israelites and yemeni israelites are only tribes left.


>call white people inbred cornballs
>never met his dad, uncle Jamal, serving life for shit he din do

They're We Wuzzers, but now biblical. They, for some reason, think they are Israelites -- like Jesus -- and I've yet to hear any solid reasoning behind why that is. I've seen them in person and it's always about singling out white people or anyone who isn't black really. They seem to think that if somehow they were Israelites then that means everybody is beneath them and everyone else will be raped and killed (?), you know, just like Jesus said (???).

no fool, all the tribes remain scattered. Just like the bible says

They're the dumbest of the dumb.
>i was in a very black area yesterday (im white)
Don't do that anymore.
>and two of these fine gentlemen approached me and attempted to explain that i was going to be their slave when black jesus comes back and rapes me
If you didn't tell them to go fuck themselves then kill themselves and then go to Hell where all Jews go to "rest", you're a cuck.

Just another schizo retard movement.

I don't follow Tyler Baker, but here his scripture is on point.

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quiet fake jew

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youre jesting, right? This mongoloid has the spiritual capacity of a pet rock

>Mentions spiritual capacity
>Cares about physical lineage

Ok Jamal. If you're going to flat out reject clear scripture you're not worth engaging in a debate.

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I just found out about them and I’ll be visiting them this Sunday for worship

The funny thing about them is that they cant read hebrew for shit
Cant pronounce basic words etc
Bunch of low iq retards

clear scripture? from that retard you posted who played hopschotch with the bible and then ended with "good day, god bless" which is heresy? I never said the real Jews (these blacks) were saved people, i said they were the real descendants of Israel. you know what, since i can perceive that you are completely reprobate concerning truth, i will direct you unto good counsel. get in touch with pastor Martin Richling and learn the scriptures aright.

>mfw I spotted one of these in Omaha

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what you call "hebrew" is yiddish. i see right through you, yiddish jewish khazar faker.

>black hebrew israelites

This is what i don't get, you have a group of actually mentally insane niggers who believe in a religion that makes them think they are superior, and nobody cares about that? You have actual supremacist in your streets preaching about others going into slavery and god hating them in public and all your hatecrime laws do nothing to them? What a fucking joke, seriously

Listen here niggerfaggot, hebrew language is older than latin and we conserved our kike book for atleast 3000 thousands of years. Yiddish is a german hebrew mix
Todays hebrew uses the same words as the old testament. Niggermutt.

hatecrime laws? go hide under a rock you fucking pussy

>not J-unit


You literally have hatecrime laws, faggot. And it fucks you in the ass if you dare say something mean about niggers, faggots and other parasites

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no no no, you imposter: EVERYTHING after the scriptures were completed (last book being 2nd Timothy) compromised. you dirty imposters took advantage of the mystery of iniquity and you are still a commodity, meaning even though you fakes "gain" the world, you still lose your own souls. shove your imposter doctrine up your (((jewish israeli))) ass, fool

das riiiite

Support them. They actually kill and beat up jews. We don't because we are pussy cucks.

nope, not in alaska. the fuck kind of bubble you live in?

Where did you get your Old Testament?

kek kys faggot

Reminder that we call you niggers out in the old testament by name
Kushim- literally niggers. Aka a slur for black “people”

GET cast in the lake of fire, fool. you are a worm and no man.