The vacuum of space is fake. A vacuum cannot exist next to a pressurized atmosphere without a container...

The vacuum of space is fake. A vacuum cannot exist next to a pressurized atmosphere without a container, testable science. We see too far. There are 0 measurements of earth curve. The earth MUST be "curving 8 inches per mile squared". its not. we see mountains top to bottom 123 miles away with thermal video. the mountain should be hidden 9600 feet. light refraction exists but not to that INSANE extent bending thousands of feet.

You believe in space and a spinning ball earth due to trust of your government/authority and video screens.

The moon and sun from our perspective are the exact same size and move through the same pathway. so the sun is 4000x4000 larger and farther away to the moon from our perspective moving in the same place. the chances of that happening in our one specific "solar system" that happens to have life, in "random theorized space" all from a " theorized big boom that created everything out of nothing" is less than 0.1%

the moonlights temperature is colder than the temperature under a moon shadow, proving that the moon is its own light source and not sunlight reflecting off the moon.

The horizon line will always rise to eye level, proving we dont live on a ball. The higher you go up, the lower the horizon should fall below eye level. The highest a high altitude balloon can go up is 121,000 ft. horizon is still eye level as is sea level. proving were on a flat plane.

gravity is strong enough to hold oceans to a spinning ball, yet weak enough that a dust can fly in the wind. gravity is simply mass being denser than the air around it. this is why a helium balloon will go upwards due to helium being less dense than air. mass denser than air goes down.

The azimuthal equidistant projection of earth shows antarctica as an ice ring around earth. The Antarctic Treaty 1959, the most successful treaty in history. Prevents the public from crossing through antartica at gun point. This is why there are 0 flight routes through Antarctica. How convenient

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>gravity is strong enough to hold oceans to a spinning ball, yet weak enough that a dust can fly in the wind. gravity is simply mass being denser than the air around it. this is why a helium balloon will go upwards due to helium being less dense than air. mass denser than air goes down.

prove me wrong?

Satellites dont go far enough to get the entire earth in one image, so they take many and edit them together. You should do real research instead of just trusting a random picture from facebook

That would be expensive and would exist for no reason

Gravity makes the water curve too, it wants to be level, and for all the water to be as close to the earth as possible

>Bernie Bros. Brigading the Board Because they’re Butthurt over Biden

Just keep shitting the place up, please. Remember, you’re here forever.

You know you can't fly over Antarctica right? Not only would you need a highly specialized plane with a massive amount of warm fuel, you would need to avoid mountains, extreme wind and weather, you would have nowhere to park to resupply and no way of getting rescued if it failed.

>yet weak enough that a dust can fly in the wind.

Are you fucking stupid? What happens when the wind stops moron? Gravity takes effect

Gravity is the force that dictates how everything moves in relation to the spinning if the earth

Helium goes up because it's lighter than air yes, but as soon as the helium is gone the balloon will come back down eventually

It has nothing to do with mass being denser than air, gravity exists in places where there is no air
Space, for example


Flat Earth. A lie too big for most people to comprehended. Constantly suppressing information due to subconscious fear

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OP is based

do you think we're inside a globe-shaped glass ball and the plane of the Earth is suspended toward the midpoint, and we're help up by stone earthen columns and waters of the deep

>Gravity is the force that dictates how everything moves in relation to the spinning if the earth and the gravitational pull of everything else in space


Only it's not an official nasa image and they never claimed it is a picture of the solar system. It is a drawing. The solar system is fucking big, Jupiter looks like a star from earth

Earth is a globe cause sphere is godly ideal form

Who gives a shit either way. If you want to go to school and be a normie you'll have to pretend it's a globe anyway. And if you're not going to be a normie what difference does it make? Who gives a fuck what the earth is. It hardly affects you at all either way.

>Official NASA picture
It's not a captured image you idiot its a drawing

Only there is proof you "woke" fuck. We can create research with a ruler and a tall building next to the ocean. It fucking curves

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>gravity is strong enough to hold oceans to a spinning ball, yet weak enough that a dust can fly in the wind.

Holy shit you retard.

What is: gravity?

Fucking retard
also B8

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First myth: Space is a vacuum
>Space is a near vacuum.
Second Myth: Space is empty
>Space is full of micro shit floating around.

but I literally see things disappear over the curve, maybe those curve calculators are wrong

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samefag thread

I love being awake. These people are deep in the indoctrination since birth. Its up to them to wake up

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Imagine unironically answering to a bait thread

>without a container,
Outer space has a container. It's basically an underwater bubble.

leave then

>show me proof!
*shows proof
>lol nice cgi

Well, at least you're admitting that the moon exists, so that's progress

It really tells you something when Flat earth gets this much attention and hate. Something "so ridiculous and impossible" affecting people this much. Would you all react this way if i said the sky was red?

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But there is a force at play, isn't there?
You can't deny that everything on Earth is pulled towards it. How can you explain the movement of things towards ground, if the force we believe to be responsible for this is a lie?

>Asks to be proven wrong
>Gets proven wrong
>Ignores the replies



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>I posted it again!

Yep. the force is mass denser than air.

cool psyop
nice folklore
quality religion
hip faith

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What is this showing? Not clear what it's trying to reveal..

i love posting reality

A shadow will always be bigger than the object. The sun is bigger than a penny. the shadow will always be bigger. The moons shadow during an eclipse cant be smaller

My Sun Compass, which finds true North not Magnetic North, is based on the Earth being a spinning ball orbiting the Sun. It won't work if the earth is flat but I know from using it that it does. How is that possible?

Stfu dude, you idiots already got one person killed with this stupid shit not even 2 weeks ago, hey maybe you can start a go fund me and launch a bus full of nuns and school children into orbit this time to prove your claims. Do you guys have any shame morals or remorse?, how about dignity or integrity? Do you understand a man is dead because y'all pumped this stupid shit into his head? Then funded his death rocket, anybody that donated to that stupid shit should be held complicit in his death

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what are you talking about user?
what happened

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Eclipses don't black out the entire hemisphere though, nobody ever claimed that

I think boats go under the horizon.

If the vacuum was real it would suck the air right off the planet. Earth has had air for thousands of years.

Youre not understanding sorry

Nope. If you zoom in you can still see them. How do you think lighthouses worked back in the day?

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if you and a thousand other schizos kept spamming that the skys red and making 'evidence' for it
yes. i would call you retarded.